So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1842: We also go

The first thousand eight hundred and forty two chapters we also go

Although he saw Yang Ming's power, Fan Jinzhe did not give up his heart. On the contrary, his heart's resentment deepened. He must pay for Yang Ming, and he must know that he is offended! Fighting for a woman with yourself, that is only a dead end!

However, Fan Jinzhe is not a fool. He is not afraid of being positively opposed to Yang Ming. He is going to have a roundabout policy and start from others!

According to his understanding and investigation, Yang Ming is Chen Mengxi's girlfriend, but now he is mixed with Zhao Ying. Hey, if you tell this news to Chen Mengxi, look at Yang Ming, this guy is still dead... Hey!

Thinking of this, Fan Jinzhe’s injury is not painful. He only feels that his body is full of strength. The cattle bomb did not stop him, gave him a tire, and wished him a good trip, but he was lamenting in his heart. Since you are looking for death, don’t blame me for not reminding you!

But at the same time, another car is also coming to the East China Sea, but it is not the old road, but the new Dongsong told.

Xiao Qing and Zhou Jiajia were sitting in the car. They were invited by Sun Jie, so they came. Driving the car is Xiao Qing, the car that is driving is the Audi A6 of Liu Weishan.

It was also a coincidence that the situation was like this.

In the morning, Zhou Jiajia came to the laboratory and saw Xiao Qing, so he said: "Xiao Qingjie, at night, I live in the lab, live with you?"

"How? Yang Ming is not coming back? You don't live at home?" Xiao Qing's business, Zhou Jiajia knows clearly, and Zhou Jiajia is not a jealous person, so the two get along very well, talking about it. Also very casual.

"Dream sister and Lin sister went to participate in the school organized spring tour, went to the East China Sea, Yang Ming also has things, leaving me alone at home does not mean anything, so I live here!" Zhou Jiajia said. In the past, she was also called Lin Yunyun, but everyone called her Lin sister, and Zhou Jiajia was used to calling her Lin sister.

"Oh? Go to the East China Sea? I remembered, their economic department did go to the East China Sea, it seems to go to the Sea Moon Resort, and asked us if the computer department can't go!" Xiao Qing nodded: "But I Remember where Sun Jie’s industry is?”

Zhou Jiajia naturally met Sun Jie through Xiao Qing, and also met Zhao Ying. He also guessed that Sun Jie and Yang Ming had some relationship. As for Zhao Ying, she could not see through it, but she did not ask.

Zhou Jiajia feels that she can be very happy with Yang Ming, so for some things that I have seen, I am only buried in my heart, and I have not said it with Chen Mengyu.

For example, Jing Xiaoying's things, such as Xiao Qing's things, such as Sun Jie and Zhao Ying who later met, these people are more or less unrelated to Yang Ming, but Zhou Jiajia does not mind.

"Yes? Was it the industry of Sun Jiejie? I knew this, I went with them. Should Sun Jie be entertaining me?" Zhou Jiajia regrets that she rarely goes out to play. This time there is such an opportunity. In fact, I want to go, but undergraduates are not allowed to take friends. Chen Mengyu is the chairman of the student union. Naturally, it is not good to take the lead in violating the regulations in the department. Therefore, Zhou Jiajia is not good at giving her trouble.

However, when I heard Xiao Qing say this, I regretted it. It was Sun Jie’s site. I couldn’t say that I was very familiar with Sun Jie’s relationship, but I was no stranger. She had eaten with her several times with Xiao Qingjie, so Zhou Jiajia If you know it early, you will definitely go. It is Sun Jie who entertains her and has nothing to do with the school. If you play together, the school can't control it.

"..." Xiao Qing is speechless: "Jia Jia, the resort, and the shares of your mother, you... don't know?"

“Ah?” Zhou Jiajia said: “My mother’s shares?”

"Yeah, the moon in the sea is one of the projects that your mother and the East China Sea Sun family have jointly developed. You don't know? Just last year!" Xiao Qing felt a bit unbelievable. The project of Haiming Mingyue has the shares of Zhou Jiajia's family, Zhou Jiajia Actually, I don’t know?

"At that time, I was in conflict with my mother... because of Yang Ming’s I don’t know what her company is doing...” Zhou Jiajia explained with a smile: “Later, she retired, and Dad went on a trip, and I didn't bother to study what the company's industry had, so I didn't know."

Zhou Jiajia said here, some embarrassed spit out his tongue: "Xiao Qingjie, you said this, I am a little regretful, I know that there are mothers' shares, I will go to what I said..."

"Oh, it's not too late! Jia Jia, do you want to go? Or do we also go?" Xiao Qing saw that Zhou Jiajia was disappointed, so he suggested. Anyway, the current research is nearing the end and does not need to stay in the test every day.

"We? Go now?" Zhou Jiajia listened to Xiao Qing's words and suddenly felt a little heart: "Well?"

"I will call Sun Jie to ask." Xiao Qing said, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Sun Jie's phone.

Sun Jie over there, and quickly answered the phone: "Hey, Qingqing? How do you think about calling me? Should you be in the research room at this time?"

"Oh, can't you call you when you are busy?" Xiao Qing said with a smile: "I and Jia Jia want to go to your sea Mingyue Resort, how are you, welcome?"

"I just don't welcome you, I also want to welcome Jiajia! There is a good share of the sea in the bright moon. When Hua Ayi left, she transferred the shares to Jiajia's name, but she is not a big shareholder. I have visited her industry in the East China Sea once!"

"Oh, that line, we are now gone! Yes, Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun have passed today..." Xiao Qing hesitated and said: "Our school economics activities are in your hotel, Zhao Ying also went. !"

"Oh? I really don't know this. It should be the business of the hotel manager. I am still at the head office!" Sun Jie said: "In this case, then I have come together to join in the fun! Are you coming over now?"

"Well, let's live in a room. You can find Zhao Ying at that time." Xiao Qing said: "Then we are gone now."

"No problem, I have dealt with these documents in hand. Tian Donghua is not mature enough. My uncle and I have to stare at him..." Sun Jie said with some helplessness: "See you later!"

“Get it!” Xiao Qing hung up and said to Zhou Jiajia: “Let's go, let's go now!”

So Xiao Qing and Zhou Jiajia also embarked on the road to the East China Sea... Several girls are about to meet in the East China Sea...

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