So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1837: Acting (on)

The first thousand eight hundred and thirty-seventh chapter acting (on)

"Boss, are you calling the trailer? I am the cow's third auto repair center!" The vest smiled and walked over and said to Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang had not waited to speak, Fan Jinzhe climbed quickly: "I am, I am calling, our tires are nailed, can we make up?"

"No problem! Isn't this a trivial matter?" The vest smiled and said: "Please drive the car to the trailer!"

Although the tires were tied, it was impossible to become a piece of debris like a balloon. After the tires were tied, even if there was a leak, there was a process. It would be no problem to drive forward for a while.

So the car can be driven to the top of the trailer.

Xiao Wang and Fan Jinzhe respectively drove the car to the trailer. The vest squated and looked at Yang Ming and others: "You also get on the bus, but the cab can't sit down. You can only get on the trailer first, but it will be. It’s coming soon, not far ahead!”

The vest said, and he pointed his finger at the distance, saying.

"Let's go." Yang Ming nodded on the trailer.

There are nine or nine nails on the road. This is what the cows of the old three auto repair center sprinkled. Although Yang Ming has no evidence, this kind of thing can be seen, but Yang Ming is in a hurry and has no time because of this. Little things are entangled with these people, so just spend money to buy a comfortable.

Soon, the trailer drove into a repair shop on the side of the road. The yard of the repair shop was very big, but there were only a few broken scrapped vehicles inside, and there wasn't even a car repairing the car here.

However, it is no wonder that this repair factory is open in such a place that there is no shop in front of the village. It is strange to have a car to repair it. Who will send the car here for repair? The car is here, how can people go back? Do you walk back from the highway? Obviously impossible.

Therefore, the only way to generate revenue is to repair the broken vehicles along the way, but this kind of business is really rare. The average person will test the overall performance of the car before running the highway. Moreover, there are few vehicles that are temporarily broken. There are still few, it is estimated that only tires can be replenished!

Most of the vehicles have spare tires. Many people who have broken a tire can change themselves on the road. They don’t need to go to repair the tires immediately. Therefore, if you want to generate income, you can only sprinkle some nails on the road to let the past The car has a puncture, and more than one tire has exploded. Only in this way will there be business.

Looking at the cold and clear repair factory, Zhao Ying and Xiao Wang obviously also thought of this point. This cow is not a serious repair center. It is not a serious repair center.

"Yang Ge... I see the nails on the road, 80% of them are made, no one here to repair the car, if you don't play some means, you have to pay for it!" Xiao Wang said.

"Oh, this is true." Yang Ming nodded.

"Yang Ge, don't need me..." Xiao Wang is obviously not awkward. The manager of the security department, who is famous for his entertainment, has been trapped by several small gangsters. How can it be a bit uncomfortable?

Is it not a breeze to eradicate this small auto repair center by means of famous entertainment? Therefore, Xiao Wang waited for Yang Ming to say a word. As long as Yang Ming agreed, he asked people to come here!

"Forget it, we have no evidence, and we are in a hurry." Yang Ming shook his head and stopped Xiao Wang from further action: "There are people who give money now, and don't use us to save money!"

Yang Ming refers to Fan Jinzhe. Since this guy has taken the initiative to ask for the repair fee, Yang Ming is still looking for trouble? Looking for trouble is also Fan Jinzhe to find trouble!

"Okay..." Xiao Wang had no choice but to nod and gave up the plan to teach these people. Yang Ming said that, since Fan Jinzhe is saving money, what is he worried about? It’s just that my heart is a bit uncomfortable.

The trailer stopped in the yard of the repairing factory. When the vest jumped out of the car, he shouted at the repairing factory: "Little money, Puzi, everyone came out to work!"

After a while, a few young people with red, green and white hairs ran out of the repair factory and came to the side of the trailer. They threw the tools on the ground and then drove the car off the trailer. Work.

"Several bosses, hot outside, rest in the lounge for a while?" 骷髅 vest smiled and said to Yang Ming and Fan Jinzhe: "There is a TV inside, there are air-conditioning and drinks!"

"Okay, that's great!" Fan Jinzhe immediately nodded and rushed inside.

The vest looked like Yang Ming and others did not move, so he asked: "Don't you go in?"

"Then go in and sit down." Yang Ming nodded faintly and stepped forward. He wanted to see what plane Fan Jinzhe was doing. He suspected that he and the repairing factory were a group, but in Yang. It seems that Fan Jinzhe should not be so low in IQ, and he will be able to get himself and others just to get a tire repair fee.

The lounge environment is not bad, there are big sofas, there are more than 50-inch LCD TVs, 骷髅 vests help a few people to turn on the TV, and then point to the drink next to the sofa, the machine is now said: "There is ice town there. Cola and juice, if you want to drink, you can pick it up yourself, there is a disposable cup underneath."

"Okay! Let's drink it ourselves, you go to work!" Fan Jinzhe swayed his hand and said to the vest.

"Okay." The vest nodded and turned and went out: "If there is anything, call me at any time, my name is Pony!"

Inside the TV is a very old martial arts film. It looks like it is a few years old. There are some movie stars that I don’t know. Yang Ming looks at it casually. Zhao Ying is also bored watching.

However, Fan Jinzhe seems to be eager to read, open his mouth and laugh!

Of course, Fan Jinzhe is not happy because the movies on TV are good-looking, but happy about the upcoming good things!

It didn't take long for the vest to be the pony and turned back to the lounge: "Several bosses, trouble you to pay the repair fee first, this is the receipt!"

"Oh, how much!" Fan Jinzhe waved to the pony and signaled him to hand over the bill.

"Boss, very cheap, as long as 10,000!" Xiaoma said with a smile.

"What? Ten thousand? Is there a mistake? Fill a tire with 10,000 pieces?" Fan Jinzhe suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the pony: "Are you wrong, take someone else's repair documents?" I can't use ten thousand pieces to buy a tire!"

"Nothing wrong!" Xiaoma smiled. "Boss, we have a clear price tag, and we are quick to repair the tires. The materials that are fast and easy to use are natural, so that you can run fast and safe on the highway. !"

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