So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1744: Depressed and wronged

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-four chapters are depressed and wronged

"Do not scare people with good cards," Kras said depressedly, then waved to the dealer: "I want one more."

The dealer nodded and took out a playing card in front of Klass.

Klass’s face suddenly twitched, and I didn’t expect to have such a card! Is a square a! This card can be regarded as a point in Black Jack, or as 11 points, but in the current situation, it can only be used as a point, and if it is eleven, it will burst.

Seventeen plus one point is 18 points. Klass is a bit depressed. This card is not too big, but in the current situation, he is not allowed to continue to ask for cards. There are eighty nine to be exploded!

Now he can only expect Yang Ming's card to be smaller than himself, or Yang Ming will immediately explode after one more.

"Discontinued." Kras said: "Mr. Yang, it’s yours."

"I don't want it." Yang Ming said: "I have said, my card is very good, what else!"

"Well, since both sides have suspended the cards, then open the cards," the dealer said.

Klass and Yang Ming opened their own cards at the same time. When Klass saw that Yang Ming’s card was also 10, his face immediately became pale! Lost by myself, actually lost.

"Oh, Mr. Klass, the contractor." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Of course, you can also think that there is a problem in the playing card, ask for a review."

"Hey!" Krass snorted and there was no problem with the playing cards. He had already seen it before, and he would naturally not find an article in this regard!

Yang Ming has never touched other cards except his own cards. He certainly does not think that Yang Ming did it by stealing and changing cards.

"In this case, one of these two people can go with you." Klass nodded. "Is Mr. Yang continuing to bet on the next round, or will he take one person away?"

Although Klass said so, he also knows that since Yang Ming came, he will definitely not take one person away. If he wants to bring it, he will take it with him. He just wants to run against Yang Ming.

"Go ahead." Yang Ming is not angry, said faintly.

"Yang Ming! Don't bet, let's take Zhang Bin, don't worry about me!" Suddenly Zhang Liberated and spoke, interrupting Yang Ming's words. The emotion of Zhang Jiefang seems to be a little excited: "Yang Ming, Zhang Bin will ask you later!"

For Zhang Jie’s sudden discourse, Yang Ming also understood it very well. Zhang Jiefang saw Yang Ming win a game and Zhang Bin was rescued. He didn’t want Yang Ming to take another risky bet. He was afraid of Yang Ming’s next. The bureau was not so lucky, and then lost Zhang Bin!

What he thinks is that he is already so old. If he dies, he will die. Zhang Bin’s road is still growing. After Zhang Bin has Yang Ming’s care, he can’t mix too badly. Zhang Liberation can be safe. went.

"Zhang Shu, don't be too embarrassed." Yang Ming smiled faintly: "To go back, naturally go back together."

Zhang Jiefang sees that Yang Ming said that he can only shut up. After all, Yang Ming is the person who took the idea. He just suggested it.

"Mr. Yang, can you start?" asked Kras.

"Get started." Yang Ming nodded.

The dealer folded the playing cards on the table, then threw them into the shredder, and re-takes out a deck of cards. The same opening, let everyone check the cards, and then cut the cards and ask: "Who is this time?" first?"

Klass’ eyes were always following the actions of the dealers. Yang Ming did not make any fuss, which made Klass put some heart down. After all, this time he basically wrote down the first few cards in the dealer’s hands. What is it.

Although it is impossible to be so accurate, it is also inseparable. This one, the first to have a card has an absolute advantage! Seeing that Yang Ming is still in a state of carelessness, Klass is a bit disdainful. This guy is a little clever, and he is lucky. If he is careful this time, he will be able to pull back a game.

"Who is this first?" the dealer asked after putting the cards.

"Mr. Yang is still you to talk about it." Klass hesitated for a moment, and thought that Yang Ming would still be good. The previous two times were made by Yang Ming himself. If this time he suddenly said that he was the first, then Yang Ming’s kid What if you suspect? That kid is not a fuel-efficient lamp! So in order to avoid Yang Ming's suspicion, Klas asked again and again.

In his view, the previous two Yang Ming let him come first, this time it is estimated that this is also true.

"Oh, the first time it was invalidated, the second time is your first, then it is my turn to be the first time this time, so it is fairer!" Yang Ming said faintly.

"What?" Klass was dumbfounded after listening to Yang Ming’s words. No way? How did Yang Ming do this? How did you be so modest in the past two times?

What kind of ghost is Yang Ming doing? However, the reason Yang Ming said is normal and impeccable. The first time is not invalid, then the second time is his Klass first card, then this time it is the turn of Yang Mingxian to deal with it is normal!

At this time, if Klass wants to give himself a license, then Yang Ming will definitely be more suspicious, and even doubt his motives. Therefore, Klass is really helpless. I knew this before. I didn’t ask Yang Ming before, but I asked for a license. Although it is not safe, it is stronger than now!

"What's wrong? Mr. Kras?" Yang Ming asked without knowing it.

"Nothing, I used to deal with it beforehand. This time, Mr. Yang took the initiative to ask for a card, which made me somewhat surprised." Krass said.

"Oh, what about the accident?" Yang Ming smiled and said: "Is it still you?"

When Kras heard Yang Ming’s words, he suddenly felt excited about it for a while. He just wanted to say, “That’s good!”, but suddenly stopped the car. If he said this, Yang Ming would doubt it. It is even more impossible to let yourself go first.

So Klass hesitated and said: "I don't care, Mr. Yang said."

"Oh, then it is still... I will first." Yang Ming said to the dealer: "Get started."

"..." Klass’s heart was almost seven and eight, and almost no heart fell off. He heard Yang Ming say, "That still...", he thought Yang Ming wanted to say "That is still you first... ...", the result Yang Ming said is "that is still me first..."!

Fucking, I knew this, I am a bitter, I will say "Oh, okay, I will first". Why bother? It’s true that I was afraid of the tiger before I was afraid of the wolf, and I was even more embarrassed.

Klass depressed two, missed two opportunities, and made his heart grievous.

However, now that depression and grievances are useless, they can only do their best to fight this game. I hope that Yang Ming can make a mistake, explode or not.

Before Klass had already been optimistic, the first person to be a card, the card is a plum eight, the card is a box of ten, so it adds up to eighteen points, which is relatively large, but not a big card.

In the case of this type of card, Yang Ming’s words are a red heart a, which adds up to 19 points. If you want one more, it is a square a, which is twenty points. If you want one more, it is a plum. Seven, it will definitely burst.

Therefore, he prayed that Yang Ming should not go on all the time. In this way, his own card is box nine, and the card is eight and seventeen. If Yang Ming does not want to, he will even have two a, which will become nineteen points in one fell swoop, more than Yang Ming’s eighteen points.

"Sir, do you want a card?" The dealer asked Yang Mingdao.

"Oh, let me see!" Yang Ming glanced at his own card and said: "Oh, some are difficult! I want it, or not?"

Klass was nervous by Yang Ming’s words. He was almost dying. This is the most depressing gamble since he debuted. The heart followed Yang Ming’s seven ups and downs. This kid is too capable to play!

"Oh, this is the last one. Mr. Yang doesn't want to give up before?" Klass seems to kindly hint at Yang Ming's sentence, but also to indicate him. If you are ready, don't take risks, be safe and sound. After all, it’s already 18 o'clock, and if you want it again, it's very likely that it will burst.

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