So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1785: Tell you a trick

The first thousand seven hundred and eighty-five chapters tell you a trick

"Boss, you are back here? How did you find it?" Zhang Bin looked at Yang Ming with amazement, and now he is simply unable to admire his boss!

"Oh, I have always remembered the road, no matter how you turn, I have written down." Yang Ming smiled faintly. Remembering the road is one of the necessary practices for the killer. Only by remembering the way, can you prepare yourself for a retreat! Otherwise, no matter whether the assassination succeeds or fails, it must be quickly evacuated. Without a retreating killer, it is easy to put your own life into it.

As a descendant of the king of the killer, Yang Ming naturally leaves a suitable retreat for himself at any moment. Danger is everywhere, the enemies hidden behind, often jump out, not necessarily at what time, so Yang Ming will not take it lightly even when he is in the wind, remember the way of coming, this has become a Yang Ming Natural habits.

Yang Ming did not force himself to deliberately, everything was naturally remembered.

Therefore, before Zhang Bin went the wrong way, Yang Ming did not have to work hard. He quickly found the way back and drove the car to the Douglas Hotel.

"Boss, I feel more and more now, you are not an ordinary person!" Zhang Bin sincerely admired: "Fortunately, I have a foresight, I recognized you when I went to school, otherwise, how many people want to give you now?" As a younger brother, there is no chance!"

"Oh--" Yang Ming listened to Zhang Bin’s words and couldn’t help but smile: “In fact, some details in life, as long as you pay attention, there is nothing to remember. These are very simple things, there is no difficulty.”

"Forget it, I can't remember this brain." Zhang Bin shook his head: "Don't say that this is a foreign country, that is, in Songjiang City, it is difficult for me to remember the roads that I don't often go."

"Oh, but I still have a good way." Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Well? Boss, what other tricks do you have? Tell me, don't bother with your brain?" Zhang Bin asked quickly.

"No, no use at all." Yang Ming shook his head.

"That's good, just for me," Zhang Bin nodded with interest. "Boss, let me talk about it, what happened?"

"You buy a navigator, download a world map, and then ok." Yang Ming said.

"Ah?" Zhang Bin stunned, and immediately he knew that he had been stunned by Yang Ming. Seeing the expression of Yang Ming’s thief, Zhang Bin said with a bitter face: "Boss, you will make me joke..."

"I said really." Yang Ming pressed a button on the car: "Look, this car has its own navigation system, although it is in English, but it is some simple language, it is easy to use. ......"

"Halo..." Zhang Bin looked at the navigator on the car, almost did not kneel down, the original car has a navigator? I was still struggling around, and I knew that I had found the Navigator and found everything...

"So tell you, be good at observing the details around you." Yang Ming turned off the navigator, parked the car at the door of the Douglas Hotel, did not say anything more, and immediately got off the bus.

Zhang Bin looked at the navigation on the car and sighed. He and Yang Ming were still a lot worse.

Yang Ming entered the Douglas Grand Hotel, and Barton’s eyes were sharp, and he immediately greeted him.

"Button? Don't you let me wait for you? Why haven't you slept yet? Is it four o'clock in the morning?" Yang Ming glanced, and the night light of his eyes saw an old man sitting on the sofa there, at the moment. Seeing that Barton was coming over, he also stood up and walked over here.

Yang Ming roughly guessed why Batton was in the lobby of the hotel and waited for him to come back. This old man is estimated to be the owner of the Nancheng family, Jotans.

Yang Ming’s guess is naturally not wrong. This old man is the owner of the Nancheng family, Jotans. He rushed to Las Vegas overnight and came to the Douglas Hotel. But Batton naturally greeted him with respect and respect, but told He, Yang Ming went out, said when he left, let you wait for him to come back in the lobby of the hotel.

Since Jotans knew about Yang Ming’s power, Jotans had this time with a low-minded mind. Even her own aunt, Miss Alice, affirmed Yang Ming’s power, and it seems that she does not intend to This matter is to let yourself apologize to Yang Ming!

That is to say, if Yang Ming does not forgive himself and vent his anger on the Nancheng family, Miss Alice may not intervene, so the only hope of Jotans is to pray that Yang Ming can forgive.

Ever since, after listening to the words of Batton, Jotans was not only angry, but also sat in the lobby of the Douglas Hotel, waiting quietly for Yang Ming to come back.

Although Jotans admits his fault with his sincere heart, he is the owner of the Nancheng family. He is sitting in the hotel lobby waiting for Yang Ming. But Barton is not good enough to leave him alone.

So Barton had no choice but to accompany Jotans in the hall. Jotans was naturally happy to accompany him. He wanted to know Yang Ming’s temper and personality in advance, and no one asked him. But when Batton stayed here, he asked Barton about what happened to Yang Ming.

But Barton didn't hide it either, and Jotans didn't have to hide anything. The broken gang was destroyed by Yang Ming. Jotans also had a certain understanding of Yang Ming's strength, so Barton simply slammed the speeding party. In the case of Yang Ming, Yang Ming did not take the shot and immediately killed the four people with his mind, and told Jotans.

Jotáns listened to Yang Ming and could kill him without taking a shot. He suddenly jumped. He didn't think that Batton would lie to him. At the level of them, there is no need to say something deceiving. Therefore, what Butterton said can only be true!

However, this is too shocking, right? However, after thinking about it, Yang Ming could destroy the Lancer family overnight, but it was not so shocking!

If there is such a powerful person, then I am afraid I will not believe it!

In addition to the horror, Jotans also felt that this is the correct way to plead guilty to Yang Ming this time. If he does not come, the next Nancheng family is likely to be wiped out...

And between the Douglas family and Yang Ming, Jotans also learned some, but some strange, how is Yang Ming now mixed with the Douglas family? Are they not enemies before? It seems that the relationship is not bad now?

However, anyway, this is an exciting news...

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