So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1764: Alice's phone

The first thousand seven hundred and sixty-four chapters of Alice's phone

"Well, I know." Jotham said faintly after listening: "I will handle it."

Jotáns listened to Govesik’s retelling of Yang Ming’s words. His heart was very annoyed. This guy is a bit of a strength, he can sweep the broken heads, and he will not dare to threaten himself. If it does not appear within fourteen hours, you will be at your own risk! WTF!

After Yang Ming returned to the hotel, he pulled out Alice's phone from his mobile phone and dialed it directly. Yang Ming didn’t go to school for a while, and she didn’t know how Alice was mixing in the school. However, since she entered the school, she never looked for herself, and she did not find the troubles of Chen Mengyu and others, so Yang Ming I am too lazy to care for her, how about it?

However, when Yang Ming learned that the Nancheng family was related to Alice, Yang Ming decided to say hello to Alice! Because Yang Ming already knows that Alice and the boss behind the scenes have been stirred up together, then this 80% incident in the Kras event is also related to the behind-the-scenes boss.

In this case, I simply called Alice and told her that she had to deal with the Nancheng family, disgusting her!

"Hey? How are you?" Alice looked at a strange number on the phone, and some doubts picked up the phone. This is her personal mobile phone. No one knows except to tell a few familiar people. And this number has not been seen by Alice, it seems to be the number transferred from abroad, so Alice has some doubts.

"Alice, it is me, Yang Ming." Yang Ming said.

"Ah? Yang Ming?" Alice was shocked. The hand that grabbed the phone was slightly tight. However, after hearing Yang Ming’s voice, Alice was relieved without a sigh of relief. Before that, she was inexplicably irritated. And suddenly disappeared...

At this time, since I can receive a call from Yang Ming, it shows that Yang Ming did not have an accident. Instead, he lived well. Then there was only one result, that is, Klass failed.

Alice carefully looked at her brother who was talking to Huang Youcai. Alice lowered her voice and said to Yang Ming on the phone: "You wait for me, I am in class, I am looking for a place to talk." ""

"Okay." Yang Ming naturally did not know that Alice was with the people behind the scenes, listening to her saying that she was in class, and there was no doubt.

Alice found that her brother and Huang Youcai did not notice themselves, only took the phone, and walked far away, until an inconspicuous corner, said: "Yang Ming, what's the matter? I haven't contacted me for so long, I still I thought you forgot me!"

When Alice said this, she did not know what she thought, but she naturally said it. The mood is much better than before...

Before, my brother said that when Klass and the Nancheng family dealt with Yang Ming, I don’t know why Alice’s heart didn’t want to agree to this request, but at the request of her brother, she still called the Nancheng family and explained. Issues.

However, after this, Alice was in a state of extreme irritability. I don't know why, but he hoped that Kras's plan would fail... She didn't want Yang Ming to have such an accident...

After Alice had this idea, she was also shocked by her own thoughts! How can I have this idea? I looked at my brother carefully and found that my brother didn't notice it. Alice secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she was even more annoyed.

On the one hand, it is out of concern about this matter of Klass. On the other hand, she does not know what happened to her. She does not want an enemy to die. When she thinks that Yang Ming will die, she will have no reason for her heart...

"How come? It’s just a little busy this time." Yang Ming said, this chick is quite capable of loading. He sent people to kill himself. He was not surprised to hear that he was not dead. He still has nothing to do with himself. Chatting with family.

"Oh, I have time to go out to eat together! I really think about you and Victoria." Alice said here, could not help but blush, do not know why, she did not want to take Wang Xiaoying and Victoria, just want Going out with Yang Ming alone... Alice was shocked by this messy idea!

What happened to yourself? Isn't it... Alice didn't dare to think about it, shook her head... The only mission of her own is to help her brother accomplish that big thing... How can I think about it?

"Oh, let me know if you have time." Yang Ming did not take it seriously: "Right, I am looking for you this time, there is something to tell you. The Nancheng family, is said to be behind you?"

"Ah..." Alice's heart was "squeaky" by Yang Ming's sudden words, and her face was pale. "Yeah... How do you suddenly ask this?"

Why did I suddenly ask this? Yang Ming sneered in the heart, you are not knowing what to ask? I did something myself, I didn’t know, and asked me why?

"Oh, this Nancheng family has provoked me, I am going to kill it, no problem?" Yang Ming asked with a smile. Since you asked me why, then I don't have to be polite with you.

"Ah..." Alice stunned. She didn't expect Yang Ming to be so embarrassed. She would kill the Nancheng family directly! Alice suddenly got a little embarrassed. She knows that this time, Yang Ming’s anger at the Nancheng family is normal, and Yang Ming must have learned from the information behind the Nancheng family that the Nancheng family is supporting it...just Do you know if Yang Ming doubts himself?

"The Nancheng family... How did they get rid of you?" Alice hesitated, pretending to know nothing, and asked carefully.

"Oh, nothing, just look at them is not pleasing to the eye!" Yang Ming lazy to explain, I thought that they are anyway, I know you, I do not have to be as detailed as you said.

"This way..." Alice didn't think Yang Ming would answer this question. It was a bit embarrassing: "Yang Ming, how did they provoke you? If it is not serious, let me talk to them and let them apologize to you? Or Compensation is also OK, they are the family I support after all, can you give me a face?"

"Apologize? Compensation?" Yang Ming naturally knows that Alice will plead for the Nancheng family, but Yang Ming is now considering whether it is with Alice and directly smears Alice's identity.

However, Yang Ming considered it again and again, still feel that it is not a good time, his own people are not in Songjiang, if this time and Alice fall out, it is likely that Alice will jump to the wall to target their family or friends! This time, the boss behind the scenes has begun to start with friends around him, Yang Ming can not guarantee what they will do after they are in a hurry!

Therefore, Yang Ming hesitated a bit. This Nancheng family is just a running dog under Alice. If there is no Alice, they can't look down on any storms. It is imperative to solve the problem behind the boss. However, if the Nancheng family is not allowed to have some blood, Yang Ming is still somewhat unwilling, and the words have already been released, so that the owners of the Nancheng family can see themselves in twenty-four hours. If they don’t cash, Yang Ming’s words. Isn't it a joke?

"Yes, let him apologize and compensate!" Alice said affirmatively.

"Well, then you let the owner of the Nancheng family come to the Douglas Hotel in Las Vegas, where I live, within 24 hours to apologize to me, compensation, and meet again!" Agree with Alice's statement.

"Okay, I will call them to teach them a little, let their owners go to apologize to you!" Alice breathed a sigh of relief, she did not want the Nancheng family to be revenged by Yang Ming for this matter, after all, this is their own The bottom of the team, not the brother.

And she did not want Yang Ming to lose face, so for Yang Ming's request, Alice also did not think about it.

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