So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1831: You give me out

Chapter 1,183, you give it to me.

"Well, too." Chen Mengyu didn't think much, nodded. "You have your classmates. Then, when you get to the hotel, let's call again and come out at night!"

"Okay..." Zhao Yingwei said: "The nightmare, our tutor is here, let me say, you are busy first..."

After that, Zhao Ying hurriedly ran away, she did not dare to stay here.

"Oh, that Yingjie, you go..." Chen Mengyu is somewhat inexplicable. How is Zhao Ying’s rush in today? Is there anything wrong with it?

However, what can be done? Chen Mengyao looked at Zhao Ying's back with some doubts, frowned...

Zhao Ying quickly found her own tutor: "Mr. Li, my friend has a car, I left with him..."

"Okay, you have to register, after we have drove the bus, you will follow it. The license of the bus is loose be1298." Li said.

Zhao Ying quickly registered, is about to leave, but turned around and saw Fan Jinzhe coming to his side, suddenly frowned.

"Zhao Ying, are you here? I can find you!" Fan Jinzhe saw Zhao Ying, said with excitement.

"What are you looking for?" Zhao Ying naturally does not want to talk to Fan Jinzhe.

"Zhao Ying, are you alone today? Didn't you come with Sun Jie and your so-called online boyfriend?" Fan Jinzhe looked around and did not find Sun Jie's figure.

"Fan Jinzhe, what are you doing?" Zhao Ying did not want to answer Fan Jinzhe's question.

"Nothing, I guess you are coming by yourself, let's go, be my car, let's go together!" Fan Jinzhe smiled and invited Zhao Ying.

"I didn't need to come with my boyfriend." Zhao Ying shook her head. Nothing, I left.

"Hey, wait!" Fan Jinzhe can't believe Zhao Ying's words: "Zhao Ying, why are you obsessed with it? You don't want to think, you make a fake boyfriend, do you think you can deceive me?"

"Fan Jinzhe, you are willing to believe, believe, do not believe, do not believe, I have to go!" After that, Zhao Ying turned and ran to the direction of Yang Ming's car.

Fan Jinzhe wants to chase, but he has not registered yet. He can only run Zhao Ying first, but as long as he sees where Zhao Ying went, she is not afraid that she can run away.

Looking at Zhao Ying on a black Audi a8l car, Fan Jinzhe is a bit surprised, when Zhao Ying knows such a rich man? A8l, that is more than one million, it is much more expensive than this Honda Accord!

Fan Jinzhe frowned and decided to keep up with it to see what happened to Zhao Ying.

At this time, Chen Mengxi also saw Zhao Ying running to a black Audi a8l, and then got on the car, suddenly confused, Zhao Ying when had such a high-end car?

I want to see who is sitting in the car, but after a few glances, I found that the car has been completely covered with a black film, and I can't see the cab and the back.

Moreover, so far away, it is difficult to see the situation inside the car, can only vaguely see that the license plate is loose bk9999, the license is quite good.

Zhao Ying got on the bus and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fan Jinzhe is entangled again!"

"Oh? He doesn't want to have another grievance possession?" Yang Ming smiled.

"You also said that he was scared to death last time, haha..." Zhao Ying thought that Fan Jinzhe was deceived by Yang Ming last time. He did not dare to go to school at home, and went to several masters to exorcise ghosts. Finally, the money was spent, and it was tossed enough...

This Yang Ming is also bad enough to deceive people once, but also to deceive others for the second time?

"Oh, if he provokes me again, I don't mind if he will come back again." Yang Ming smiled lightly.

Although Chen Mengyu was somewhat surprised how Zhao Ying suddenly ran into a luxury car, but this is not her own thing, but only curiosity, she can not interfere with Zhao Ying's private affairs.

So after seeing Zhao Ying enter the car and couldn't see the people inside the car, Chen Mengxi's attention turned back and did not continue to pay attention to the car.

However, Fan Jinzhe has been paying attention to this car on Zhao Ying's side. After he quickly registered his name with the instructor, he quickly ran to Zhao Ying, the Audi a8l. He wanted to see, inside the car. Who are all, there is no so-called Zhao Ying's boyfriend!

"Fan Jinzhe, he ran over..." Zhao Ying looked at the person running in front of the car, and some helplessly said to Yang Ming.

"I will solve him." Yang Ming did not put Fan Jinzhe in his eyes.

"Don't!" Zhao Ying took Yang Ming: "Don't go down!"

"What's wrong?" Yang Ming said.

"Just now, Chen Mengxi saw me, and I should have seen me return to this car. If you get off the bus, what should you do when Chen Mengyu sees it?" Zhao Ying asked.

"This..." Yang Ming did not expect that Chen Mengyu actually noticed the car, and suddenly smiled: "Then we will not go down and see what he is doing."

Zhao Ying nodded, and this is the only way.

"Dangdang..." Fan Jinzhe ran over, unceremoniously knocking on the window of Audi a8l, he could not bear it, and must look at what is inside the car.

"Yang Ge, do you need to go down and drive this kid away?" Xiao Wang just heard the dialogue between Yang Ming and Zhao Ying, knowing that Yang Ming could not get off the bus and had scruples, so he volunteered.

"Well, you go and take him away." Yang Ming has forgotten Xiao Wang's embarrassment. This Xiao Wang used to be the captain of the security team. His skills are not bad. It is more than enough to drive away Fan Jinzhe.

Xiao Wang opened the car and got off the bus. He gave Fan Jinzhe a sigh of relief: "Do you have any problems? What knocks? Are you owed?"

"Yang Ming! It's you!" At the moment when Xiao Wang opened the door, Fan Jinzhe's eyes were so good that he saw Yang Ming sitting in the back position at a glance. He suddenly became furious: "You roll down the old man, Lao Tzu looks for you." long time!"

After Fan Jinzhe was last Yang Mingkeng, he wanted to find Yang Ming’s revenge, but he could not find Yang Ming! After looking for a few times, people in the society wanted to stop Yang Ming from repairing him at school, but after blocking it for several times, Fan Jinzhe could only give up.

Later, I found out that Yang Ming had not come to school for several months, and suddenly he was frustrated. It seems that he wants to block Yang Ming and still can't block people! Fan Jinzhe can only give up this idea for the time being.

But I did not expect that I actually saw Yang Ming here, and I was sitting in a car with Zhao Ying. Is he Zhao Ying’s so-called boyfriend? Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe immediately slammed into the car and pointed at the inside of the car.

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