So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1786: Homeowner like a primary school student

The first seven hundred and eighty-six chapters are like home pupils.

This shows that Yang Ming is not the kind of person who cares about the smaller belly! As far as the Douglas family is concerned, Yang Ming is the kind of person who is forgiving and forgiving.

Otherwise, you can't live in the Douglas family hotel, and the people of the Douglas family are so harmonious! If Yang Ming is unreasonable, it is hard for Jotans to imagine that the Douglas family will be so beautiful.

Therefore, this also made Jotans full of confidence in the negotiations and compromises after seeing Yang Ming! Seeing the current situation of the Douglas family, Jotans knew that everything can be discussed. As long as he is sufficiently low-profile and has sufficient conditions, I believe that this time can still be solved.

Although Jotans did not know Yang Ming, but suddenly saw Batton stand up, Jotans also understood that Yang Ming is back! Otherwise, in this city, who else can make Batton so diligent?

Sure enough, Jotáns’s mistake was not wrong. Battton called out Yang Ming’s identity: “Mr. Yang, you are back! Jotans, the owner of the Nancheng family, has arrived, waiting for you to come back here!”

At this time, Jotans had already come over, trying to make his expression look respectful, and reached out with enthusiasm: "Hello, Mr. Yang, I am the owner of the Nancheng family, Jotans..."

"Oh..." Yang Ming glanced at Jotans with a faint look and didn't shake his hand: "I have to go back to the room to take a shower. After half an hour, come to my room and look for me."

After that, Yang Ming turned around and walked straight to the elevator, never looking at Jotuns again. Zhang Bin looked at Jotans and looked at Batton again. He didn't say anything. He quickly followed Yang Ming and went to the elevator together.

Button’s heart is slightly tight, and he doesn’t know Yang Ming’s arrogant attitude. Will he annoy Jotans? In any case, Jotans is the owner of a big family and has a lofty position in Europe.

Nowadays, Yang Ming is despised like a small person. If you change this, you will feel uncomfortable! Of course, this is not knowing the true strength of Yang Ming. Buttton asks himself, even if Yang Ming humiliates himself, he will not feel anything. Instead, he feels that he must be doing something wrong.

But Jotans... Thinking of it, Batton looked at Jotans, but found that there was no disappointing look on the face of Jotáns, still so respectful, humble head down, careful way "Yes, Mr. Yang, you are busy first, I will go on time after half an hour!"

Button shook his head. It seemed that he was thinking too much. Some mediocrity was self-interesting. Jotans was not a fool. How could he not know the power? If Yang Ming is angry because he is contemptuous, he will not wait for Yang Ming in this hotel lobby for so long!

The owner of a big family can do this step. What else can't be done?

"Boss, who is the old man? Listening to you, is the owner of the Nancheng family?" After entering the elevator, Zhang Bin could not help but ask.

"Well, the Nancheng Casino that you went to before is the family industry, but it is just a tiny industry." Yang Ming nodded and said: "This old thing does not give him a little color to look at, he does not know the north and the south. ”

"Hey..." Zhang Bin was terrified. Although he didn't know the identity of the Nancheng family's owner, but since he could call it a homeowner, and listened to Yang Ming saying that Nancheng Casino is only a small industry of his family, then this owner is definitely not ordinary. Now!

Such a character, Yang Ming is hanging there like a clown, there is no complaint at all, then there are only two possibilities, one is that this person's temper is really good, but this point, Zhang Bin is not how believable. As a superior, have such a good temper, who believes that?

The second possibility is that this Jotans is brave and afraid to speak. Yang Ming is too strong, and he does not have a rebellious heart. Of course, this possibility is more.

"Don't worry about him, go back and take a rest, I will deal with this guy in a while." Yang Ming patted Zhang Bin's shoulder: "Don't you choose a car? Go back and go online."

Zhang Bin also knows that Yang Ming does not want to participate in too many of these things. After all, these things are not good things, Yang Ming can control, but he is too far away from himself, he still has to live in his own circle.

Back in the room, Yang Ming took a hot bath, watched the TV, and gave himself a cup of coffee, and then slowly came to the door, the time spent was far more than Half an hour.

When Yang Ming opened the door, he saw that Jotans was standing respectfully behind his door. It was obvious that he had been here for a long time, but he did not come and knocked on the door to disturb himself.

"You come in." Yang Ming was quite satisfied with Jotáns’s move. This first pass was a thing of the past. If Jotans knows each other and gives up some benefits, he doesn't mind letting go of the Nancheng family. Of course, all this depends on the attitude of Jotans.

"Yes, Mr. Yang." Jotán nodded and carefully entered the room behind Yang Ming, but when he reached the door, he stopped. "Mr. Yang, do you need to change your slippers?"

"No need." Yang Ming waved his hand: "This room is not my home, no need."

"Okay." Jotáns stepped into Yang Ming's room, but did not dare to sit on the sofa, just standing side by side.

Yang Ming didn't take care of him. He turned into his room. After a while, he came out with a cup of coffee and saw that Jotans still stood in the previous position. Yang Ming smiled, but it was also Hard for this old man.

"Sit down." Yang Ming raised his coffee cup and indicated that Jotans could sit down.

Jotans sat carefully on the sofa in the living room of the suite, but did not dare to sit down, but sat half-necked on the sofa, standing upright, like a schoolboy who was in class.

"Drink coffee?" Yang Ming asked faintly.

"Thank you, don't bother." Jotans naturally did not dare to ask Yang Ming to give him coffee. He also understood that Yang Ming was just polite, not really wanting to give him coffee.

"Okay, if that's the case, I don't have much to say nonsense." Today's time is not too late. Yang Ming is not willing to do with Jotans ink: "Go directly to the topic."

"Mr. Yang, I am sorry!" Jotans stood up and gave Yang Ming a sigh, then said: "The previous offense, please forgive me, then the gang of help, is not self-intention, is Govi Sik made a self-assertion, but as a family owner, I am willing to take responsibility for all of this, please ask Mr. Yang to punish!"

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