So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1836: Yang Ming’s anecdote

The first thousand eight hundred and thirty-six chapters of Yang Ming's anecdote

"It is also said, but how can no one manage? This is also a non-legitimate operation, and should be banned!" Zhao Ying nodded, and some said indignantly.

"Banning is simple, but the key is no evidence." Yang Ming shook his head: "Who can stare at it twenty-four hours to see if their people are going to nail? Most people are in a hurry, no one Staring at it."

"Then let them go unpunished, go to lie to others?" Although Zhao Ying also agrees with Yang Ming's reasons, but still a little angry.

"Then I will smash their repair shop in a while." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Although it is only a repair factory, there may be many such black-hearted repair factories, but it can solve one count!"

"That's still not necessary. This kind of thing is best left to the industrial and commercial department to investigate. You don't want to be a hero..." Zhao Ying didn't want Yang Ming to get into trouble: "When I was in school, I didn't tell you, just be brave. It’s good, but it’s not strong. In this case, you can get the evidence and report it instead of doing it yourself...”

"Oh..." Yang Ming smiled and pulled Zhao Ying's hand: "Yes, Teacher Zhao!"

"What are you doing... Yang Ming, how do you hold the teacher's hand?" Zhao Ying's face was red and she was called a teacher by Yang Ming. She was still very embarrassed.

"You haven't heard of it, is there a game called role-playing?" Yang Ming smiled evilly: "Actually, I like your teacher's identity..."

"Yang, don't make trouble..." Zhao Ying's heart was tight, and Yang Ming said that she was a little embarrassed, although she was determined to take the road in her heart, and Yang Ming Together, but Yang Ming re-raised the identity of the two people, or let Zhao Ying feel a little overwhelmed...

Originally a little disappointed, my heart Yang Ming did not take me as his classmate. In his heart, I am still his teacher... But Yang Ming’s next sentence makes Zhao Ying extremely incompetent!

cosplay? Like the identity of a teacher?

Zhao Yingchang is so big, naturally it will not be pure like white paper. Although I have not seen it personally, I have seen it on the Internet. In some adult movies, there is a role of “female teacher”, which seems to be very popular. Look like...

Yang Ming likes himself. Zhao Ying is naturally happy, but if she plays role-playing, Zhao Ying is a little embarrassed...

"Hey, I just talked about it." Yang Ming smiled. "Ying sister, actually, I said to you, the boys in the school, like you, actually more than the nightmare! You are all of us. Dreaming lover!"

" don't talk about it..." Although Zhao Ying said this on her mouth, she was very happy in her heart. For a long time, Chen Mengxi was a heart disease of Zhao Ying. She always felt that she was not as good as Chen Mengxi. It is impossible to do the irreplaceable position in Yang Ming’s mind like Chen Mengxi, but when he heard Yang Ming said that he was the dream girl of the school boys at that time, could not help but ask: "What about you?"

"Me too!" Yang Ming admitted without disguising: "And, my first time dedicated to Ying sister!"

"Hey?!" Zhao Ying awkward... What was the first time?

Self and Yang Ming, what is the first time? The two have never had any excessive physical contact, let alone the first time! Didn't he mean the first time?

Is it the first time to kiss? It’s not right, kissing him with him. It’s an accidental accident. It falls on the rock climbing of the temple fair. It’s actually not a kiss!

Moreover, even if it is kissing, then he should be the first time with Chen Mengxi... Yes, I heard that there is a little Lolita called Lan Ling?

So for the first time...what is the first time?

Just when Zhao Ying had some doubts, Yang Ming gave her a puzzle: "Sometimes, I can't sleep at night, I dream of your body, and then take a tube..."

Anyway, there are no other people in the car, Yang Ming and Zhao Ying, so Yang Ming does not mind to tell his anecdote.

"Is a tube?" Zhao Ying stunned, and then her face was blushing. To drip out the water, why didn’t she understand what Yang Ming’s so-called "撸一管" means?

Even if there was a brief doubt at first, but such an obvious word, Zhao Ying still knows what it means: "Yang Ming, what do you say?"

"Hey..." Yang Mingxiao smiled twice: "My first fantasy object, but Ying Ying, you!"

"..." Zhao Ying has a feeling of crying and laughing, dare to feel that she has become the object of this guy's obscenity before? I thought of Yang Ming’s dark night in a certain month, hiding in his room, and doing a smirk there to do that kind of thing... Zhao Ying was a cold...

Destroy the image and destroy the image! However, although Zhao Ying felt that Yang Ming was somewhat shameless, but there was not much resistance in the heart, but some of them sneaked up...

Zhao Ying wants to ask, then, tonight, do you want to turn fantasy into reality? But Zhao Ying could not ask. The previous boldness was only forced out under the urgency, but now, Zhao Ying has resumed her previous character of holding, and she could not ask such bold words.

"Well, I won't talk about these things again in the future!" Zhao Ying looked helplessly at Yang Ming: "Let the nightmare hear, she should be so hearted..."

"Oh," Yang Ming smiled. Before, Yang Ming and Zhao Ying said that they had opened up some things and they showed up each other. But it may have been because they haven’t seen each other for too long. Before that, there is always one that can’t be said. The diaphragm feels, can't be touched, but it feels a bit less right!

Because the two people's topics have never been easy, or they are talking about business, or they are silent and cold.

Yang Ming racked his brains and finally got such a half-baked anecdote to expose himself. The relationship between the two people has become close to a moment. The feeling of a long time ago, I came back unconsciously.

The two were talking, and a trailer was driving away. Yang Ming and Zhao Ying stopped talking and got off the bus.

At this time, a small young man wearing a squat vest on the trailer, it is not like a good person at first glance, it belongs to the group of social miscellaneous, but Yang Ming does not despise these people because they used to be like them, just Yang Ming does not do things for the fish and the people, but will be for the weak.

This is the essential difference between Yang Ming and those people, so Yang Ming got the gift of heaven when he was brave and brave, a pair of glasses with perspective, and this vest is not.

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