So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1756: Happy and depressed

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-six chapters are happy and depressed

I have to say that Mike's action is still very arrogant, and he quickly got it all done, then wiped the sweat on his forehead and smiled at the golden cow: "Big brother, I have already installed it, what should I do now? ?"

"Oh, install it, just move on, I will help you to install it in the elevator. After you go down, you are responsible for carrying it!" said Jinniu.

"Okay, okay!" Mike nodded.

"I take six, you take four, no problem?" Jinniu looked at Mike and told him.

" problem!" Mike was shocked. He saw Jinniu pick up three bags in one hand and walked to the elevator with both hands. Mike couldn't help but scream. This person doesn't look so strong, how can it be so? Strength? It’s too fierce, no wonder it’s like licking a chicken.

Mike didn't have the strength of the Taurus, dragging a bag in one hand, and it was very laborious. As for picking up the bag, it was simply impossible.

"I... I will go and move again!" Looking at Taurus and dropping his bag and looking at himself, Mike said quickly.

"No, you wait for the elevator." Jinniu turned and walked back, picked up the two bags in one hand, and quickly walked back: "I will hold the elevator door for a while, don't let the door close!"

"Okay, okay!" Mike replied quickly.

The elevator slowly rises and the elevator door opens. At the top of the hotel, there are no other guests except Yang Ming, so no one else will come up.

After the elevator door opened, Jinniu asked Mike to hold the elevator door. Then he threw all the woven bags into the elevator three times and five, and let Mike stand in the elevator door, and the elevator door was slowly closed.

After doing all this, Jinniu went back to Yang Ming and went back to life.

And Mike, it is a breath, "Call, it’s scary! I almost died here. Who is this, how is it so fierce?"

The elevator stopped several times in the middle, and some people wanted to go up the stairs. But when they saw that the elevators were all "goods," they didn't go up, but they waited for another elevator. Anyway, there was more than one elevator in the hotel. There are several other ones.

“Hey!” The elevator stopped at the first floor, and the elevator door slowly opened. Mike looked around and looked at the elevator carefully.

Button waited anxiously downstairs. Yang Ming didn't ask him to participate. He didn't dare to go up, but after Mike took ten big men, Barton was very worried, afraid that Yang Ming would do something.

At this time, when the elevator door was opened, Mike ran out of the sneaky inside. Button suddenly felt a tight heart. Did he have already arrested Yang Ming? So cautious, because I am afraid that others will see his behavior?

However, next, Mike's behavior has somewhat surprised Butterton. I saw Mike looked down and went back to the elevator. Then I pulled two braided silk bags from the inside and blocked the two bags from the left and right. It might be the door to prevent the elevator. Closed, and then pulled out two braided silk bags from the elevator, dragged the bag, and walked to the hotel entrance.

Button is wondering, what is Mike doing? What is dragging in his hand? Thinking of this, Batton decided to go up and ask, after all, this is in his own hotel, ask yourself, if you want to come to Mike, you will not give up the face.

"Mr. Mike, what is in your hand wrapped in a woven silk bag? Don't you help me?" Barton greeted the past.

"Ah--Mr. Batton?" McDonald was a little embarrassed and laughed twice: "No, I just carried it inside the car!"

"Then I will help you." Batton said, and he also pulled two braided silk bags from the elevator. But when the bag started, Batton’s face changed immediately, and he felt vaguely in the braided silk bag. What is loaded!

When I saw Patton's help, Mike didn't stop it. After all, this happened in the hotel in Button. I saw it with ten hands and I saw it. Now I dragged ten bags and walked. How is this? I have to explain it.

"Mr. Batton, don't hesitate to say... this time I planted it!" Mike did not hide: "The one in the braided silk bag is my ten men!"

"Ah?" Although he vaguely guessed what was inside the braided silk bag, but when he heard Mike say that his ten men were all hanged, Batton was surprised for a while! This - is this done by Yang Ming?

"Yang Ming, the kid, is very handy! One of his men is even more powerful! I have to stay with him because he is a microphone. Otherwise, I am..." Mike did not go down. To Button continued: "Mr. Batton, I advise you a word, you must not provoke the kid again, don't bring trouble to you again! The rest of the things, let my boss solve Let's go!"

Mike regarded Battton as his accomplice, so he was afraid that Yang Ming would be angry with Batton and say hello to him in advance.

"Ah? So powerful? Then I seem to be careful!" But although Barton’s mouth said so, he was secretly saying that it seems that the owner said yes, this matter does not need to intervene, Yang Ming can solve it. !

All the braided silk bags were carried to Mike's commercial vehicle, and Batton returned to the hotel lobby. Although they have been carrying it for a long time, but in the eyes of others, they may be carrying goods or not, but no one is suspicious.

Mike drove away quickly, and Batton called the room in Yang Ming for the first time.

"Mr. Yang, I am Batton. You have nothing to do with it?" Although Batton has already learned from Mike's mouth that Yang Ming can't do anything.

"I'm fine, Mike left?" Yang Ming was funny, and Batton apparently saw Mike carrying the body.

"Yes, those woven bags I also helped him get a few!" Batton said: "Don't worry, Mr. Yang, no one else is involved!"

"Oh, I know, you are busy, there is something to contact." Yang Ming did not say anything after listening, said faintly.

"Okay, Mr. Yang." Batton breathed a sigh of relief and knew that he had a good relationship with Yang Ming. After calling Yang Ming, Batton decided to call Keck again to report the situation here.

Although Keck did not let him report at all times, he felt that this was a big deal. He had to talk to Keck and he could show his respect for Keck.

Sure enough, after listening to Battton’s report, Keck praised him a few words and then let him continue to pay attention to the development of the situation.

"How is it?" Keck just hung up, and the elders around him rushed to ask.

"I went to eleven, and I died ten. The team leader was put back as a microphone," Keck said.

"Haha, the Nancheng family is also stupid enough. Mr. Yang Ming is a crime he can offend? You should die!" said the elder who had contradictions with the Nancheng family.

"It’s true, it’s really awkward. I’m going to see this Nancheng family. It’s not good, but it’s not good, but it’s the reason for the sudden death of the Lancer family!” Others have also echoed. After all, the Lancer family has nothing to do with them, and now they can just come up and say things.

Keck looked at the scene and smiled a little. As he became more familiar with Yang Ming, his family’s status became more and more secure.

On the way back to the broken head, Mike originally wanted to call the boss's broken wolf to report it, but it was better to report it in person, so Mike went all the way back to the headquarters of the broken head.

The car was parked in the underground parking lot of the company, and it was rushed to the office of the boss's broken wolf, and the door was knocked.

"Who? How do you knock on the door?" The broken wolf had some uncomfortable drink and asked, just want to say that the door is not locked, come in directly, and see Mike slammed into the crash.

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