So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1787: Interest ceding

The first seven hundred and seventy-seven chapters of interest cession

1907. Interest ceding

Wireless Chapter 1787: Interest Ceding

"You are quite bachelor." Yang Ming saw that Jotans’ attitude was not bad, so he pressed his hand with a hollow: "Sit down and talk."

"Thank you Mr. Yang!" Jotans nodded and sat down.

"Klass is dead, who is instructing him, who sent it, I don't want to ask, I don't want to know." Yang Ming glanced at Jotans: "We are now talking about the problem of the Nancheng family. !"

When Jotham listened to Yang Ming’s words, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of was that Yang Ming had a thorough question about this matter and asked the bottom of Klass. Who has introduced this person to himself, so that Jotans was a little embarrassed. Miss Alice’s business cannot be said casually. If Yang Ming wants to ask, he can only die, not to mention.

However, Yang Ming did not pursue this matter, and Jotans was naturally not happy.

"Thank you Mr. Yang!" The same sentence, before Jotáns said that he had to be careful and respectful because of the pressure of Yang Ming, but now this sentence is from the heart! He feels that Yang Ming is really wide-minded and does not care about small things.

"Well," Yang Ming waved his hand and said faintly: "You should not think that this matter can be easily passed."

"Yes... I know, I naturally know." Jotans nodded and said quickly.

"I don't want to investigate the things of Klass, but the things of your Nancheng family are not finished yet," Yang Ming said. "You see that the Douglas family is getting along with me now, but you know what they paid. What is the price?"

"Let's listen under the ear!" Jotham's heart glimpsed, and immediately thought of the previous doubts! No wonder the relationship between the Douglas family and Yang Ming seems to be very harmonious, and it has paid a price!

Otherwise, the contradiction between Yang Ming and the Lancer family was caused by the Douglas family. Yang Ming destroyed the Lancer family and was closer to the Douglas family. It must be said that it was doubtful that Jotans was.

However, this Douglas family is quite smart. Knowing that it is a decisive act, it is also considered that they are lucky, so that they are not dead. It is really a big blessing.

“The entire Douglas hotel in China is all let out.” Yang Ming smiled and said: “This is not a secret, I believe you have heard it...”

"Oh? It was said that it was acquired by the whole... It turned out to be... It was like this! No wonder!" Jotans said: "I said how the Douglas family would suddenly sell all the hotels in China! At the beginning, I It is also strange that this is clearly a profitable industry, and the Douglas family is developing the Asian hotel industry plan, how suddenly it has been abandoned halfway... It turned out to be the case!"

Before, like Jotuns, there were not many people who were very strange about this matter. They were also familiar with the Douglas family. They secretly asked the people of the Douglas family, but the members of the Douglas family kept surprisingly. Consistent caliber, it is said that this is for the family's overall plan!

However, the specific plan can not tell why, this kind of signs, although it is doubtful, but there is no way to see the truth, but also can only believe the interpretation of the Douglas family.

At this point, Jotans finally understood that the Douglas family’s truth in the hotel industry in China was originally ceded out as a benefit of compensation. This handwriting is not too big.

"I can also give up, our family is in the industry of China." After knowing the truth, Jotans said subconsciously.

“Oh?” Yang Ming snorted after listening. “As far as I know, the Nancheng family’s industry in China, apart from the casino in Macau, what else?”

"This..." Jotanston was a bit embarrassed. He said this before, but it is not a clever thing, but Yang Ming said that the Douglas family can give up some benefits. Their Nancheng family can also give up these. Benefits come!

He said that he actually wanted Yang Ming to feel at ease, but he did not expect it to be counterproductive. He felt that he was playing smart, although he also gave up all the industries in China, but the Douglas family gave up The property rights of ten hotels, and the only one that they gave out is a casino in Macau. The gap between them is not a little bit.

"Mr. Yang, you know, I don't mean this! I just want to show that the Douglas family can do it, we can do the same for the Nancheng family, and we can do better!" Jotans was afraid of Yang Ming misunderstanding, Explain quickly.

"I know that even if you want to give me a casino, I won't accept it so easily." Yang Ming said with a blank expression.

"Mr. Yang, I just showed it! I mean, our Nancheng family can only pay more than the Douglas family." Jotans said: "We have entertainment in many countries around the world." I can also give up part of it as my compensation to you."

“A lot of countries around the world? Do you think that I have the energy to go abroad and take over your entertainment industry?” Yang Ming shrugged. “Say something practical, you are in Macau, Las Vegas casinos, I want it. Of course, I don't stop you from opening a second home. If you have money, you can invest again. I won't ***."

Originally, I heard Yang Ming said that the casinos in these two places would be gone, and the heart of Jotans was tight! These two places, but known as the world casinos, the casinos here are also the most profitable, have been taken by Yang Ming, the Nancheng family is certainly not too good, but later I heard that Yang Ming is not *** they are These two places reopened the casino. Jotans breathed a sigh of relief, and his heart was secretly grateful. It seems that Yang Ming, like the kind of person he imagined, is not the one who kills him.

If this is the case, Yang Ming’s condition is not too much, it’s reasonable... just, is this too little? There are only two casinos, and the benefits of the Douglas family are far from the same.

So Jotans was not stupid. He probably guessed that Yang Ming’s words had not been finished yet, so he said, “Okay, Mr. Yang, you continue.”

Yang Ming nodded and was very satisfied with Jotán’s gesture at the moment: “In addition to this, there is Singapore’s industry, I want it.”

"No problem, Mr. Yang, you continue." Jotán nodded. There were only a few hotels and nightclubs in Singapore, and the two previous casinos added up, and there were no hotels in the Douglas family, so Jotans I know that Yang Ming has not finished.

"Plus one billion dollars." Yang Ming said: "Besides, there is no more."

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