So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1783: I give money

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-three chapters I give money

Li battery has a crying heart, and once I heard Yang Ming’s words, I almost didn’t directly faint and die! Is this just the beginning? Are there other means behind? Have you made a mistake?

This is already killing people. If you want to die, you have to live. Listen to the meaning of Yang Ming. There are even more powerful means behind it. Does it make people not live? However, if it is not good for people to live, the most uncomfortable thing is the feeling of being half-dead.

Thinking of this, Li battery quickly said: "Brother, I lose money, I lose money, I pay for your two cars... No, three cars, I will transfer the money to you now, let me go, I beg you. !"

"Oh, if you lose money, you don't say it early." Yang Mingxi, ah, gently lit a few feet on Li battery, and then stood up again.

I want to say it early, but there is a chance, you are too embarrassed! I took it, I really served it! Li battery was ordered by Yang Ming a few times, suddenly like a jump out of the fire pit, the unspeakable refreshing!

"Call--" Li battery grew a sigh of relief, the feeling of pain before finally disappeared, the feeling of pain into the bone marrow, let Li battery think of it chilling!

The people in front of me are terrible, and they are more terrible than Liu’s own pursuit! It is estimated that the mysterious investigation bureau will send out the words of the people in front of them, and they will not be able to run so far and will be caught back.

The painful feeling on Li battery gradually disappeared, and his physical strength was slowly recovering. However, he did not rush to get up, but pretended to be physically weak and still lying on the ground.

Yang Ming did not rush, and there was a fascinating look in his eyes, but Li battery did not notice it.

Li battery is playing the wishful thinking at the moment. After he is ready to resume his physical strength, he will quickly run away, so Yang Ming does not ask him to get up. He is also happy to be on the ground without recovery.

"When do you give me money?" Yang Ming asked Li battery and asked.

"" Li battery deliberately gasped for two: "It’s too uncomfortable, it’s going to die, wait a moment..."

Li battery said this, his eyes turned and looked at Yang Ming. When he saw Yang Ming and Liu Ye, there was no movement. Suddenly, "Oh," he screamed and slammed up, pulling his legs to the opposite of the two. Run in the direction...

When Liu Ye saw Li battery getting up, it was not good. He was about to stop, but he did not stop it, but it was blocked by Yang Ming’s hand: "Don’t worry..."

"Well?" Liu leaves a bit, if it has already confirmed the authenticity of Yang Ming's documents, he would really think that Yang Ming and Li battery are a group!

However, next, what happened happened to Liu Ye to understand, why Yang Ming let Li battery run away without making any moves.

Li battery jumped from the ground and was trying to escape, but just got up and rushed forward, but before he stepped out, he slammed into the ground!

Li battery rushed down, his forehead was also smashed, and his blood was bleeding. Li battery is very shocking, what happened to his own legs? Why don’t you listen? Can't run at all? Just got up and fell off the head? Isn't your balance ability so bad?

Li battery subconsciously struggled to get up from the ground and wanted to continue running, but he was scared to find that he could not stand up! My own legs, it seems that they are not their own, they simply do not listen to!

Before the Li battery jumped from the ground, how much was used by an inertial force, not the strength of the legs. Now I want to stand up with the strength of my legs, but I found it impossible, my legs. It is not good at all!

"My legs... What happened to my legs?" Li’s face showed a look of fear: "How can my legs not move?"

"You are not honest? You want to run away?" Yang Ming looked at Li battery like a smile.

"I... I don't want to..." Li battery saw Yang Ming's ridiculous expression, and finally realized that this must be Yang Ming's hands and feet, otherwise Yang Ming could not be at all. Tension, even blocking did not stop!

"Since you don't want to run away, what are you doing?" Yang Ming sneered and asked.

"I, I just think that I have recovered. I am exercising... Yes, it is exercise!" Li battery said seriously.

"Well, I don't care if you are sports or want to run away, don't talk so much nonsense, don't give money?" Yang Ming said, eyebrows pick one, and they are going to grab Li battery.

Li battery was stunned by Yang Ming’s actions, thinking that Yang Ming would give him a similar method before, where can he live with it, and think of this, Li battery said in an awkward way: "Don't... Don't come over... I will call to transfer money..."

"Hurry up, my time is precious, there is no time to ink with you." Yang Ming frowned and looked at Li battery.

"Good... well..." Li battery quickly took out his mobile phone, dialed the phone number of his Swiss bank, and then carefully asked Yang Ming: "Sir, what is your account number?"

"My account is xxxx -" Yang Ming casually reported to his account at a Swiss bank to give Li battery.

After Lee’s battery was written down, he quickly rushed to make a transfer of two million dollars in the past, enough to buy four cars. He was really scared and wanted to send Yang Ming’s god.

"Sir, I have transferred you two million dollars in the past, you check it..." Li battery said cautiously: "You can buy four cars, can you see it?"

"Well, don't check it, Liu Ye, this person is handed over to you." Yang Ming did not look at Li battery, he said to Liu Ye, who was next to him.

"Okay!" Liu Ye was also relieved. Yang Ming handed the man to his hand, and he was relieved. However, he still asked: "Mr. Yang, the legs of this Li battery..."

"Oh, I was sealed by acupuncture points. After forty-eight hours, I can unlock myself." Yang Ming explained: "I don't need to unlock him now? Save him to run again."

"This is true!" Liu Ye listened to Yang Ming's explanation. Naturally, he was not in a hurry to solve the problem with Li battery. This guy can't run better and save his own heart.

"Okay, I went to play with my friend, you go back to the cross! I have the opportunity to return to China, I invite you to drink!" Yang Ming smiled and waved at Liu Ye, said.

"I invite you, this time you helped me a lot, when you look back, you are not drunk!" Liu Yehao said coolly.

"When you said this sentence, it was quite a man!" Yang Ming smiled and said: "Otherwise, you are too fake."

"Rely!" Liu Ye suddenly turned black, almost did not faint, smiled and took Li battery left here...

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