So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1848: Go out and go around

The first eight hundred and forty-eight chapters went out

But this is also good, to control who Yang Ming lived with, when Chen Mengyu came to rape, whether it is Sun Jie or Zhao Ying, can make a big trouble for Yang Ming, so that he has no intention to pay attention to other It's a thing.

Fan Jinzhe took out his cell phone and took a half-day shot against Yang Ming's car. In order to let Chen Mengxi believe that he had to leave a piece of evidence, wouldn't Chen Mengyi not believe it?

After Fan Jinzhe finished this, he quietly left the car and left. He had to wait until the evening, when night fell, and then take Chen Mengyu to let Yang Ming die without a place of burial!

"Yang Ming, this is the end of your offense! You are dead!" Fan Jinzhe's gratitude laughed and drove the car away.

Yang Ming sat in the hall downstairs of the villa, watching TV programs bored. The TV here is a satellite channel, there are many movie stations, but Yang Ming is not very interested in these. After watching it for a while, it doesn’t mean anything, just casual. Go to the local channel.

"Liujiang, the chairman of Jiangyan City Jiangyan Group, was admitted to hospital with a sudden heart attack. He is still in danger of being out of danger. Jiangyan Group's stock has already fallen below the limit..."

A news has caused Yang Ming's attention. Jiangyan Group...Before Jing Xiaoyu's security company, Yang Ming and Jiang Yan Group's Liu Meimei had dealt with it, but things were solved later. Sun Jie's strength appeared and made famous. The name of the **** company was once again loud, and the move to pay first was also approved by the public.

So that time, in addition to the loss of a large amount of banknotes, did not bring any actual loss, as for the person who stole the banknotes, Yang Ming also found his body.

It’s just that the money didn’t come back. I believe that the mastermind behind the scenes is Liu Yannan and Liu Jifei. However, Yang Ming is too busy for a while and has no time to take care of them. It seems that he should have broken things before he left!

Otherwise, the two guys thought they were bullied. After they took a lot of money, they got peace of mind?

However, Liu Jiang’s heart attack along the old man’s heart is no problem if he is cured. If he is not cured, then Liujia and Jiangyan Group will be indiscriminate.

Looking at the news, the stairs came up with footsteps. Yang Mingyi looked up and saw Sun Jie, Xiao Qing, Zhao Ying and Zhou Jiajia coming down the stairs. Zhao Ying and Zhou Jiajia’s little faces were red, obviously they were Jie and Xiao Qing said some shy things. Yang Ming didn't have to think about it, but he didn't say anything: "Are you finished talking? What have you talked about?"

Yang Mingyi asked, Zhao Ying and Zhou Jiajia's face was even redder. The two looked at each other and saw the other person's shame from each other's faces. The content that Sun Jie said before, although it is every woman What happens to the children's wedding night, but for Zhao Ying and Zhou Jiajia who have not experienced it, it is really embarrassing!

Although Zhao Ying is ready, and with the words of Sun Jie before, she has already opened her heart and integrated into this big family headed by Sun Jie. She does not care if Chen Mengxi will accept her. Many sisters and their companions, what are they afraid of?

Even if Chen Mengxi does not accept it at the end, it doesn't matter. He is not alone. He has so many intimate sisters to solve problems for himself!

Therefore, Zhao Ying had no scruples before. At this moment, she waited for a suitable opportunity at night. She really did Yang Ming’s bride, let him go before performing the task, and one more responsibility in the heart. So that he can protect himself more, know that at home, there is a woman who loves him waiting for him to return safely!

“Nothing is to welcome Zhao Ying, who is new to the big family, and then give her a general knowledge of science.” Sun Jie said with a smile: “Don't believe you ask?”

Yang Ming will naturally not smother Sun Jie. For what they have talked about before, Yang Ming also pretends not to know. These things are clear in Yang Ming’s heart, and there is no need to say it, so Yang Ming pretends to be unbelieving: Really, Yingjie?"

"Well..." Zhao Ying nodded a little shyly. Although she didn't want to admit it, after all, this thing is too shameful, but if she doesn't admit it, Yang Ming will definitely ask what they said, then it is possible. Exposing the sister interest unity plan that Sun Jie said before, let Yang Ming know that it is not selling Sun Jie?

Therefore, Zhao Ying can only nod and recognize it in the absence of a solution.

"Haha, it turned out to be like this!" Yang Ming saw Zhao Ying not good at lying, but did not expose it, just nodded: "What did she say?"

"Well, Yang Ming, what did I say, you don't know it at night?" Sun Jie interrupted Yang Ming's question. She was afraid that Zhao Ying was too real and revealed all the previous words. So I took the lead in the first place: "We have voted unanimously to let Yingying be in a room with you at night, and this thing Jia Jia also agrees!"

"Well..." Zhou Jiajia also nodded. Although she had not slept with Yang Ming on a bed, she had already established a relationship with Yang Ming, so Zhou Jiajia was not in a hurry. She was Yang Ming’s person sooner or later, and Also lived in Yang Ming's villa, what are you worried about?

This kind of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is still given to Zhao Ying. After all, Zhao Ying is not living under the same roof as Yang Ming, and it is difficult to meet in peacetime. If she misses the opportunity of this spring tour, I don’t know when two people can Meet again, as soon as possible to determine the relationship between the two, Zhao Yingxin also feel at ease.

So when everyone thinks about Zhao Ying, Zhao Ying is moved to cry! This is the big family she wants. Everyone cares about each other, loves each other, doesn't have to worry about being counted all day long, being despised by people... If the nightmare can also let go of her own face and be careful, integrate Come in, how good is that?

Zhao Ying also knows the news of Yang Ming's development of entertainment business on X Island at this moment. He also knows that Yang Ming's final goal is to live on x Island. Then everyone's harmony and harmony will be quite important.

"Yang Ming, you go out with Zhao Ying to go around, she has to go to the graduate school to register, how to say that the school's activities should be properly exposed, otherwise, people will say." Xiao Qing Yang Ming said: "We are going to prepare some food in the villa, and you will come back to eat at night!"

"Let's go out and go?" Yang Ming also wants to turn around with Zhao Ying in this beautiful resort.

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