So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1775: Stop pretending

The first seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters are not installed.

In the midst of desperation, the old Lange looked at Batton with some resentment: "Old man, you are not authentic! Why don't you tell me that the broken help is gone? Why don't you tell me?"

"Hey! I have told you kindly before, look at the face of the old man, I will not let you come, tell you, who is coming and who is dead! You don't believe it? Who can blame? I think I have done my best! Everything that I said said, all this is caused by your own failure to listen to my advice!" Buttton was complained by the old Lange, some uncomfortable said; "You think I am back, Now you see it? Who am I going to care for?"

"This..." Old Lange thought carefully. It was true that Batton had said these words at the time, but at the time he was angry and didn't believe in Batton's words. He completely regarded Batton's words as a return to Yang Ming. But did not expect, in fact, Button is to protect themselves!

Hey! Old Lange sighed. He felt that he was so unwilling to listen. Obviously, Battton is kind, but he has become a liver and lungs... Is it no wonder that people? All this is for yourself!

"But, why don't you tell me to understand a little? You said that he is very powerful, and all of them have broken the broken head. I can't come to kill it!" Old Lange smiled bitterly.

Old Lange also knows that even if Battton said that the broken gang was destroyed, he might not believe it. However, he can call to verify afterwards, and he will not go so rashly.

"Hey! What is the identity of Mr. Yang? Even our family owners are awe-inspiring. Can I talk about people at random?" Batton said: "Old man, do you really don't understand, or do you not understand? On our level People, do you have to say something that you need to say? Isn’t a suggestion enough? You are also very smart at ordinary times. Why is this so reckless?"

"The authorities are fascinated! The authorities are fascinated!" Old Lange regretted: "I was angry at the time. How do I know that things will be like this? Oh... repent..."

Old Lange is now a little bit of a rebellious heart for Yang Ming! What is the strength of killing four men without a sound?

"Old man, you still don't regret complaining, the trouble in front of you has not been solved!" Barton reminded: "You angered Mr. Yang, I can't ask for you, you can only ask for more happiness." ""

Old Lange remembered this, and there was still a big trouble in front of him. Yang Ming was sneer at himself and he still complained and regretted that it was useless...

"Mr. Yang, it’s my old eyes, I don’t know Taishan... I’m letting you go... let’s go...” Old Lange wanted to say that he had let go of himself and Lange, but he wanted to go and let Yang Ming destroy the broken head. The hot and the eyes of the four Platinum thugs who just killed themselves, it seems that there is no need to ask for love, Yang Ming will not agree, since he came, it is estimated that he will not go back! Thinking of this, the old Lange sighed and continued: "Request you to let go of other members of the Speeding Party... The Speeding Party is the hard work of my life... even if I am not there, I hope he will continue!"

"What do you mean, you and your son's life, can you exchange the fate of the speeding party?" Yang Ming asked coldly.

The old Lange stunned, only to think that his fate has been completely controlled in the hands of Yang Ming, there is no bargaining capital with him! He is already the lamb of Yang Ming’s slaughter, and is the slaughtered lamb still qualified to talk to the slaughter about the conditions? Thinking of this, the old Lange is somewhat desperate: "Is it... can't it be done?"

"This thing has nothing to do with me, it is your son's own arrogance." Yang Ming looked at Lange and said: "Old Lange? Don't say I didn't give you a chance, you will kill your son by yourself." If you drop, you can take him away."

In essence, Yang Ming has no hatred with the Flying Party. The Flying Party and the Broken Head help are different. The Broken Head helps touch Yang Ming’s bottom line, so Yang Ming kills one hundred and gives the Nancheng family a color look.

The speeding party said that it was nothing but bullying the two friends who had just met each other. Yang Ming was too lazy to treat them. As long as Lange lost the function of continuing to harass Tao Linfang, Yang Ming also let him live. I want to come here to shock them, and it is enough to deter the two fathers and sons. I will not dare to make any mistakes in the future.

Yang Ming had previously wasted four flying needles to shoot the four platinum hitters, also to give Lange and his son a visual shock, let them fear themselves from the heart! This is much more effective than killing four people directly!

I personally killed the Platinum hitter, although the old Lange and Lange will be shocked, they will fear their strength, but definitely not like the present, there is no rebellious mind! I don’t even think about it!

If they are only hands-on, they must not dare to disagree with themselves now, but afterwards, they will definitely think of the opportunity of the law to retaliate against themselves or Battton, Chen Ze, Tao Linfang and others! They just think that they can only play some, just send more and more powerful people, you can get yourself!

People's sea tactics, for the party that helps a lot of people, it is nothing! But now, I didn't do it at all, and I immediately killed four people, so that the old Lange would not think about revenge any more, because there are no more people coming to die, there is no meaning at all!

"Abolished?" Old Lange stunned, and immediately understood what Yang Ming's "abolition" means! My son, because of the pursuit of Yang Ming’s friends, the thing that Yang Ming’s “abolishment” refers to the loss of his son’s chance to continue to pursue girls...

Although the old Lange felt that it was a very painful thing to let his son break the grandson, it was much stronger than the two fathers and sons! Fortunately, I am old and strong, and some aspects of the function have not been lost, big deal to go back to regenerate a son, it is for the family to pass on!

Although the son has become a waste person, but he can also be the leader of the speeding party party. He has been taking care of the growth of this younger brother, and his own pulse is not broken!

"Mr. Yang, is this true?" Old Lange looked up and looked at Yang Ming. This is his only hope. He does not want Yang Ming to lie to him.

"I speak, naturally count." Yang Ming said: "Hurry up, don't wait until I start, you will not even have a life!"

"Good! Mr. Yang, I will do it, and this will be done!" Old Lange bit his teeth and looked at his son. "Lange, you are patient!"

Lange naturally heard Yang Ming’s words. Although he was afraid of his heart, he became a waste person in the future, and he could not pursue a girl, but it was better than losing his life.

Although you can't pick up a girl, life has lost a lot of fun, but there are other fun to enjoy, eating, drinking, gambling, etc. are very comfortable!

"Dad, nothing, you do it!" Lange nodded. He was already surprised that Yang Ming could let him go! Yang Ming can make a person who can die in such a moment, can loose a mouth, Lange is simply overjoyed.

Old Lange indulged, lifted his foot and slammed it to Lange's lower jaw.

"Hey--" Lange screamed, almost fainted... He slammed his lower body, sweating and sweating, and began to roll on the ground.

"Mr. Yang, is this okay?" After doing all this, the old Lange did not look at the painful son on the ground, but looked up and asked Yang Ming.

"Oh--" Yang Ming smiled faintly, and casually glanced at Lange, who was rolling on the ground: "Don't pretend, it's not so good, it's swollen."

Yang Ming’s words made the old Lange suddenly shocked! The face changed instantly! He had kicked his son before, although it looked fierce, but it actually retained the strength, but also used the clever power, and did not directly play in the deadly place!

When Lao Lange was young, he was also a master of fighting. He wanted to make a gesture. It seemed to be serious when he kicked a kick. In fact, he kept some room. He wanted to see Yang Ming.

However, I did not expect Yang Ming to actually see it?

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