So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1843: the feeling of home

The feeling of the first thousand eight hundred and forty-three chapters

Xiao Qing and Zhou Jiajia were lightly loaded, Zhou Jiajia was half of the hotel's owner, and the other half was Sun Jie, so Xiao Qing went, just like going to his home site, what else?

At the entrance of the Minghai Resort in the East China Sea, Xiao Qing saw Sun Jie’s Audi r8 sports car. After pressing two horns, Sun Jie ran out of the car and took a look at Xiao Qing in the back of the a6. A smile ran quickly: "Qing Qing, how do you drive this car?"

"I have a dry car, I don't have my own car!" Xiao Qing shrugged: "Which is so rich, I am a department head, how much is a monthly salary, where to buy a car!"

"Who made you buy it? Let your brother-in-law buy it! He is so rich, don't spend it!" Sun Jie looked like a big man: "I am also going to ask him to send me a car!"

"Oh? Your big boss still uses people to send a car?" Xiao Qing asked.

"I have this industry, Yang Ming can't look at it, and people give it to Tian Donghua!" Sun Jiedao: "Yang Ming's money is called more, what is this?"

Xiao Qing shook her head. She really didn't know that Yang Ming was so rich. She didn't ask... But in the past year, Yang Ming's growth has been too rapid. From the initial participation in the Hong Kong auction, she earned the first. A bucket of gold Yang Ming, Yang Ming, who is not even seen in the big industry of Sun Jie... Let Xiao Qing feel a little unbelievable!

But for such a good man, this is not an accident, or how many of you, how can you fall in love with him at the same time?

"Hey, Jia Jia's sister is coming too? At night, when I want to serve my younger Master Yang, are you studying next to you?" Sun Jie already knows the relationship between Zhou Jiajia and Yang Ming, and Zhou Jiajia knows himself and Yang Ming. The relationship, so Sun Jie’s speech is also unobtrusive.

"I... I still don't want it..." Zhou Jiajia suddenly thought of the scene in Xiaoqing's dormitory that day, seeing Yang Ming and Xiao Qing. Some of the blood was suddenly rising, and the little face was involuntarily red.

"Don't learn? Is that wanting to be with us?" Sun Jie continued to tease Zhou Jiajia.

"I... I... Xiao Qing sister, you see Sun Jie sister, she always said something embarrassing..." Zhou Jiajia looked down on her embarrassed.

"Don't care about her, she is like this!" Xiao Qing explained somewhat silently: "You are used to it!"

"Oh..." Zhou Jiajia nodded red-faced...had it? How are you used to it! If she lived with her in the future, she would not be ashamed of her?

"Well, don't tease you, in fact, you want to marry, Jia Jia sister, I mean just to give back to Master Yang Da...hehe!" Sun Jie smiled.

"I... I didn't think about it..." Zhou Jiajia's face was redder, and he complained that Sun Jie was good or bad.

"First find a place to live with you." Sun Jie said: "Yang Ming has not come yet. The spring tour group of your school's economic department is taking the old road. It is estimated that it will arrive at noon. At that time, I will arrange Yang Ming and Zhao Ying. Go to the place where you live. There are luxury villas here, let's stay with the villas!"

"Yang Ming is also coming?" Xiao Qing and Zhou Jiajia are a glimpse, did not expect Yang Ming will come!

"Yeah, he and Zhao Ying came together, you don't know?" Sun Jie looked at Xiao Qing and Zhou Jiajia with some doubts.

"I don't know... He actually came with Zhao Ying?" Xiao Qing was a little surprised: "Chen Mengyao seems to come too?"

"Oh, then I don't know how Master Yang Da arranged it..." Sun Jie did not bother with these: "Get on the bus first, I will take you to the villa!"

Here is the site of Sun Jie. It is still a breeze to find a villa. Sun Jie drives in front, Xiao Qing follows behind, and soon finds an independent villa that can see the seaside.

Sun Jie parked the car in front of the villa, and Xiao Qing also parked the car in front of the villa.

"Let's go, let's go up and talk for a while, and Yang Ming is coming, I let him come directly!" Sun Jie said, pulling Zhou Jiajia and Xiao Qing upstairs.

"This villa is so big, just a few of us live, will it be too big?" Xiao Qing looked at the luxury decoration of the villa, some hesitant to ask.

"This villa was originally my own, and I have not lived for others." Sun Jie said: "There is nothing to say to the major shareholder of Jiajia Jiaqing. Are you not willing to Qingqing?"

"Well... that's okay." Xiao Qing could only nod. In fact, this villa has a feeling of home, so Xiao Qing is somewhat horrified. She did not want to expose her relationship with Yang Ming, but Sun Jie was surprised to know.

Zhao Ying became a sister to Sun Jie, and naturally knew Xiao Qing's affairs. Zhou Jiajia, even unexpectedly saw her and Yang Ming together, which made Xiao Qing shy, but also a little embarrassed.

She never thought about being with Yang Ming, because she didn’t know whether she could pass the first time, but Yang Ming’s day was in the school. This relationship could not be disclosed, so Xiao Qing’s mind was also a little weak. Up...

She never thought about it. One day, like Yang Ming’s other women, she lived with Yang Ming and lived under the same roof... Now, in this villa, Xiao Qing suddenly has a kind of The feeling of home, this feeling makes her panic, but also makes her feel happy...

Zhou Jiajia's topic is always a computer, a network, and only Xiao Qing can find a common topic, three people are not good to always say Yang Ming's things, so Zhou Jiajia naturally talked with Xiao Qing about the computer.

Sun Jie, who is bored, dialed Zhao Ying’s phone.

Yang Ming and Zhao Ying have already had a certain distance from the previous team. Although Xiao Wang is driving very fast, but wants to catch up, it is still impossible for a while.

Zhao Ying’s phone suddenly rang. Zhao Ying originally thought it was Fan Jinzhe. When she took it out, it was Sun Jie’s call.

"It’s Sun Jie’s phone...” Zhao Ying glanced at Yang Ming and said.

"That's the answer, why don't you pick it up?" Yang Ming smiled. I didn't expect her and Sun Jie to become good friends. This is really a little unexpected.

"Hey? Sun Jie?" Zhao Ying picked up the phone.

"Ying Ying, guess you, who is by my side?" Sun Jie's voice came out from the phone.

"Who is by your side? What do you mean?" Zhao Ying said: "Sun Jie, what are you talking about?"

"Hey, can't you think? Qingqing and Jiajia are coming!" Sun Jie smiled and said: "They are by my side!"

"Ah! Xiao Qing and Zhou Jiajia have also gone?"

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