So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1755: Let you pass the message

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-five chapters let you talk

"I..." Mike naturally wouldn't say he was looking for a gun, but if he saw the smiling man in front of him, Mike really didn't dare to answer his question! This is a personal devil in the blink of an eye!

"Are you looking for this?" Taurus raised his right hand. Suddenly, he had a pistol on his right hand.

Mike was shocked, but after a closer look, the pistol in Taurus’ hand was the pistol that he lost! I don't know when the pistol has already reached the hands of Taurus!

Suddenly, Mike's face became more ugly and his face became even more pale! He knew very well, that is to say, Taurus had not approached him before, and he took his pistol, but he himself did not notice it!

If Taurus wants to kill him, he is the same as his other men who fell to the ground and turned into a dead body.

"When I just dealt with them, I took it with me." Jinniu looked at Mike and said, very pretentiously.

This is what he and Yang Ming learned. This is also one of Yang Ming's usual tricks. Jinniu heard it from Wang Xiaoyu and felt very handsome, so he began to imitate it. His goal is to become a master like Yang Ming one day, so Jinniu has been imitating Yang Ming's tone and style of doing things.

The cold sweat on Mike's head is much more. He doesn't know how he has provoked such a person. Isn't he asking him a word? As for killing your own hands? He has forgotten that he had ordered his men to control the Taurus.

However, even if he does not ask this sentence, Taurus will not let him go, so Mike is thinking more.

"You...what are you doing?" Mike is a little scared now. Although he is a gangster, he is not a desperate, and he is afraid of death!

He is now mixed up in the wind and is getting the trust of the broken wolf. If he is dead, nothing will happen. Who will remember his character when he arrives? Those who have their own will also have a good person to top their own position, and they will become a history, and they will be forgotten as time goes by.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you now." Jinniu looked at Mike dismissively and said, "I want to show you the leader."

"Your leader..." Mike is not stupid. Jinniu said that he will not kill him now, but it does not mean that he will not kill him for a while. What makes him even more terrifying is that this Taurus does not seem to be a leader. But a person who does things?

He is already so good, what kind of person is his leader? Mike's guilty conscience, knowing this before, he is not stupid self-recommendation to carry out this task of arresting people!

I thought that it would be a simple matter to catch a foreigner back. I sent ten big men to the station in front of the person. The man was not scared and immediately squirmed!

As a result, one of his ten great men stood in front of the people's hands, and he did not wait to stand up and say something. He was lying on the ground and did not know how to live and die.

Then even the face of the person to be arrested has not seen it... Mike really wants to cry, he is really unlucky, so active and fart!

"You will see it later!" Jinniu's words are not much, the tone is still very cold. Thinking of the relationship between Yang Ming and the hotel, Jinniu also understands that the elevator on the top floor of the building is estimated to have been locked up at the moment, and it is impossible to go up, so Jinniu does not worry that these bodies in the corridor will be discovered.

When Jinniu talked, he picked up Mike and walked to the first room.

The movement in the corridor did not cause Zhang Bin’s second room to pay attention. After all, Jinniu’s movements were very fast, and the noise was very small. At this moment, Zhang Bin, Zhang Jiefang and Wang Mei are returning safely this time, and they will not pay attention. Things to the corridor.

Mike was squatting like a chicken, and came to the door of the first room. Jinniu knocked on the door, and soon the door was opened. Mike finally saw that he was going to catch this time. Lord Yang Ming.

After Yang Ming opened the door, he turned into the room. Jinniu walked behind Mike, then went to the center of the room and threw the Mike on the ground.

"Big brother, I didn't mean it. I was just a small boy. I am a small character. All of this is arranged by our boss's broken-head wolf. He told me to arrest people. I have to catch it! You should not vent your anger. I am, I am also involuntarily!" Mike has already figured out this moment, except for pleading for mercy, there is no other way, not to say that this Yang Ming is not terribly powerful, just his men, he will die Now, one person instantly kills ten people. What speed is this?

Anyway, the hero does not eat the loss before the eyes, he can't do it, and if he doesn't ask for mercy, that is a fool. It’s not too late for a gentleman to revenge. When he is alive, go back and make plans. If there are no more lives, what else is there?

Therefore, Mike also gave up his dignity. Regardless of the image, he picked up his head in the middle of the house. Anyway, the image and dignity counted as a fart. Mike seems to have any dignity and image if he died. If you don't die, the rest are clouds.

"Let him get up, don't dirty my carpet." Yang Ming waved his hand to Jinniu. Yang Ming didn't want to get blood on the carpet. Although it was not his own carpet, it was not alive.

"Yes!" Jinniu gave a cry, and he gave Mike a slap: "The leader didn't let you hoe, you honestly gave me a stay!"

"Ah! Yes!" Mike did not think that his gimmicks had caused resentment from others, and he quickly decided to set his body and said carefully.

"Oh, you don't want to do this useless here." Yang Ming frowned, and looked at Mike with some disdain: "I won't kill you."

"Ah? Thank you! Thank you!" Mike was surprised and quickly rejoiced.

"What about the people he brought?" Yang Ming did not pay attention to Mike, but asked Jinniu.

"It has been disposed of," said Jinniu.

"Good." Yang Ming nodded, then said to Mike: "You get these bodies back, telling you what the gang is going to break the wolf, let him tell Govesik, there are still 18 hours left."

"Yes, yes, I must tell you!" Although Mike didn't know what Yang Ming meant, Yang Ming now obviously wants to let him live a life. He certainly refuses to agree! Anyway, as long as you don't die, let him do what he does!

"Well, Taurus, you find some bags, put the body up, let him find a car to pull away." Yang Ming said to Jinniu.

"Okay, the leader!" Jinniu mentioned Mike, directly grabbed him again, went out of Yang Ming's room, and threw him to the door: "Where I am waiting for me, I am going to find a bag."

"Yes, yes!" Mike nodded quickly and saw that Taurus really went far. He entered the elevator. Mike's heart was a little more active. Jinniu was gone. Yang Ming didn't stare at it. He could run away, run or still. Don't run?

The current situation is very suitable for escape, but Taurus has some hesitation! Just listening to Yang Ming’s meaning is obviously to let oneself live a life, and even if he does not run away, he will not die. However, in case of escape, being arrested, let Yang Ming and Jinniu have any other ideas, and then change their mind, then it is self-defeating.

So in order to avoid extra-budgets, Mike decided not to run.

After all, Yang Ming said that he had let go of himself, and that must have passed. Yang Ming has no need to lie to him. He wants to kill him. It is also a matter of raising his hand. What is the use of this insignificant little person?

After thinking about this, Mike waited there with peace of mind, and it was not bad for a while. Anyway, these dead people were carried back, and they were also loyal to their own loyalty. They did not abandon their companions, and they also gave an explanation to the broken wolf. .

After a while, Jinniu came back with a few preparation bags. After seeing Mike’s peace waiting there, Jinniu was satisfied, threw the preparation bag in his hand, and said: “I put their bodies in their own clothes. Put it."

"Yes, yes!" Mike took the bag and started to install it. Anyway, no matter what else, if he couldn't get in, he would fold it. He would take him for three or seventy-one.

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