So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1781: You have me too

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-one chapters, you have me, too

"Oh, wait for you to give me money, I will kill you again." Yang Ming looked at Li battery, very plainly said: "If you don't give money, you want to die, no way."

"..." Li battery really wants to marry her mother, who is this his mother? Why are you so bad to talk about?

However, Li battery does not wait to say anything, the young man who chased him later has arrived. In fact, this is just a moment of hard work. He and Yang Ming also said a few words.

The young man who chased after him saw Li battery actually being controlled by Yang Ming, and his eyes were filled with a surprised look! Li battery's skill is very clear, although it is far worse than himself, otherwise he can't be chased by the world, but compared with ordinary people, it is strong, I don't know how much!

"Thank you, help me catch him!" Anyway, the person in front of me caught up with the goal of chasing for many days, Liu Ye is still very grateful to say.

"No thanks, I am not arresting him because of you." Yang Ming said faintly. This person seems to be eye-catching, but the man is too delicate, but it makes people feel a bit sissy.

Seeing him like a Chinese, so what he said is English, Yang Ming is Chinese.

Yang Ming’s words made Liu Ye’s slight glimpse and looked at Yang Ming: “You are also a Chinese?”

"Come on travel." Yang Ming shrugged.

"Oh, since they are all Chinese, it’s better to talk." Liu Ye’s friendly nod to Yang Ming: "Do you give me? I am good to go back."

"Give you?" Yang Ming looked at Liu Ye with some weird look: "Why do you give it to you?"

"This..." Liu Ye stunned, my heart, I have been chasing him, have you not seen it? You caught it, naturally you want to give it to me? However, Liu Ye explained: "He is the one I want to catch."

"Oh, I don't care if he is the one you want to catch, he broke my car, I want him to pay for the car." Yang Ming listened to Liu Ye's explanation, but did not care, but insisted. .

"Felling the car?" Liu Ye also noticed that Yang Ming’s car’s central control switch was destroyed. It’s obviously Li’s battery... It’s only a bitter smile. If the average person is destroyed by Li battery, he’s not afraid. It’s not bad, but where is it like the person in front of you, hold it, and let people pay for it?

But in front of this person seems to work hard, can not be underestimated, he wants Li battery to pay for the car, naturally there is that strength. Liu Ye smiled and said: "Sir, I am a special department of the country. I am carrying out the task outside. This person is the one I must bring back. If you are also traveling, then you should support me. You can rest assured that your car is bad. Now, after I go back, I can repair it for you..."

Liu Ye listened to Yang Ming saying that he was traveling in China, and naturally he did not hide his identity. He wanted to come and say his identity. Yang Ming should be able to give a face. After all, it is a country, and he is also an official. He will not obstruct it?

"Executing the task?" Yang Ming frowned. "You don't perform the task, I don't care, but this guy said that I have to pay for the money of my two cars, so he gave me the money, I will let him go!"

"Sir, do you mean that you don't cooperate with me?" Liu Ye is a little angry, even if you will work hard, but don't you have to? The money for two cars? Is this not extortion?

When Yang Ming listened to Liu Ye’s words, he also came to the air: “You said that you performed the task and performed the task? Who knows if you are a liar?”

"Oh..." Liu Yeyi stunned, some speechless, but then he found a document from his body and handed it to Yang Ming: "This is my ID, so I can prove my identity?"

"Is there a document?" Yang Ming took his certificate from Liu Ye's hand. This is a document of the domestic military. The photo above is indeed the person in front of him. The name is... Liu Ye? Yang Ming wants to laugh a little: "Liu leaves? Women?"

"Men's..." Liu Ye is a bit shameful...

"Pseudo-naughter?" Yang Ming continued to ask.

"..." Liu Ye is a little angry: "Pure guys..."

"Oh, it’s pure man! I know, a lot of super girls are also." Yang Ming nodded.

Liu Yechun is speechless.

"I am quite familiar with your department? But why haven't I seen you?" Yang Ming looked at the department attached to Liu Ye's documents, and the department that Xia Bingyan gave himself to the military's documents was a department... Yang Ming is a bit suspicious of the identity of the person in front of him: "You will not be fake this document?"

“Don’t you see?” Liu leaves screamed: “What do you mean?”

"The meaning is obvious, that is, I am also in this department." Yang Ming said, he took out his military document from his pocket and handed it to Liu Ye: "Don't mess up the documents, I don't know if I have this." Really? Actually, I have never seen you with one of my departments!"

Yang Ming is naturally open to the mouth. Yang Ming has not learned the authenticity of these documents. It is said that Yang Ming is only a person in charge. Where do you know if there is Liu Ye in this department? He said that he just swindled Liu and asked if the identity of the person was a problem.

"Hey?! You too?" Liu Ye took some of Yang Ming's documents in an incredible way. After a glance, his face suddenly became extremely weird! It’s really a department!

Seeing the expression of Liu Ye, Yang Ming said, this kid really has problems! I was originally attached to the upstairs. The leaders in the department didn’t know, let alone the average person. After Liu’s reading his own documents, he did not show any doubts, but also this expression, this person really has problem?

Liu Ye did not think that the person in front of him was actually a military person, and suddenly it was a little difficult! However, hesitated a bit, or said: "Since you are a military person, then my identity does not need to look at you. The location of this document is actually just a link. My true identity is to serve a special Department!"

"Special department?" Yang Ming did not expect Liu Ye to explain this, isn't it similar to his own nature? They are all anchored.

"Yes, this is my real ID! You must have heard of it here?" Liu Ye returned Yang Ming's certificate to Yang Ming, and then took out a document from his pocket and handed it to him. Yang Ming: "Your leadership should have told you that when our people need help, you must unconditionally cooperate with our department to carry out the task!"

"Oh?" Yang Ming took the Liu Ye's certificate with interest. At first glance, it was a bit silly... No?

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