So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1757: Comrade

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-seven chapters of the war

"Boss, boss, not good!" Mike rushed in and shouted.

"What are you going to do? What can't you say?" The broken wolf frowned. "Even if you take someone back, you won't be invited to do so!"

In the eyes of the Broken Wolf, Mike must have arrested people and came back to himself! In his view, Mike is his own confidant, and he definitely wants to raise a position in the gang, but the promotion must also be done by the head. Mike must be the one who wants to invite the work and then let himself Take the opportunity to promote him.

However, the Broken Wolf feels that it is not a big deal to take someone to the hotel to catch a foreigner. This is too simple. Anyone who can send it can complete it. What can be invited?

Then I broke my head and looked at Mike: "I know your mind! You are my confidant. If there is a chance, I will definitely promote you, but you don't have to worry so much. This is what you are, not what you are." Great credit, I promoted you, others will definitely have opinions!"

"No, boss..." Mike was stunned by the words of the broken wolf. He didn't know what to say, and shook his head.

"Well, what is it, people are arrested? Closed up and optimistic, I will call the boss to resume life!" The broken wolf waved his hand and interrupted Mike's words.

"No, boss!" Mike was a little anxious.

"Do not let you say anything, how do you still say? I call the boss first, what are the thoughts, I will call you after the call!" The broken wolf was somewhat impatient to stop the road.

"Boss, you listen to me! I really have important things to report! It’s a big deal!" Mike couldn’t care too much. He rushed over and took the phone that had just been picked up in the wolf’s hands and put it back in the original. Bit.

"I said what happened to your kid? What's the end of it?" The broken wolf suddenly blinked: "If you are my confidant, you can't be without rules, no big, no small? You give me Rules are a little bit, no longer honest, nothing will be done with you next time!"

Mike complained in his heart, even if you told me to go back next time, I would not go anymore, it was terrible, too scary, and almost died! It’s not enough to have this time, who dares to go again?

"Boss, I really dare not go next time! It’s terrible!" Mike said quickly.

"Well? What do you mean? What the **** is going on?" The broken wolf just heard something that was not right, frowned, and put down the phone on hand: "Mike, no, your action failed. Already?"

"It’s just a failure, it’s just a failure!" Mike smiled bitterly: "Boss, I brought ten men, and I came back as a living person, and the rest are dead bodies!"

"What! You mean, everyone else is dead? How is this possible?" The broken wolf was shocked and looked at Mike incredulously.

"Boss, do you think I am a casual nonsense person? The corpses of those people are placed in the car downstairs. They are all packed with braided silk bags..." Mike said with some fear: "Boss, you I don't know, Yang Ming has a man, it is super powerful, the body is so moving, our ten brothers are wiped by his neck, and my pistol is also given to me without any notice. !"

"What are you talking about?" The broken wolf did not think of such a simple task, actually planted it, it seems that Yang Ming's men are not simple? !

"This kind of thing, how can you just kidding!" Mike nodded.

"Mom! This time is a light enemy!" The broken wolf frowned. "No wonder the boss must explain that I must do it well. It seems that this person is not simple!"

"Yeah..." Mike quickly joined the road. This time he led the team and was completely annihilated. Although he said that the other person is too powerful, he can't have any responsibility at all, so he is so attached and wants to let himself The responsibility has become the lowest.

"Well?" The broken wolf suddenly thought of another thing, his face changed, and Sen said to Mike: "They are all dead? Why are you living back well? Are you still hurting?"

"Boss, I was put back as a microphone and a corpse porter!" Mike stunned and immediately understood the meaning of the broken wolf. He was suspicious of himself, so he quickly smiled and explained: "The people simply disdain." Kill me, just let me pass a message, let the owner of the Nancheng family, go to see him within 24 hours, otherwise the consequences will be conceited!"

The broken-headed wolf frowned, and Mike explained this. He also believed. After all, it was only a sudden suspicion. Mike was his confidant after all, and he had no reason to suspect Mike’s infidelity.

What's more, this foreigner named Yang Ming is the order of the temporary boss to arrest him. It is impossible to have an intersection with Mike before. It is impossible for two people to have any connection.

"Hey, the tone is very arrogant!" The broken wolf is very disdainful to Yang Ming's tone, even if his men can play very well, then what? I have lost ten of my men this time, and I can’t represent anything. I can only show that I am underestimating myself.

"Yeah, boss, you don't know how much I am shameful today, kneeling on the ground and giving him a gimmick, he still dismissive!" Mike also resentfully said, "Boss, you must give him some color to see!"

"Well, you don't have to worry about this matter, give it to me!" The broken wolf snorted and said: "You go to settle the dead brother's good life, and give more to the funeral expenses in the house. These things are handed over to you!"

"Yes! Boss, I will handle it!" Mike didn't need him to continue to manage Yang Ming's affairs, and suddenly he was overjoyed! Moreover, he is also responsible for the settlement work of the families of the dead brothers. This is a good errand for the buyers to save their hearts!

Anyway, it is all the money in the gang, but when everyone sees it is their own good, Mike is naturally very pleased.

After Mike went out, the broken-headed wolf turned to the phone number of the boss Govisik.

"What about the broken wolf? Is everything done?" Govisic took the phone call from the broken wolf.

"Boss, something went wrong!" the broken wolf said carefully.

"There was a problem? What problem?" Govesik asked, a glimpse.

"Boss, this time I sent eleven brethren to arrest people. As a result, there was only one person who came back alive. The ten were broken there!" The broken wolf said: "The Yang Ming has a very good man." Almost one shot is a spike..."

"What!" Govesik heard the report of the broken wolf and suddenly stood up from the office chair and exclaimed: "How is it possible? Is this guy so powerful?"

"Boss, I used to be a light enemy. I didn't expect the other party to have a hard hand." The broken wolf first admits: "But even then, that Yang Ming is arrogant. He told me the man who came back alive and told you to let You inform the owner of the Nancheng family to see him within 24 hours, otherwise, at your own risk!"

"Hey!" Govesik listened to the words of the broken wolf and snorted. This sentence was not the first time he heard it. He also heard it from Smith and Batton. He did not expect the broken wolf to take it. This sentence came over, sneer in my heart, this Yang Ming is too big, right? Is it so sure? Isn't it just holding a hand that can be beaten? How can I play again? You can't beat the guns!

"Boss... You see..." The broken wolf didn't know what Govesik thought. He only heard him snoring, and he was a little embarrassed. He quickly asked.

"In this way, you asked someone to send him a gauntlet to go to the headquarters where Yang Ming took his hand down to help!" Govisic thought and said: "Since his men can play, When we sent people to the hotel to find him, they were somewhat disadvantaged! After all, the Douglas Hotel is the site of others. We can't go too many people, we must also take into account the social impact, and we can't go to an elevator. If a batch of *** drops a batch, then it will be worth the loss!"

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