So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1754: What are you looking for

What are you looking for in the first thousand seven hundred and fifty-four?

"Is this kid's tone so great?" Govesic listened to Button's words, but he didn't care, because Smith had already said something similar when he reported to him, so he heard it for the second time. Visick is somewhat accustomed to it.

As for the reasons that were bad for Barton, Kovisik did not think much, and there was no doubt.

"Yeah, that's what he said! I told me not to take care of me, otherwise he would be rude to me!" Batton said with a wry smile: "Mr. Govisik, you know, I am doing hotel business. Naturally, it is not very strong. I don’t dare to offend such people!"

"Well, I know, if that's the case, then you don't care, I will pack him!" Govisic said.

"Okay, I am afraid that he will find me trouble, and he will change to the luxurious VIP room on the top floor. After you come, you can go to him!" Button said: "He is in the first room."

"Well, I know." Gowsic was funny inside, and this is too soft for Barton? In a few words, I was scared into this. Not only did I dare not do anything, but I also changed people to the best private rooms.

"That's good, I won't intervene in this matter." Batton showed his attitude.

Govsic’s mind is to let you not intervene. Since you have no problem with your hotel, I can safely and boldly do things!

Hanging up the phone, Govesik dialed the phone to break the head to help the boss "broken wolf". This "broken wolf" is just a nickname. He is an Indian. He is usually responsible for the daily affairs of the decapitation. It is actually the spokesperson of Govisik.

"Decapitation wolf, you send someone right now, go to the Douglas Grand Hotel, and bring Yang Ming back to me!" Govesik said. In his opinion, this matter is simply a hand.

"Yes, Mr. Govisik!" The Broken Wolf is extremely respectful to Govisik. Although the Broken Head has a gray income, as an emerging gang, constantly recruiting, what is the gray income? Use it? Even the usual expenses are not enough. If it was not the support of Govisik, it was already annexed by other gangs.

Being able to sit on the head of a fast-growing gang, the broken-headed wolf is still very excited. He feels that he must do everything Kogovek has told him to win the support and trust of Govisik. Keep doing it in this position.

Upon receiving the order of Govisik, the Broken Wolf ordered his own confidant Mike to take ten men and take two commercial vehicles, thinking of the Douglas Hotel.

In his view, it is very difficult to catch a personal matter, and it is very difficult to send Mike. Mike is his own confidant and has a very good position in the gang. He is a small captain under him.

The black suit and white gloves are all clear, and the money for the broken-head help is sufficient, and Govisik pays more attention to these external things, so these men’s dresses are comparable to those of the world-class big gangs.

The car stopped at the door of the Douglas Hotel, and Mike was dressed in casual clothes, followed by ten big-eyed men into the hotel lobby.

Before Batton finished the call, he went downstairs and stood in the lobby of the hotel waiting for the arrival of Govisik. He saw a young man in a casual outfit walking in with ten big men, Batton’s The look suddenly tightened.

This Mike, he knew, was a confidant who broke his head to help the boss's broken-headed wolf. At a reception, Batton had seen him.

"Mr. Mike, are you here?" Batton immediately greeted him.

"Well, the boss told me to arrest people, and I hope Mr. Batton forgive me." Although Mike said a polite word, his expression was still very cold.

"It doesn't matter, I have said that I don't intervene in this matter." Button didn't care. After all, these people are not good people, and they have any attitude.

"Where is the person?" Mike asked.

“It’s on the top floor of the hotel, the first private room.” Button said: “The elevator from there can go up.”

"Well, I know, there is nothing wrong with you here." Mike waved his hand and walked into the elevator.

Looking at the slowly rising elevator, Batton sighed with relief, and quickly picked up the inside line of the front desk and dialed the number in the room of Yang Ming.

"Hey? Mr. Yang? I am Batton. The people of Govisik are here. They are the ones who have broken their heads. A person named Mike has brought the team and brought him a hand!" Batton told Yang Minghui. .

"Well, I know, thank you." Yang Ming said faintly.

After that, Yang Ming hung up the phone of Batton and dialed the phone in the third room where Jinniu was located.

"Golden Bull, it is me." Jinniu did not speak after picking up the phone, so Yang Ming first spoke.

"Hello leader!" Jinniu immediately answered, he has always kept a cautious attitude outside the door, so the same is true when answering the phone, and will not speak out without knowing the identity of the other party.

"I will come up ten times in a while... Well, eleven people, you have to deal with it, and then you will see me with the lead." Yang Ming told the Jinniu.

"Yes, the leader!" After Jin Niu took the lead, he went to the door of the room and looked at the movement in the corridor outside through the cat's eyes on the door.

Not too long, I heard the sound of the elevator opening the door, followed by a footstep, and Taurus saw a young man in casual clothes coming to the side with a few black men.

Jinniu opened his room and went out.

For the Taurus suddenly came out of the No. 3 room, Mike also stunned. He had already seen Yang Ming’s photos before, and he also knew that Yang Ming was in the first room, so the people who came out of the three rooms were definitely not Yang Ming.

But Mike still asked, "What are you doing?"

Jinniu smiled. He had not asked him yet, but he asked himself.

"I am here to wait for you here." Taurus said faintly.

"Well?" Mike stunned, and then felt that something was wrong, frowning, and made a decision, no matter what the person is doing, first control and then say. Then waved his hand: "Catch him first!"

The ten black men were led and came to Jinniu.

Jinniu smiled coldly, and these guys dared to take the initiative to do it themselves? Jinniu is also welcome, his body shape moves instantly, and he does not know when he has a bright dagger, and quickly shuttles back and forth among these big Hans.

In a blink of an eye, several big men were wiped their necks and fell straight on the ground. Before Yang Ming’s words have been made very clear, let yourself deal with the people, leaving only the leader.

Since it is disposed of, leaving only the leader, that means that everyone else has been killed. Therefore, Jinniu did not show mercy when he shot, leaving Mike alone.

These big men all have pistols on them, but before Mike let them control the Taurus, in their opinion, there is only one person in the Taurus, and ten people on their own side, they can catch the Taurus without a gun.

The tragedy is that they have been killed by the Taurus without even having to touch the gun.

"You...who are you? What are you doing?" Mike's face suddenly changed. He didn't see the dead. When he took his hand to grab the ground, he saw more than a few times the **** scene. However, he has never seen a person who can kill ten people in an instant, and it is unharmed!

But Mike is not a fool. Although he is afraid, when he is talking, Mike's hand is still quietly touching his waist, ready to shoot the gun quickly! In his opinion, even if this man is more powerful, isn’t it an opponent of a pistol?

However, the next moment, Mike's face became more ugly and pale! Because, when he touched his waist, he did not touch the pistol!

What about your own pistol? Is it not brought? No, I have checked it before I set out, no problem! Is it the way to the car that fell on the road?

When Mike didn't have a gun, he lost his life-saving card and the cold sweat on his forehead fell.

"What are you looking for?" Jinniu asked Mike.

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