So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1774: Desperate

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-four chapters are desperate

Under the scorn of the old Lange, he thought that Yang Ming was cursing that his speeding party was going to perish, and there were only two big gangs left. He sneered a sneak peek: "Boy, look for death! You guys, give me a fight." It’s okay to kill this time!"

"Yes! The leader!" The four gold medalists have long been eager to try, especially Ergen, but they have long been dying. He is currently practicing the immortal, and he has already repaired it, so in his opinion, Yang Ming It is not worth a shower at all.

Yang Ming sneered at the four platinum beatings who had surrounded him. His hands shook slightly, and four flying needles shot, silently immersed in the acupuncture points of the four people.

The four people stopped at the scene, as if they were stiff.

"What are you doing? Hurry!" Old Lange saw that his four men suddenly did not move, and he was annoyed. Before he promised to be good, he would fight in the dead. How suddenly he would not move. ? What do you want?

The four people are still in the same place, motionless, as if they did not hear the old Lange.

"How are you going to do a few things?" Old Lange was anxious. Looking at the ironic smile on the face of Yang Ming, the old Lange felt very shameful.

"They are dead." Yang Ming smiled faintly.

Old Lange frowned and reached out to push his own hand. As a result, the old cat fell straight and fell. Old Lange was shocked and hurryed: "What happened to you?"

I haven't waited for him to check how old the old cat is. The other three people are also quite straight on the ground. The old Lange rushed to explore their breath, but they were shocked to find that the four people are dead and can no longer die. Ass.

The old Lange suddenly rushed, and the cold sweat on his forehead took off instantly! What the **** is going on? My own four platinum hitters, how did the silent moment fall to the ground?

Is there a plague? Old Lange also knows that this idea is impossible! However, Yang Mingming and Ming Ming did not even shoot their shots, and their four men fell to the ground. Is this the situation of Shenma?

Lange and Slater were also full of joy and looked at the old Lange with four Platinum beaters to find the scene, ready to see Yang Ming was beaten to find teeth, the result has not waited for Yang Ming to find teeth, then four The men are inexplicably dead!

The most horrible thing in the world is not simply death, but unknown! If the four Platinum beaters were killed by Yang Ming, the old Lange and Lange would not be afraid except for fear and shock!

However, these four people died without reason, this is the reason for his fear! Although I don't know how these four people died, the old Lange is not stupid. He knows that the reasons for the death of these four people are absolutely related to Yang Ming!

Otherwise, Yang Ming may not be so calm, these four people are already dead!

Since Yang Ming can let these four people die silently, then letting himself die is not a momentary thing? Thinking of this, the old Lange is really scared!

This kind of instant can directly kill the situation without warning, so that he really does not know what to do... He looked at the four men who have been working hard for most of his life, so he died... For a time, Old Lange is filled with emotions... There are regrets, unwillingness, but the biggest is fear!

Before, he wanted to find the teeth of Yang Ming and find his teeth and avenge his son. But now, he has no such thoughts at all. He is already scared. Yang Ming is, in his opinion, a terrible existence than a biological weapon!

Lange and Slater are still stunned at the moment! They can't imagine that the four Platinum beaters will be in a flash and die at the same time! And Yang Ming, it seems that there is no hands at all!

The next moment, deep fear also invaded the hearts of the two! Before, Yang Ming was merciless, and now they understand that Yang Ming’s words mean.

Yang Ming said that they were looking for death. At that time, they thought that they only talked about jokes, but now it seems that it is not a joke!

"Don't look at it, I killed it," Yang Ming said faintly. "You look again, they are dead, and they can't live."

In addition to the old Lange, Lange and Slater, Zhang Bin and Batton are shocked! Although Zhang Bin had seen Yang Ming killing with bullets in the casino before, the shock is far less powerful than the impact!

Before, Yang Ming used bullets to kill people. Although the skill is relatively strong, it is necessary to be very technical when throwing bullets, but it can be done after practice! Especially when Yang Ming was at the school art festival, he also performed flying to throw, so it is strange how Yang Ming can throw bullets to kill people.

But now, Yang Ming did not throw bullets at all, nor did he start. The four people fell to the ground without warning. They didn’t even have wounds. Is this the legendary murder? Or killing you with your eyes?

Although Zhang Bin is quite familiar with Yang Ming, at this time, he also feels that the boss is the boss, and he has reached a height that can only be admired!

But Batton, even more so, was shocked by Yang Ming’s elimination of the decapitation, but he saw Yang Ming silently killing the Platinum thugs of the four speeding parties. In the heart of Battton’s heart, he was fortunate that he was not offended. Yang Ming, otherwise Yang Ming can kill himself with a look! However, this old Lange is really, he has already told him before, and he met Yang Ming, who is dying, this guy still doesn’t listen, now it’s good, four powerful men are dead, watching him later The cow does not get up. It is estimated that this speeding party will also be lost in the future!

The broken gang was destroyed, and the four platinum squadrons of the Flying Party hanged, leaving the ambition to be a big one. When the time is right, it will become the first in Las Vegas. A big gang.

Old Lange stared at the four men who died on the ground and couldn't say anything.

"You will not bring four people to come?" Yang Ming looked at the old Lange, he asked.

"Four?" Old Lange raised his head in a strange way.

"I thought you brought the people of the Speeding Party. I also thought about solving it together and saving the trouble." Yang Ming said: "The province is like a broken-head help. I have to go to the door in person. Trouble to die! Or if you give your men a call, let them come over and die!"

The old Lange has keenly captured a few words in Yang Ming’s words, that is, “decapitation!” Yang Ming mentioned the broken head help. Was the broken head help also destroyed by Yang Ming? And is he personally knocked out the door?

Button looked at his old buddy and looked like a godless figure. He shook his head helplessly. As long as he knew this, why should he be the first? What did you think of when you called before, what is the use of regret now?

"Old Lange, the broken head help has been completely destroyed a few hours ago!" Barton sighed and confessed to the old Lange: "Mr. Yang did!"

"What? The broken head helped the whole to be destroyed? Impossible! Impossible! So many people, how can it be destroyed?" Although the old Lange guessed something faintly, he just did not want to believe this fact!

Because this fact is really shocking!

"I don't believe it! Impossible, you must lie to me!" said, Lange took out his mobile phone, dialed a number, whispered a few words, and when he got an anxious and affirmative reply from the other party, The old Lange’s cell phone slammed into the ground, and the old Lange sat on the ground.

The eyes are filled with regret, fear and despair! He called to ask a well-informed person who spoke on the road. When he got the news that he had been cut off for a few hours ago because he had offended the person, the old Lange believed it!

I also believed in the words of Batton. This person, who provokes who died, has no need for fantasy at all.

"Button, why don't you tell me in advance? Why don't you tell me?" Old Lange screamed desperately on the floor and shouted to Batton: "Old man, you are not authentic..."

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