So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1763: Shirk responsibility

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-three chapters shirk responsibility

It was learned that the broken-headed wolf was running on the money in the broken-head help. Gowesik was too angry. He listened to his report and dropped the documents in his hand.

"Mom, this kid knows that he can't stand it!" Govesik said with hatred! I can't do anything to do it. After I messed up, I actually ran away without even saying anything. How is this person so guilty?

"Boss, do you think we are bringing people out of this kid?" The man who saw the boss was angry and asked carefully.

"Forget it!" Govesik swayed his hand, but the money that was taken away by the broken wolf was quite a lot, but for himself, it was nothing but a glimpse of the face, and the sister of the broken wolf was My own lover, and the one who has been serving is good, Govesik will not want to find the trouble of the broken wolf again: "You go out first!"

"Yes..." The man carefully withdrew from Govesik's office and closed the office door.

Govesik is immersed in contemplation. Although he has problems with the ability of the broken wolf, he knows it, but even if there is a problem with his ability, a boss of the gang has so many people, even if he can’t do it, he Those people are not good either? It was given by the person at once, which also explains the problem!

Before, the owner greeted him to cooperate with Klass to engage Yang Ming. He did not think that it was a big event, but now, with the development of the situation step by step, he has not been controlled by him. This Yang Ming does not seem to be a simple character. In addition to a relatively capable one, there should be a large group of people who can play, or else you can't be ruined.

It seems that this matter is not something that can be done by himself. Govesik decided to call the homeowner to report it and see how the family decided.

Thinking of this, Govisik dialed the phone of the owner. When things got to this point, even if they wanted to hide, they wouldn’t want to tell the owner about it. When he grabs Yang Ming, he will report to the owner, so that it can also be displayed. The decisive wiseness of his own aftermath, although the death of Klass is his self-defeating, but he caught Yang Ming in time, it is also a revenge for Klass, the homeowner will not only say anything, maybe he will praise himself.

However, the situation is now out of control of Govisik. Govesik wants to catch Yang Ming, but he did not catch it. He was also detained by Yang Ming. This is a big deal, and the owner is also... Some can't say it!

"Hey? Hello, here is the Nancheng family." The voice of the Nancheng family housekeeper came from the telephone.

"Hello, steward, I am Govesik, the head of the family in Las Vegas." Govesik said respectfully, this housekeeper is not a powerful person, but he is the person around his home, he I have to be careful to compliment.

"Oh, Mr. Govisik, is there anything?" The steward’s attitude towards the heads of these key families is still very good. He heard that it was Govisik, so he asked with a slight smile.

"I am looking for a homeowner and have important things to report!" Govisic said carefully.

"Okay, wait a moment!" The butler put down the phone and asked the owner about it. After getting a positive answer, the call was transferred. In a short time, the voice of the South City owner Jotans came from the phone. : "Govicic? What's the matter?"

"Homeowner, I have important things to report to you..." Govesik carefully organized his own language. Of course he wouldn’t tell the truth. He has to try his best to get rid of his responsibilities, so he I thought about it before I called: "It's about Kras!"

"Oh, what? I didn't ask you to assist Kras? Is he still satisfied?" asked Jotáns.

"The owner... Klass has an accident, he... was killed!" Govisic said sadly.

"What? Was it killed? What happened? Didn't I ask you to help him? On your site, he would be killed? How do you operate in Las Vegas?" Jotans All of a sudden, I was angry. This is a person introduced by Alice. It can be said that the Nancheng family can go to the present step, which is inseparable from the support of Alice. This Krass has an accident, how is he going? Tell Alice?

"Homeowner, don't be angry, you should listen to me first!" Govisic said carefully.

"Explain, explain what? Then you tell me, what the **** is going on!" It was really angry when he saw out that Jotans was out.

"Home, this is actually the case. Klass just used our casino to make a gamble with that Yang Ming. I have to help him with something, but he refused. You know, he brought it himself. The two teams are very busy, so I am dismissive of my help!” Govesik explained: “So I just want to help, without the permission of Klass, I dare not act rashly!”

"Well, you continue to say!" Jotáns was very angry when he heard Govecic's words. After all, Kovisik said that there is some truth! It was normal for Klass to bring his own horses and not let Govesik intervene.

"As a result, he and Yang Ming gambled in the casino, using a revolver, putting a bullet inside, and then shooting one by one..." Govesik described the situation at the time to Jotans. Once again: "Homeowner, he has to play such a stimulating thing, but when he loses, he is scorned. The result is killed by Yang Mingyi. Who can you blame?"

"It turned out to be like this!" Jotáns understood the reason for the death of Klass, but it was not very annoyed: "What about Yang Ming? You didn't catch him?"

"Oh... don't mention it!" Govesik was annoyed: "I don't know what kind of monsters Klass is provoking, that Yang Ming is very powerful! I am thinking that Klass is dead in my territory. I naturally can't put it. After that, Yang Ming! So I let my men’s broken head help to catch Yang Ming, and the result... Hey, mad at me! This Klass, I will find something!”

"What's wrong?" Listening to Govesik's complaint, Jotans was a bit strange: "Isn't that Yang Ming not good?"

"It’s not easy to deal with, it’s too bad to deal with!” Govisic smiled bitterly: "He gave me all the broken ends, and there is no one to kill! This is my painstaking operation. For many years, the team, for the sake of Klass, is destroyed, the owner, you have to ask me for this fairness! Who introduced this Klass, must find them to say! It’s just too pit That Yang Ming is such a monk, what do we provoke him to do!"

Govisik pushed all his responsibility for the command mistakes and pushed all the responsibilities to Klass, making himself look like a victim. He helped the Klass to ruin the broken head. of.

Sure enough, Jotáns listened to Govesik’s complaints and frowned. Although he was a bit angry at Govecic’s ruin, he thought that it was caused by Klass, but he did not vent his anger. Govesik, on the contrary, thought that Govisik was really innocent and unreasonably downset, so he said, "Okay! Don't complain! Behind Klass is Miss Alice, our family is relying on her to go. To the point of today, a small gang is gone, no more, no more! Just build one!"

Govesik certainly knows that behind Alaska is Miss Alice. He does not really let the owner go to Miss Alice and say, just to make a dissatisfied gesture, let the owner shift his attention and not chase the responsibility. Go to his head.

When I heard the owner say this, Govixik sighed with relief: "Well, since the owner said so, then I can only accept the bad luck!"

"Well, this is right! Also, since that Yang Ming is so powerful, you should not intervene in this matter. I will report to Miss Alice!" said Jotans.

"Right, the owner, there is another very important thing, that Yang Ming said, let you see him within twenty-four hours, otherwise the consequences will be conceited!" Govesik felt it necessary to convey this sentence to The owner, this can also highlight how arrogant Yang Ming is.

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