So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1742: Card problem

There is a problem with the 1874th chapter card

"You, you are nonsense!" Klass's face suddenly changed, and his heart suddenly jumped! How can this be? How could Yang Ming know what is missing from this card? but. Yang Ming said it is true, because these two cards are now hidden in the sleeves of Klass!

However, even if Yang Ming is telling the truth, he is not likely to know this! When you are out of your own. Even if Yang Ming is aware of it, it is impossible to see what he is stealing. And one of the plum blossoms is still changing its own card, then Yang Ming has no reason to know!

When I checked the cards before, I didn't steal the cards, so Yang Ming saw the cards that were no problem. So how did Yang Mingqiu know that the two cards were gone?

"Well?" Yang Ming did not care about it: "Is it nonsense? Now I will open the card. Everyone will know it when you look at it! Right?

With the eyes of the dealer, naturally, I can't see the scene of Klass stealing cards, so he is also very confused at the moment. What is Yang Mingyu's competition? When the card was checked before. He is also a card that has never been seen before!

"Hey! Lost and want to pay?" Klass naturally did not want Yang Ming to check the cards, that way.

Don't you have a thousand? Even if you don’t play tricks. This game is also abolished!

According to the regulations, if the card is out of stock or has other problems, the result of the match is invalid. In the international gambling contest, there are similar rules.

This will effectively hit those who have thousands, but even so. In the absence of absolute evidence. No one will come up with such a certainty. Because it is at the gambling level.

Everyone has a thousand, nothing more than a fifty-step laugh.

"Do you know if you are willing to pay the bill, and you will know the rest of the cards?" Yang Ming said faintly.

"Okay, since this gentleman doubts, then check the cards." The dealer did not know that Klass had stolen the cards. He listened to Yang Ming saying that Yang Ming said that he had cheated thousands of things, and naturally he was not happy. Therefore, I also agreed to Yang Ming’s inspection. This can also be a bit innocent.

Klass did not expect the dealer to agree to it, and his face suddenly became a bit gloomy and the eyebrows were locked together. If the card is checked. It is bound to appear the result of Yang Ming’s remarks.

but. Klass’s words have not yet been said, the dealer has put the playing cards in his hand: “Mr. Please check it out!”

The tone of the dealer is not very good. He naturally wants to prove his innocence. Yang Ming’s unreasonable troubles.

"Oh, okay, then we all look together to see where the box five and plum three are. Is there any?" Yang Ming said with a smile.

The dealer has nothing yet. After listening to Yang Ming’s words, I sneered in my heart. Do you know if you don’t see it? but. Next, his face is a little bad. From beginning to end. In addition to the five cards that were sent out before, there is really no box five and plum three.

In other words. Yang Ming said that there is nothing wrong with this card, the two cards are missing! but. Before the dealer also checked the card, is not lacking? Where did the two cards go?

The first idea of ​​the dealer is that there are thousands of people in Yangming and Klass! However, Yang Ming can clearly say which two cards are missing. It seems that it is very clear what is the number of cards that have been stolen. If a thousand people are known as Klass, then Yang Ming can see that there are two fewer cards instead of being able to clearly say the color of the cards. If you judge this way, then Yang Ming is definitely the one who has thousands! Seeing that I have to lose, I deliberately said this, so I can cancel the gambling game of this game, but I push the responsibility to my own dealer!

After all, lost the card, it must be the responsibility of the dealer! So the dealer was a little angry when he thought of it, and then he said coldly: "Sir, how do you know that there is nothing missing in this deck? You are not the one who has thousands of people? You know, our casino is not Welcome thousands of people!"

"Yes? I am out of a thousand?" Yang Ming smiled faintly: "I have never touched a poker card from beginning to end, oh. Right, even the cards on the table, I have never been sent, you sent it. Are you sure I am out?"

"This..." The dealer thought carefully, yes, from beginning to end, Yang Ming’s hands were flat on the table. Hands together. I have never touched a poker card at all. Even his own cards have not been, how did he get a thousand? Is there super power? Is that too much?

"So. Whoever touched the cards, who knows who knows." Yang Ming sneered: "Is it, Mr. Kras?"

"Not me!" The dealer also knew that Yang Ming could not be a thousand at the moment, so a thousand people must be Klass. However, he has already spearheaded Yang Ming. And the evidence is clear that Yang Ming is a thousand. As a result, the suspicion of Klass is much smaller, this time. Let's say that Klas is a thousand words. It’s a bit too boring. It seems that his dog is anxious and biting.

"Take him out!" Although Smith didn't know what was going on, the obvious suspicion of the dealer was a little bigger, and he was not sure if the dealer deliberately helped Yang Ming. So I am angry!

"Mr. Smith. Not me, I didn't have a thousand..." The dealer was shocked. It is estimated that if I go out this time, not only will my work be gone. Still to be punished, he suddenly sweats!

There are some people in his heart who are annoyed. Some people regret that they were affirmed that Yang Ming was a thousand. This was later refuted by Yangming. He can't bite anyone else anymore.

"Don't worry so much! Who is a thousand? Soso does not know about it?" Yang Ming pointed out that the dealer said: "I don't think he is a thousand, do not believe in finding someone to search his body?"

Humph! No need! "Klass sees that Yang Ming obviously wants to make things more complicated, so it is not good for himself. He has to swallow his voice: "There is a problem with this deck of cards. This game is invalid, play again." Let's go! ”

"Let's continue," Smith said, as Klass said. There is no persistence, and the official said: "Be careful next time! Why are you not so careful? Do you know if you have fewer cards?"

The dealer is really crying. But fortunately, I have escaped. Suddenly relieved, "Okay, I will take another deck of cards!" the dealer said. Just pick up the playing cards on the table. Then put it directly into the shredder on the side of the room and destroy the used playing cards.

What Kras thought was. Anyway, I have hidden two cards, and I can change it again later. This time, I will be careful when I check the cards. You can declare it for everyone to see if there are any cards in it. I want to come to Yang Ming after confirming. It is not good to say that there is a problem with the playing cards!

have to say. Klass's small counting card is quite good, but can't do it. I do not know.

"I think it's a change to a manufacturer's poker card. This manufacturer's poker is not very good. There are two fewer cards in this deck, then the next card. No one will have two more? For example, more One box five or plum three? It's hard to say, isn't it? Mr. Klas?" Yang Ming looked at the dealer to get a pair of exactly the same playing cards. So he said.

"How is this possible?" Kras certainly would not think that Yang Ming was casual. He must have seen through his own purposes, and Klass was annoyed. There is no way. I just have to say: "Then change it, this poker manufacturer is really not very good,"

The dealer is also afraid of problems. Then nodded. Changed to another manufacturer's playing cards.

The pattern behind a manufacturer's playing cards is different, so the two cards that Kras had hidden before have no use. This made Claas a little depressed.

Zhang Bin’s heart just fell, from the dialogue between Yang Ming and Klass. He already knew that Yang Ming was gambling for him and his father and Klass. He was moved and deeply worried. He was afraid that Yang Ming would also lose! At that time, isn't it that I am tired of Yang Ming?

Zhang Liberation is also deeply self-blaming, but he is an elder. It’s no longer right. I can only lower my head, but the tension in my heart is no less than Zhang Bin.

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