So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1770: Very clever!

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters are very clever!

Yang Ming and Zhang Bin are cherishing youthfulness. A pair of young men and women came in the direction of the face. It seems that they should be a couple, but the only thing that couples Yang Ming and Zhang Bin pay attention to is that they are actually Asians.

Yellow skin, black eyes, although the male's long is not particularly handsome, but it is very temperament, the body is not very eye-catching, but Yang Ming has a feeling that these two people are famous.

Because the two people are Asian, Yang Ming couldn't help but look at it. In Las Vegas, although there are many Asians, it is not too much in a hotel, a water bar.

The young couple obviously saw Yang Ming and Zhang Bin as well, and hesitated. The young man pulled a young woman and walked toward Yang Ming.

The young man nodded friendlyly to Yang Ming, then sat on the table near Yang Ming and Zhang Bin. He heard Yang Ming’s and Zhang Bin’s conversation, and suddenly he was in the eye. Yang Ming said: “The two are also Chinese? ”

"Yeah, are you too?" Yang Ming nodded with a smile and felt that the couple were not malicious. Yang Ming didn't mind talking to them casually.

After all, there is a saying that is good, called the fellow villagers, and tears in both eyes. Although Yang Ming and this young man are not fellow villagers, they are a country that comes out and the meaning is even more unusual.

At this time, Zhang Bin discovered the young couple behind him. Before he was sitting back to back, he didn't care. Until Yang Ming and the people behind him, Zhang Bin turned around.

"We are international students." The young man nodded. "Just have a small holiday, take my girlfriend to the casino to see."

Hearing that the other two are international students, Yang Ming did not doubt anything. After all, their identity and manners are more like students.

"Gambling city... Nothing is good, look at it, you can do it if you play." Yang Ming said, looking at Zhang Bin. Zhang Bin suddenly blushes, touches his chin and bows his head.

"Oh, we just came to see, I will not gamble, I have been to the casino before, just play it casually, it doesn't matter if I win or lose." The young man heard Yang Ming's kindly reminder and nodded and said: "Right, you are..."

"Oh, we are here to attend the International Jewelry Festival." Yang Ming smiled and said: "This hotel is set by the jewelry association."

"It turned out to be like this!" The young man nodded. "We are late. If we come a few days ago, I heard that there is a jewelry festival. I want to see it, but the school holidays are not open!"

"I said that I have to take time off, you have to wait for the end of the course!" The young man's couple frowned, some strange.

"Oh..." The young man smiled a little helplessly. When he saw it, the two had a good relationship: "Yes, my name is Chen Ze, this is my girlfriend Tao Linfang."

"Yang Ming." Yang Ming's eyes are very accurate. When he looks at people's eyes, he knows if he has lied. Yang Ming can now conclude that the identity of these two people is a student, even if they have any background behind them. Yang Ming is not sure now, but it does not affect Yang Ming and their normal contacts.

"Zhang Bin!" Seeing that Yang Ming has reported his name, Zhang Bin is naturally not to be outdone.

"I am very glad to meet you!" Chen Ze nodded. "But it’s not too big to see the two, is it not going to school?"

"Nature is going to school, but we came with the elders." Yang Ming explained.

"It turned out to be like this, I said it!" Chen Ze suddenly realized.

At this time, the waiter sent Chen Ze and Tao Linfang something, smiled and said in English: "Please use both!"

"Okay, thank you." Chen Ze smiled and took over the things sent by the waiter. He smiled apologetically to Yang Ming and then drank something with Tao Linfang.

Chen Ze and Tao Linfang seem to be really drinking, maybe more thirsty, and soon finished drinking the drinks in front of them, then stood up and prepared to leave.

"Mr. Yang, Mr. Zhang, let's go first, I am very glad to meet you." Chen Ze took Tao Linfang, and waved with Yang Ming and Zhang Bin.

"We are also, goodbye." Yang Ming also waved his hand.

Chen Ze and Tao Linfang left, Yang Ming and Zhang Bin continued to remember the youth.

"Boss, these two people look a bit imposing!" Zhang Bin looked at the back of Chen Ze and Tao Linfang and said: "It seems to be the feeling of the second generation or the second generation? Is there an aristocratic temperament?"

"I didn't expect Zhang Bin. Is it good to see people now?" Zhang Bin's words made Yang Ming somewhat surprised: "Yes, your kid, is it tempered now?"

"There are more people who come into contact with each other, and naturally they are clearly divided." Zhang Bin said with a smile: "There are often such customers coming to the jewelry company!"

Yang Ming listened to Zhang Binyi and said that it was not so surprising. After all, the jewelry company was the first store in Songjiang that proposed the concept of custom-made jewelry. It has always been on the high-end route and is very popular among those who love it. Zhang Bin can It is not uncommon to reach these people.

"These two people, the family should be good, but you found out? The clothes on both of them are not too valuable. They are very common brands. They may be famous brands in China. Here, they are things that ordinary people wear. Yang Ming said.

"I didn't pay attention to this?" Zhang Binyi said: "Boss, or you observe carefully! Perhaps, is the tutor more strict?"

"It's hard to say." Yang Ming smiled and sat for a while, looked at the time: "But no matter what, the nightclub should start soon? Now go on?"

"Yes!" Zhang Binyi went to the nightclub and immediately became happy.

Yang Ming called the waiter and handed him the card to let him check out.

After receiving the room card of Yang Ming, the waiter was shocked! This is the luxury suite on the top floor. The meaning of this room card is extraordinary. This is a room that is not open to the public! Even if you have money, you can't live! Those who can live here, except the top of the Douglas family, are family guests.

The waiter carefully brushed the card and carefully returned the room card to Yang Ming. He asked Yang Ming that he had no other needs and carefully retired.

"Boss, you are really a cow in this room card. After the waiter took it, the attitude will be different at once!" Zhang Bin said with some envy.

"Don't you have it?" Yang Ming gave him a sigh of relief.

"Ah! Right! I have it too!" Zhang Bin remembered that his room card was also this, and some were embarrassed.

When I came to the nightclub on the first floor of the hotel, Yang Ming handed the room card to the receptionist at the entrance. The receptionist changed his face and said, "Mr. Yang? The boss has already told me that I will take you to the VIP seat!" ”

Yang Ming and Zhang Bin followed the receptionist and walked into the nightclub. However, before they took two steps, there was a girl who stumbled from the nightclub to the doorway, but in the nightclub, there was The man shouted: "Come on, go first! Leave here!"

Hearing this voice, Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, and then saw the girl who ran over, Yang Ming could not help but frown!

The voice that was spoken before was the Chen Ze who had met in the water bar before, and the girl who ran out was his girlfriend Tao Linfang!

"Slater! You go to catch the Tao Linfang that chick! I deal with this kid!" There was another voice in the nightclub: "Mom, Chen Ze, are you not bored? Tao Linfang likes me, flirts with me." , shut your ass?"

"Yes!" Slater took the lead and strode to the direction of Tao Linfang's escape from the door. However, Tao Linfang was frightened, but the action was very slow. The whole person stumbled and seemed to be drunk.

"Boss, she is not just..." Zhang Bin also saw Tao Linfang, some surprised.

"I know! But the person who chased her later, we have seen it." Yang Ming looked at the closer Slater, and sneered.

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