So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1758: Go after eating

The first thousand seven hundred and fifty-eight chapters go after eating.

"This idea is quite good, let the kid on the gang to die at the headquarters!" It is a good idea to hear the broken wolf, to avoid unnecessary casualties, and, when he arrives at the headquarters, even his people Can play, but also white, the headquarters is his own site, how do he want to engage him, how can he engage him, he only has to die!

"The next thing, I don't need to teach you? Let him get to the headquarters, don't talk to him about the rules, go straight up and tie him up and say it!" Govesik said.

"Boss, I understand!" replied the broken wolf. However, he thought about it and thought of a key question: "Boss, what if Yang Ming does not come? He is not stupid, let him come to the headquarters, he is to bring more powerful people, not ours. Opponent!"

"Well... you are right in this worry, but it is not necessary!" Govesik smiled.

"How is it unnecessary?"

"You think about it, since this Yang Ming is so conceited, let the owner come to see him in twenty-four hours, and then he is self-sufficient, which means that he is a very proud and confident person. If this is the case, he will not be able to escape!" Ke said: "And, you can say this to him, you said, my homeowner, please do not move, if you want to see the owner, you will come to the headquarters of the decapitation! This way, to estimate the person who is so arrogant, Definitely go to the headquarters of the broken head!"

"Yeah! Why didn't I think of it!" The broken wolf said: "Boss, you are good at using this radical!"

"This time, don't make any mistakes, be careful, answer me and give me a call!" Although Govesik knew that this incident did not blame the broken wolf, but the opponent was too strong, but he still had some Dissatisfied, if he is not a light enemy, he can't do this. After all, it is ten men, and it is not small strength.

"Don't worry about the boss, this time there will be no problem!" The Broken Wolf promised.

Govesik didn't say anything. He hung up the phone directly. The broken wolf wiped the sweat on his forehead. Then he thought about it and dialed Mike's phone. Originally, the broken wolf did not intend to let Mike go again. This is the case.

According to his original idea, one of the four gangs in the gang, Slater, personally shot it. This is his own bodyguard. There is no problem with a pair of eleven o'clock. Let him go with the other three King Kong. Get it done.

However, Kovisik’s phone made him change his mind, or let Yang Ming’s own gang headquarters be more insurance, so that Yang Ming would only be a part of it.

However, the messenger, the broken wolf considered again and again decided to let Mike play, this kid has had previous experience, went once, and Yang Ming last time let this kid, this time can also let him go, the province Let others go and make extra money.

"Mike, where are you?" The broken wolf dialed Mike's phone again.

"Boss, I am talking about the compensation for the pension with the families of the brothers who have died!" Mike said.

"Well, this matter is handed over to others first. I am looking for something for you. You should come to my office first!" said the broken wolf.

"Ah...good..." Mike just wanted to ask what was going on, and as a result, the broken wolf had hung up. Mike could only come to the office of the Broken Wolf with awkward mood.

"Boss, are you looking for me?" Mike asked carefully.

"Well, this is the case!" The broken wolf has already written the gauntlet and is printing it out with a printer: "You go to the Douglas Hotel again, you go to Yang Ming and give him this gauntlet!"

"Ah? Going still?" Mike immediately turned into a bitter gourd face. Originally, he thought that he didn't have to go, and he was happy enough. As a result, he didn't expect the broken wolf to turn his eyes.

"There is nothing to do for you this time, nor is it for you to arrest people. You will give this letter to Yang Ming!" said the broken wolf.

"This... well..." Although Mike didn't want to go 10,000, but since the broken wolf has already explained it, he has no choice but to go to the scalp.

"After you went, tell Yang Ming, this is the gauntlet we gave him. If he has the guts, he will come to our headquarters. As for the things that he asked us to ask the family, you said that we can’t move, he wants If you are looking for a homeowner, come to the gang headquarters and say it!" said the broken wolf.

"I know!" Mike nodded, took the gauntlet that the broken wolf handed him, and walked out of the broken wolf's office.

The bodies in the car have already moved out. As for the aftermath of these people, Mike also handed over to his deputy, and his confidant will continue to deal with it. Anyway, this kind of good thing can not be handed over to others. Even if you let out, you must be yourself. People have the benefit.

I drove back to the Douglas Grand Hotel, parked the car, got off the bus, and Mike carefully looked into the hotel before entering the hotel. It was found that Batton was still standing in the lobby of the hotel, but it was awkward, but it was awkward. There is no way, just walk in.

"Mr. Mike? Why are you back?" Button greeted him strangely: "This time, why are you alone?"

Although the heart ridiculed Mike, but on the surface Button is still pretending to be very concerned.

"Hey, don't mention it, I came to send the war book, for our boss!" Mike said helplessly: "I didn't want to come, but the boss called me, I can't help but come! If I don't say it, I will send out the gauntlet quickly, and then I will hurry to flash people. I don't dare to stay here."

"Go, go, be careful!" said Button.

Mike came to the first room on the top floor of the hotel and hesitated for a long time before knocking at the door.

In fact, Yang Ming had already noticed from the movements in the corridor that someone had come. When he saw Mike, he did not do anything. He just wanted to see if the boy went back and returned.

When Mike smashed for a long time and finally knocked on the door, Yang Ming asked: "Who?"

"Mr. Yang, it is me, Mike!" Mike said carefully: "Do you have trouble opening the door?"

"Why, have you brought someone to arrest me?" Yang Ming deliberately asked, getting up and preparing to open the door.

"No, you must not misunderstand, I am not coming to trouble you, I dare!" Mike quickly explained: "Mr. Yang, I am here to send a gauntlet!"

"Send the book?" Yang Ming stunned, and some doubts opened the door.

"Yeah, this is it!" Mike quickly handed the gauntlet in his hand to Yang Ming.

Yang Ming snorted and took over the so-called "War of the Astronomy" in Mike's hands?

However, without strength, it is called self-investment, and there is strength, it is called the game!

This time, it’s good to go to the province to investigate where the headquarters of the broken-head help is, and write the address directly.

Seeing that Yang Ming did not speak, Mike was a little scared: "Mr. Yang, I sent the gauntlet, can I leave?"

"Go?" Yang Ming asked one.

"Mr. Yang, I just came to send the gauntlet, there is no other meaning!" Mike's voice cried quickly: "The two armies are fighting, don't come to make it!"

"Oh--" Yang Ming looked at Mike's look and couldn't help but be amused: "Is the two armies fighting? Is this the two armies? OK, I didn't say that I have to be embarrassed, you give that broken wolf." I will go, let him wait for me."

"Okay, Mr. Yang, when are you going?" Mike nodded quickly.

"When I have finished eating, I will go." Yang Ming said faintly, waved his hand and closed the door.

"Call!" Mike breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly went downstairs before Yang Ming did not change his mind.

Yang Ming threw the gauntlet in his hand and called the phone in the Jinniu room.

"The leader, what is the order!" Jinniu also noticed that someone passed by in the corridor and kept staring at Mike at the door, but Yang Ming did not order, and he would not make his own claim.

"Golden Bull, the people will be summoned together, and I will go to the headquarters of the broken head for a while!" Yang Ming said.

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