So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1771: Three left two

The first seven hundred seventy seven chapters three left two

Tao Linfang stumbled in the direction of the nightclub door, and Slater chased after the quick step, and the waiter on the side saw Slater's look, and he couldn't help but shrink his head and pretend to be unseen.

These people obviously know who Slater is, and they dare not stop his behavior. If not, at other times, the security guards in the nightclub have already acted!

However, everyone knows now that Slater is the master of Lange, and Lange is the master of the Speeding Party. The safety of his hotel is usually maintained by the people of the Speeding Party. Where do these security guards arbitrarily control the party? thing?

"Ah? Mr. Yang... help..." Tao Linfang suddenly saw Yang Ming standing at the entrance of the nightclub, hesitated, but stopped, went down, did not say anything, but continued to move quickly. The door came running.

Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse. Some doubts about why Tao Linfang only said half of it, but then he understood it. Tao Linfang obviously knew the identity of Lange and Slater. She wanted to ask for her own help, but perhaps she should be bothered. The identity of the people, while Yang Ming and Zhang Bin just came to participate in the jewelry exhibition, it is impossible to compete with these two people, so Tao Linfang did not want Yang Ming and Zhang Bin to be involved in this trouble.

If they are to help, it may not only help, but cause them big trouble.

Yang Ming didn't want to gossip about it before, but when I saw Tao Linfang, it made Yang Mington feel good. I think this person is still very good. It is worth seeing in the face of the same Chinese people.

Thinking of this, Yang Ming took a step forward and directly blocked it in front of Tao Linfang and said to her: "Okay, let me handle it."

Slater is chasing Tao Linfang, and he has to catch up. I don’t want to suddenly stand alone in front of Tao Linfang. It seems that she is going to be her, and she is a little angry! In this Las Vegas, is there anyone who dares to fight against the Speeding Party? Don't want to live?

"That boy, give me away! There is nothing in you here, don't want to die and stand up!" Slater muttered.

"Slater, are we meeting again?" Yang Ming looked at Slater with a sly expression: "I said, I just ate something, I didn't have time to take care of you. I didn't expect you to be very arrogant? Run here and scream?" What is your Lange?"

Slater suddenly heard a glimpse of Yang Ming’s words, but after a closer look, he recognized it. This guy, isn’t he just grabbing Mr. Lange’s box when he was eating?

At that time, the little old **** was there, and there was no food to lift it. Nothing was given. When she thought of the scene at the time, Slater was annoyed for a while: "It is you! I warn you, less. Nosy! Before you read that you are a guest of Button, I will give him a face and not move you, but now, if you dare to intervene, then, no matter who's face is not good!"

"Mr. Yang, this is not your business, you still go..." Tao Linfang did not expect Yang Ming to stand up for himself! In her opinion, this kind of thing has even made a tortoise turtle for the security guards. Others will not be more idle, let alone a person who has just met him soon?

However, Yang Ming just stood up. Although Yang Ming’s sense of guilt was moved by Tao Linfang, she did not want to be tired of Yang Ming. This matter had nothing to do with Yang Ming. She didn’t want to roll Yang Ming because of her own affairs. Go in!

"Nothing." Yang Ming smiled faintly: "A speeding party, I am not in the eye!"

"Don't drink? Who is it? Isn't it a small breath? Is it a speeding party?" Over there, Lange has already settled Chen Ze. For Lange, he has been on the gangster since childhood and has become a family meal. For people, Chen Ze is really not an opponent! A few times, Chen Ze’s eyes were staring at Venus, and his face was **** and fell to the ground.

After getting Chen Ze, Lange also came over and chased Tao Linfang with Slater. As a result, I suddenly heard someone dismissive of the Speeding Party and did not look at it at all. How can Lange, the lesser master of the Speeding Party, tolerate it?

"Mr. Lange! This is the kid in the box! He is a guest of Button, and he is not inferior to you!" said Slater; "Now, he will be in the early days of this girl!"

"Oh? In the early days? Hahahaha!" Lange laughed when he heard Slater's words: "Boy, I don't care what you are in the Douglas family, but you have to be clear, this is Las Vegas, not You are there! Here is the site of my Lange, I am talking about Lange! So, don’t you mess around, or a low-key point, otherwise, I will control you if you are a Douglas family, I will let you Climb out."

"Oh, sorry, I am not a Douglas family, let you down!" Yang Ming shrugged with a smile: "And, I am still saying that a speeding party, I still do not look at it. ”

"Hey! Looks like a kid, you are standing and talking, you don't have a backache!" Lange ridiculed Yang Ming's ignorance: "Do you know, is our position in Las Vegas? I tell you, yes. One of the three gangs! It seems that you don’t know anything about Las Vegas at all! It’s hard to believe that we think that we, like other Speeding Party parties, will only traffic jams?”

"I don't know if the three big gangs you mentioned include broken ends, but I am afraid they have become two big gangs now." Yang Ming said faintly: "If you continue to be with me here, I am not finished." I don't finish, I don't mind making him a big gang!"

"What do you mean?" Lange sighed, not understanding what Yang Ming was saying.

"It doesn't mean anything, it means letting you get out of the way, otherwise I will make your speeding party a thing." Yang Ming was too lazy to explain with Languedo, directly warning.

Lange still didn't quite understand Yang Ming's words, but immediately, he laughed aloud: "How are you in a big tone? Even if you are very good in other places, but you made a mistake, here is Russ. Vegas City!"

"Mr. Lange, let's not talk nonsense with this kid! Slater frowned. "I think this kid is delaying the time. Let's just grab the chick and grab it. Otherwise, if it comes to the police or the extra-budget, it won't. All right! ”

Lange heard Slater say so, and he thought it was a nod. He also thought that Yang Ming said a bunch of inexplicable words. It was estimated that he was delaying waiting for the rescue, so he did not talk to Yang Ming, directly and Slater. Tao Linfang grabbed it!

Tao Linfang originally wanted to run, but seeing that Chen Ze was beaten by Lange's blood hyacinth, he had already ran to Chen Ze's side. He used his hand to help him wipe the blood on his face. He was scared and afraid, and some were at a loss.

At this time, Chen Ze also heard the words of Lange and Slater. They saw that they had to come to catch Tao Linfang and quickly broke the hand of Tao Linfang on his forehead: "Lin Fang, you run! They are catching you. I have nothing here!"

"But... I can't leave you here! They will hit you!" Tao Linfang was hesitant.

"Hey! Is it still affectionate?" Lange sneered aloud: "But don't think about it, you can't run one! Tao Linfang, you didn't think about it? I knew it, why should it be? If you are from me, I I will let go of this little white face!"

When Lange thought of his own party, he was very annoyed by Tao Linfang's refusal. At this time, he had the opportunity to vent, and he certainly would not let it go!

"Lange, you dare to move Tao Linfang! I will not let you go!" Although Chen Ze was beaten with blood on his face, but Lange was unfavorable to Tao Linfang, and he endured the pain from the ground. The teeth of the claws rushed to Lange!

"Stupid!" Lange gave Chen Ze a slap in the face: "If you are like this, will you let me go? If you have the ability, you will not let me go now? Weak! I tell you, this world is In this way, the weak meat is strong, don't have any fantasies. Today, your girlfriend is my person! How can you? You are a soft egg, born by me!"

"You--" Chen Ze was knocked down to the ground, panting, though angry, but did not have the strength to climb up.

Just when Chen Ze and Tao Linfang were desperate, a voice rang coldly...

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