So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1849: An accident happened

The first thousand eighty-nine chapters of the accident happened.

The road of love between Zhao Ying and Yang Ming is intermittent, but as it is now, Zhao Ying is completely open-minded, and she is ready to go with Yang Ming, but it has not yet!

Therefore, Yang Ming is also looking forward to going out with Zhao Ying, which is the first real date of the two people!

When Yang Ming saw it, Zhao Ying’s mind was more determined than before, and he was even more reluctant!

Before Zhao Ying had some impulsive ingredients in it, and then hesitated to hesitate, but just after Sun Jie clearly welcomed Zhao Ying to join their family, Zhao Ying became firm and determined!

"Well..." Zhao Ying nodded a little shyly, like a little girl, with her head down, her hand holding her clothes tightly, and dare not go to see Yang Ming.

"Oh..." Yang Ming smiled and pulled up Zhao Ying’s hand and went out with her.

"Call..." Looking at the back of Yang Ming and Zhao Ying, Sun Jie took a sigh of relief. The two men were really bumpy. They came together now: "Jia Jia, don't you have any thoughts?"

As the big sister of several girls, Sun Jie naturally cares about the idea of ​​caring for everyone.

"No, I just think that Yingjie must be very happy now, just like when I was lying in Yang Ming's arms. Every time I think about it, I feel that I am the happiest person in the world." Zhou Jiajia said with some emotions. : "I hope that Ying Jie will be happy, and I hope that Meng Yujie can tolerate her..."

"But Jia Jia, our business, don't tell Chen Mengyu now, even if you meet later, you need an opportunity, a suitable opportunity, so that we are good to each other.

This kind of thing should not be late in the evening. Our previous plans are nothing more than a preparation, to prevent sudden incidents, and to avoid getting caught off guard.

"I know, you can rest assured, Sun Jiejie, I won't say it, I know, now I will go out, my dream sister will probably not accept it..." Zhou Jiajia sighed: "But we all think about each other." It’s the same, I hope to be with Yang Ming, I understand it!”

"That's good... yes, forget to remind Yang Ming, be careful, don't bump into Chen Mengyu, or you can get bad food, the first date, you will be caught, Zhao Ying this Ni Sons are scared of psychological shadows!" Sun Jie suddenly thought of this very serious problem.

"No, Yang Ming is very careful and alert. He won't be stupid, just like Chen Mengxi." Xiao Qing believes that Yang Ming has confidence in Yang Ming's skill and alertness.

"I hope not to be overwhelmed by love, or family tragedy." Sun Jie nodded and smiled.

Yang Ming and Zhao Ying went out of the villa, and Yang Ming looked at the car. "Are we driving or walking?"

"Walk, I want to take a walk. It doesn't mean to drive." Zhao Ying said: "You will accompany me to the graduate school to report to you, and tell the instructor, then we will go to the beach for a walk?"

"Yes, let's go!" Yang Ming smiled and pulled up Zhao Ying's hand. Zhao Ying had been shot by Yang Ming before, but at the moment the mentality is different. This is the first date of the two, Zhao Ying still When I was trembled, my palms were full of sweat and I was nervous.

"Yang Ming... You said that we won't touch Chen Mengyu... then it will die, and it is easy to expose Sun Jiejie to them..." Zhao Ying asked a little worried.

"Nothing, shouldn't it be so clever? At this time, the nightmare should be engaged in activities where they live in the place where they live. The nightmare is a student council cadre. Wouldn't you go out and walk around?" Yang Ming comforted Zhao Yingdao.

"Well..." Zhao Ying listened to Yang Ming's comfort and put down her heart and nodded. "That's good. I am really worried that I will be hit by Chen Mengxi... When I was at the temple fair, I was scared. No... Fortunately, I explained it later... But this time, if she is met again, then I can’t explain it clearly...”

"Oh, how can it be so smart?" Yang Ming smiled and shook his head.

And Yang Ming hand in hand, all the way to the place where graduate students stayed, this time in the resort is really not many people, only scattered a few waves of tourists, are people who do not know, which makes Zhao Ying a lot of peace of mind.

In front of the graduate residence, Zhao Ying broke away from Yang Ming’s hand: "Now, we have to be careful, even if we are not seen by Chen Mengyu, it is not good to be seen by others! You are waiting for me here, I Go up and register and go down!"

"Well, it's OK, then go, I am here waiting for you!" Yang Ming also felt that it was not appropriate to accompany Zhao Ying at the moment, although the graduate students did not pay much attention to the school festival activities, but it is difficult to protect. Some people will recognize themselves and it will be bad if they cause unnecessary trouble.

So Yang Ming let Zhao Ying go up, he stood next to the big passenger car downstairs waiting for Zhao Ying, Zhao Ying is very fast, went up with the instructor after a greeting, and then signed a road, said that he went to separate activities And left.

However, in a corner, an incomparable vengeful and fanciful look is staring at Zhao Ying, this person is Fan Jinzhe!

"Hey, you wait, I will tell you about Chen Mengxi where you and Yang Ming sneaked in a moment, see how you die!" Fan Jinzhe thought with sorrow.

He was hurt by his face and could not explain it with his classmates. He could only say that he accidentally had a car accident and was bruised. Fortunately, after others heard it, he did not ask much.

After all, there are not many people who can distinguish between bruises and injuries. This has not made Fan Jinzhe too embarrassed.

Zhao Yingxin mourns Yang Ming. Today is the first time she has officially dated with Yang Ming. Therefore, Zhao Ying does not want to waste time. It is like a small woman who falls in love. She rushes downstairs and wants to Yang Ming is together.

When she came downstairs and was about to walk to Yang Ming's side, the change happened!

Because Yang Ming saw it, not far behind Zhao Ying, Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun walked quickly to the graduate accommodation building here!

Chen Mengyu apparently saw Zhao Ying’s figure and waved her hand to shout Zhao Ying’s name. However, Zhao Ying’s heart is only Yang Ming. She did not hear Chen Mengying calling her. She still hurried to Yang Ming. !

Yang Ming was shocked. He thought that there would be no such thrilling situation, but life is full of accidents. The more you don't want to appear, the more it happened!

Yang Ming wants to say that Zhao Ying is running, but he can't! As soon as he opened his mouth, Chen Mengyu would certainly hear it. Not only was Zhao Ying exposed, but he was exposed too!

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