So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1832: Will not let you go

The first eight hundred and thirty-two chapters will not let you go.

"Hey!" Xiao Wang didn't give him much time. He directly turned off the car door. The sound insulation effect of the car was still very good. He was stunned outside the car and could not hear it inside...

"Do you not go? Don't go and find a place to practice, come..." Xiao Wang grabbed Fan Jinzhe's neck collar, picked him up, and then threw it on the side of the road: "You Don't you like to knock on the car? Come and I will try you!"

"Do you want me to try it? Do you know who I am? You dare to move me today, I promise to make you regret it!" Fan Jinzhe is still a bit timid, this guy is big and round, if you fight, you are definitely not His opponent!

Therefore, Fan Jinzhe is somewhat threatening to threaten Xiao Wang.

"I don't know, but if you knock on my car and yell at my boss, that's what I found!" Xiao Wang said: "You want to fight back, do you want to fight, or hold your head and let me slap?"

"You... you dare!" Fan Jinzhe, of course, does not want to, which of the two choices, he is suffering, since it is a loss, then what kind of strength?

"What are you afraid of? If you don't choose, then I will default to you..." Xiao Wang said, and when he raised his fist, he began to beat Fan Jinzhe...

"Yang Ming, is he getting a little too hot? The tutor is still in front..." Zhao Ying looked at Xiao Wang in the 揍Fang Jinzhe, and suddenly worried a bit: "Again, the fight is not good?"

"You are too kind. If you don't beat him, he will give his nose to his face, just like the original King Kong." Yang Ming said: "The wicked still need the wicked to grind. You don't harass you after seeing King Kong. Is it too honest? I am not afraid of it..."

Zhao Ying is speechless. As a teacher of Yang Ming, she actually disapproves of Yang Ming’s use of violence to solve things. However, in some cases, she has to admit that violence is effective!

If you just go to reason, it may not be useful at all. Just as Yang Ming said, like the original King Kong, he refused him many times, but he still chats with himself, his own painstaking advice is not as good. Yang Ming punched and kicked the ball.

"But... this is not good after all?" Zhao Ying still can't convince himself to condone Yang Ming's use of violence.

"Then don't look at it, close your eyes." Yang Ming said, and reached out and grabbed Zhao Ying's eyes. Zhao Ying wanted to hide, but accidentally touched Zhao Ying's lips, Zhao Ying exclaimed. Someone was red, and some dared not look up again to see Yang Ming...

How are you timid? Zhao Yingxin has some grievances in her heart. Just excited, what are the heroic words?

Before, Zhao Ying was in a hurry, just like changing a person, saying such a bold decision, but time is just a short time away, but it is a bit timid...

Even when Yang Ming touched his lips, he was shy... Can he make that bold decision at night?

Zhao Ying is Zhao Ying, although the impulse of the moment, but the essence of the character has not changed, just Yang Ming touched the lips, began to suffer from the loss of thinking of these things.

Hey, can't you be determined again? Think about it, if you just changed to Wang Xiaoyan or Sun Jie, I am afraid I will take a chance to kiss Yang Ming’s fingers, and then maybe two people will kiss together in a logical way...

Oh, what am I thinking? Zhao Ying is a bit shy and feels that she has started to think about such a shameful thing, but these are not what I think in my heart?

Just when Zhao Ying was suffering, the door opened again, Xiao Wang returned to the car, and Fan Jinzhe was beaten on the side of the road by the nose and face, and the Audi A8l, who was stunned by Xiao Wang, was filled with the look of grievance. ......

"Yang Ming, I won't let you go! You wait for me, I won't let you die!" Fan Jinzhe finished, and Yang Ming did not hear it. He climbed up from the ground and quickly walked to him. The Accord car ran over.

In fact, he said that although Yang Ming couldn’t hear it, he could know his meaning by discerning his mouth shape. It’s just that Yang Ming laughed. In this world, there are more people who are screaming to let themselves die. Now they are still living well. Most of those who are screaming are dead.

After Fan Jinzhe returned to his car, he did not idle, but directly touched the phone and dialed a number.

"Hey? Bomb brother? I am Fan Jinzhe..." Fan Jinzhe said.

"Xiao Fan, what's the matter?" asked the bomber on the phone. This man surnamed a cow, called a cattle bomb, is the owner of a car repair shop, but it is not a serious business, there are a group of horses under his hand, relying on the abduction and deception every day, bullying the city to make money.

Of course, if the other party has more money, he does not mind to take a look at the revenge company and let his Ma Zi help people fight. In short, the cattle bomb is a half-black person.

The last time, Fan Jinzhe came to block Yang Ming is a cattle bomb, but it is not blocked, but Fan Jinzhe is very bold, not only paid the cattle bombs, but also invited the cattle bomb to eat a meal.

Therefore, the cattle bomb has a very good impression on Fan Jinzhe. He always feels that he has taken some people’s money and did not help others to do things. Some people are uneasy, thinking about how to repay.

"Bomb brother, I have trouble with you this time!" Fan Jinzhe said.

"Oh? Xiaofan, what do you have, despite the opening! You and my relationship did not say, as long as I can do it, no problem!" The cattle bomb patted the chest and should be down.

"Bomb brother, then thank you first, you can rest assured, absolutely indispensable to your remuneration!" Fan Jinzhe said.

"The rewards are all secondary. I mainly pay your brother and want to help you!" After the bull bomb heard Fan Jinzhe's words, he was overjoyed! There is still a reward this time? Originally the Bomb Bomb thought that this is just a simple help!

"Then I said, the thing is like this, that is the last time I asked you to help me block it!" Fan Jinzhe explained: "He has appeared now, for a while, we have to go to the East China Sea, when we leave the city, we will pass Your car repair shop, when you help me to intercept a car!"

"No problem, I am the best at this kind of thing, I promise to let him stop!" The cow bomb smiled and asked: "What car? What is the license plate number?"

The cattle bomb often throws a pile of nails near the highway that goes out of the city. After the car has been blown out, he goes to his garage to repair the tires. He is good at it, so as long as he wants to stop the car, there is no One is running away!

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