So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1745: Lost again

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-five chapters lost again.

"Oh, you are right!" Yang Ming listened to Klass's words and thought he nodded. "Oh." Claston was full of enthusiasm, and that Yang Ming meant not to be a card? Doesn't that have to win? Wow, hahahaha! Yang Ming, Yang Ming, fight with me, you are still too tender! Although this is not good for me, but in the end I successfully reversed the situation, I am the big winner! Wow Kaka, great!

"This is the last one. I don't want to give up, so I am sure! I want another one!" Yang Ming finished, grateful to Klass.

"Ah?" Klass' mouth was wide, and his eyes were wide. Need another one? Didn't you get it wrong? Didn't he decide? Shouldn't it be right, how can I still have one more? "I used to think about the cards on my hand, so I didn't want it, but I was told by you that I was thinking about it. The last one, then I have to blog, or before. Yang Ming said in a serious way: "This is also a bigger face..." Klass cried after listening to Yang Ming’s words. Does it seem that the words of the self have played a counter-productive role? Yang Ming did not intend to continue to ask for cards, but his own words made him change his mind? "Fuck, what's this?" Isn't this a playman? How long is this Yang Ming’s head, is it really stupid or fake? How is your mouth so embarrassing? Will you close your mouth and die? I have to say so many more words!

In fact, what Kras did not know was that he did not say that this sentence was completely useless. Yang Ming deliberately wanted to fix him and let him feel so uncomfortable. If he did not speak, Yang Ming would say He intended to ask for another blog. In that case, Klass would be equally depressed, hate how he would not have more words, and advise Yang Ming.

Yang Ming wants this effect, let this guy have a bad stomach, not who you are! "Oh." Klass's face is very bad, but there is no way to put it in front of his eyes. "It’s a foregone conclusion that you have lost. It’s impossible to change. Then, if you gamble, there is basically no intention." Everything is boring, but I think about it. "If you can fool Yang Ming and continue to ask for cards, then continue to go." Then let him burst, can't you do it? Think of it, Klass has restored some confidence, hard work. Yang Ming smiled:

"Yeah," but your card is not big. Should it be used as a point? ”

"Yeah." Yang Ming did not hide, nodded. In fact, this is also abducted, Yang Ming's clear card is a box of ten, no matter what the card is, his board is already greater than ten points, so this red heart a must be used as a point.

"So I think, if that's the case, you might as well be hot and ask for another one," Kras said.

"Oh, you are right." Yang Ming nodded. "Then I am going to have one! Dealer, deal."

The dealer gave Yang Ming a card and it was a square. "Hey?" Yang Ming pretended to look at the card in front of him: "How is it a?" When I saw my own traitor, Klass was very excited. It seems that Yang Ming is really a flicker. When he said this, he just took a letter and asked for another one.

"Hah, it seems that Mr. Yang has a good luck!" Kras smiled. "So, do you still want cards?" The meaning of Klass is already obvious, that is, you are lucky, and naturally continue. Going on.

"Yeah, Mr. Kras, you are right, my luck is very good!" Yang Ming nodded and thought it was true.

Klas listened to Yang Ming's words. "There was a satisfied smile on his face, but Yang Ming's next words made him cry too late! Just listen to Yang Ming and continue to say: "Thank you for your wake-up" Luck can't always go well, so I decided, I don't want it."

Klass is going crazy, is this Yang Ming’s understanding ability a problem? The words he said are already very clear. Can he not understand? It’s also before, now, it seems that “I can’t say some suggestive words in front of him.” Yang’s wisdom is problematic, he can’t understand the hints, and he can only understand what he can say!

Of course, Klass is nothing but an evil belly. "Never" he naturally does not really have a problem for Yang Zhiming's problem or poor understanding. Otherwise, the boss behind him can't spend such a big deal to deal with Yang Ming.

In his view, "the estimation is because Yang Ming is Chinese, although English is very good, but if it is not very clear, it is not so understandable."

Before Klass didn't think so much, since the thought was on the gambling table, the dealer and Smith certainly couldn't understand Chinese, so Klas chose to speak English. Now it seems that "it is still necessary to speak Chinese with Yang Ming!"

"You don't think about it anymore?" Klass didn't give up.

"Discontinued." Yang Ming smiled and said to the dealer.

"Sir, do you want a card?" The dealer nodded and asked Klass.

Klass knows what the next card is. If he wants it, it will inevitably explode. Do you want to have no meaning at all? Some hate said: "No, stop!"

"That's good, please open the cards on both sides." The dealer said after listening to Klass. Seeing Yang Ming’s card, Klass said with some frustration and unspeakable: “I lost.”

"Oh, this way, is my friend going to ***?" Yang Mingxiao asked.

"This is the case." Klass was very depressed. His abacus was supposed to be good, but he did not expect that Yang Ming actually won two consecutive games, and suddenly reversed the situation.

It seems that I am thinking about forcibly leaving Yang Ming?

"Mr. Yang, these two games, you are going to gamble on behalf of your two friends. Now that we are both equal, is it fair to gamble again?" Klass pretended to be gambling, some The disturbance is not exhaustive.

"Oh, this way?" Yang Mingyi looked at Klass with interest, it seems that this kid is really not dying!

"The boss does not gamble with him!" Zhang Bin saw that Yang Ming did not directly refuse, and then he was anxious, and finally got a good situation, so don't lose back!

Zhang Liberation is also a moment of urgency! But Zhang Bin’s words already mean what he meant, and he didn’t say anything.

When I saw Zhang Bin’s troubles, Klas frowned. I knew that I had sealed the mouths of the two of them with tape before, and they made a mess.

"Mr. Yang, what is your intention?" Klass pretended not to hear Zhang Bin's words and continued to ask.

Yang Ming made a quiet gesture to Zhang Bin, then smiled and said to Klass: "Your proposal is very good. But what do we gamble this time? The bet in your hand has already lost to me. ”

"Oh, I said, I like this person to stimulate and take risks!" Kras smiled: "Of course it is a gamble!"

"Gambling? You gamble with me on your life? Whose life do I use? Use them both?" Yang Ming pointed to Zhang Bin and Zhang Jiefang.

"Ah, Mr. Yang, wouldn't you take your friends to take risks again?" Krass stunned, and did not expect Yang Ming to say so! His original meaning is to let Yang Ming gamble with his own life!

"Just kidding." Yang Ming said faintly: "Well, since you like to gamble, then we will gamble!"

"En" seems that Mr. Yang is also a gambling person! "Klass heard Yang Ming agree, and he was very happy." He has already thought about it. This time, he has to take the lead in any case. Even if you don't want to face, you must choose the card first or later!

"Oh." Yang Ming smiled and did not answer.

"Mr. Yang, what are we playing this time? Or are you playing Black Jack?" asked Kras.

"Oh, let's change the way we play this time." Yang Ming said, and he stood up and walked over to Smith. "When everyone is confused and doesn't know what Yang Ming is going to do, Yang Ming has more hands." The first hand grabbed it.

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