So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1782: Encounter with peers

The first seven hundred and eighty-two chapters encountered peers

Yang Ming did not expect Liu Ye to come up with the second certificate. From his tone of view, is he also a person who is affiliated with the military? And what department is he called a special department?

So, Yang Ming took the Liu Ye's certificate with interest. At first glance, it was a bit silly... No?

"Hey? You... is the Mystery Bureau of Investigation?" Yang Ming coughed twice, and looked up and down Liu Ye’s strangely: "Cough... No?"

Liu Ye listened to Yang Ming and said that his heart was loose. Since Yang Ming knew this mysterious investigation bureau, it also showed that Yang Ming had the obligation to cooperate with his actions unconditionally. The person in his hands must also give it to himself!

"Yes! Since you know this department, you know the nature of our work. Please hand me the person you have!" Liu Ye said with some depression. He had thought of taking out a document, and Yang Ming would hand him over to him, but he did not expect it to use the ultimate document.

"But... I still have to let him pay for my car..." Yang Ming returned the certificate to Liu Ye, shaking his head and said.

"What?" Liu Ye suddenly listened to Yang Ming's words. What does this mean? Doesn't he know what the Mystery Bureau is doing? Does he who is a military actually do not cooperate with his work?

Liu Yezhen is a little angry: "Don't you know, should you cooperate with us?"

"Oh, that's them, but I'm not." Yang Ming shook his head: "In fact, like you, I am affiliated with the military. I also work in special departments."

“Hey!?” Liu leaves screamed: “What joke are you doing?”

"This is my ID card. Let's take a look." Yang Ming said, he took out his other document and handed it to Liu Ye.

When Liu Ye saw the cover of Yang Ming’s documents, his face changed suddenly. Some of the documents that Yang Ming handed over were taken incredibly. They opened their eyes and completely affirmed their own guess...

Before Liu Ye saw Yang Ming’s certificate cover, he was very similar to his own. He was doubtful in his heart. At this time, he took over and read the contents. Liu Ye’s can be completely affirmed. This document is also the Mystery Bureau of Investigation!

“Peer?” Liu Ye smiled and returned the document to Yang Ming. Is this too coincidental?

"Well, peer." Yang Ming nodded. "So give a face, I want money first, wait for me to finish the money, you take him away!"

"Oh... well..." Liu Yeh could only nod and agreed with Yang Ming’s approach. No way, two people are a system, no one is dependent on who. In this case, Yang Ming is going to pay the money and can return the person to him. It is not bad. He couldn't help too much about Yang Ming.

Since this person is his own peer, Yang Ming's means, there is no need to avoid this Liu Ye.

In fact, the most surprising thing is Li battery. He originally thought that Yang Ming was just a very talented person, but later, Yang Ming took out the military's documents, and he felt that something was wrong.

However, this is better. After that, Yang Ming took out the same document of the mysterious investigation bureau. This made Li battery somewhat desperate. Is there anything wrong? How is your luck so back? I want to grab a car, hijack my personal qualities, and actually grab the head of the person who hijacked the mysterious investigation bureau. Is this too unlucky?

Li battery is really appointed this time, no wonder this guy is so powerful, it is also the mystery investigation bureau! Since they are in their hands, don't think about it.

"Hey--" Li battery sighed, and dejectedly gave up the plan to resist.

"I said, you lose money without losing money?" Yang Ming slammed Li battery and asked.

"Compensate for a fart, you love it! I am like this! Can you have a good time to die?" Li battery out, his account in the Swiss bank, enough for his wife and children to enjoy for a few years.

Therefore, he also made up his mind, and did not take out a dime. Anyway, it was a dead end, and what kind of car money was lost!

"Are you sure not to lose?" Yang Ming looked at Li battery coldly.

"There is no money, no money, no life, you want to make it out!" Li battery is a generous and righteous look.

"Well, this is what you said. You can't stand it for a while!" Yang Ming said faintly.

"Hey... I said Mr. Yang... This person is useful for us to go back. Don't kill him." Liu Ye saw Yang Ming preparing to shoot Li battery and quickly reminded him.

"Do not worry, I have a measure." Yang Ming nodded, and then gently lit a few points on the Li battery, he threw the battery on the ground, not afraid that he ran.

Seeing Yang Ming throwing Li battery on the ground, Liu Ye is nervous, so don't run!

Yang Ming saw his look of defense, smiled and waved his hand. When Liu Ye saw that Yang Ming was so confident, he did not do anything. After all, the people in the Mystery Bureau of Investigation had their own skills, even his own.

Li battery did not expect Yang Ming to let himself go. After he landed on the ground, he wanted to get up and run away, but he hadn't waited to run yet. He had a painful feeling of numbness in his body, as if he had been bitten by a group of ants. Internal organs are generally...

"Ah-!" Li battery screamed and slammed on the ground: "Oh, it’s hard to die... What did you do to me? Ah..."

Li battery screamed, rolling on the ground, hands grabbed in different positions on his body, but could not solve any problems, he twisted his body, squatting on the ground, clothes must Once broke, the skin of the body also took out the blood, but did not know.

At the moment, Liu Ye is also shocked to see Yang Ming! What is this means? How does it look a bit like acupuncture? This kind of means, even your own father, will not? Acupoints are a profound knowledge!

"You killed me, I can't do it, I am going to die!" Li battery is crying and wants to commit suicide, but he can't make any effort. Besides being able to roll on the ground, he can't do anything else.

"You are dead, I want to pay for the car?" Yang Ming did not move, looked at Li battery with a cold eye.

"Ah - I give money, I give you a car, I give it..." Li battery is not stupid. When he listens to Yang Ming, he understands. Yang Ming still remembers the car money. Before giving money, definitely not. Will make you die happily.

"I thought you didn't want to give it!" Yang Ming looked at Li battery and said faintly: "No? This can't stand it? There are still many means behind me that I didn't make it out. It's a pity..."

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