So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1883: Yang Ming is very disgusted

The first eight hundred and eighty-three chapters Yang Ming is very disgusted

"This... then sit down and talk about our cooperation!" Liu Mei’s face flashed a glimmer of color, apparently she did not understand Yang Ming’s temper, but instead regarded Yang Ming as an ordinary partner. Splitter.

Yang Ming is fragile and frowning. This woman looks beautiful but she is not on the road? Can't help but sarcastically: "I heard that you were under house arrest by your two brothers? It seems that there are some means to run out so quickly?"

Yang Ming said so, if Liu Meimei still has no heart to tell the truth, then Yang Ming is not ready to help her.

"Oh, if I don't have any means and cards, I can't compete with my two cousins ​​for control of the company." Apparently, Liu Mei didn't understand Yang Ming's words. She was clever and clever, too clever. If you are too clever, you will make a mistake.

She used Yang Ming's words as a temptation to test her temperament! In fact, Liu Meimei thinks that there is nothing wrong with it, because it is the other company boss who talks about this matter in the opposite direction, and will also test how much the Liu Meimei has the ambition to decide whether to continue cooperation.

Liu Thrush does have some cards, and she is indeed imprisoned by two cousins, but she has been in Liujia for so long, it is impossible to say that there is no shackle!

Liu thrush can run out, although there is help from the family, but it is not as light as she said, she is really abolishing a lot of strength, but at this time, she naturally will not say it!

She wants to keep mystery, the more she is confused, the more she can get more conditions.

"Oh, then I have to wish Miss Liu to win the power." Yang Ming said faintly.

"Hey?" Liu painted a glimpse, but did not expect Yang Ming to have nothing to do with it, nor was he surprised, nor did he comment on it, but just wished himself success? Originally, the initiative was in his own hands, and Yang Ming made such a sentence. The initiative was lost. Liu Meimei had to say: "Mr. Yang, although I am sure that I can finally control the Liu family, the process may be very fierce. It is bound to be a dragon fight, which is inconsistent with my original intention! My original intention is not to damage the interests of Liujia, but the competition will inevitably damage the interests of Liujia. This is not what I want to see, so I want to find a The partners wish me the best, after I control the Liu family, I will give the corresponding benefits!"

"Oh, I see Miss Liu, how much more it takes to do it twice? Since you are all prepared to give some benefits after the control, how about losing some of the benefits in the process of competition? Isn't the outside being the same? Why do you have to find a partner?" Yang Ming reminded me that this will be a clever move, so that Yang Ming is very disgusted.

"Mr. Yang, what do you mean by this?" Liu Tsao looked a little annoyed: "Because your famous group is a friend of my willow thrush, it is a partner of my willow thrush, so there is a good thing, I think of you for the first time, I want to give you this part of the loss that should have been lost. This is also my care for a friend! But what do you mean? I seem to be asking you?"

"Oh, didn't you ask us?" Yang Ming has lost patience: "Since it is not seeking, then I would like to thank Miss Liu Meimei for her kindness. Our group is not bad, and we don't want any benefit. We are already very good. Too much money is useless, are you right?"

Liu Mei's eyebrows are completely stupid. What does Yang Ming mean? Doesn't it mean that there is no need to talk about it anymore? Business formation of the jiangling, yang, I thought that those who Yangliang said, I want to pay more收入 from Yangming, so Yang Ming did not care much about it, so I didn't want to business with you!

In fact, Liu’s practice of thrush is really annoying Yang Ming! Jing Xiaoyu sighed at the side, and thrushed sister, thrushing sister, you are so smart and confused! Why haven't you seen what kind of person Yang Ming is?

However, even if Jing Xiaoyu has some regrets, it is not good to point to Liu Mei's thrush in the face of Yang Ming, because Yang Ming is the most hated woman who is smart! Yang Ming is a man with a very serious masculinity. He naturally does not want his woman to be too strong in front of him. Even a woman who is as smart as Sun Jie is still awkward in front of Yang Ming, when she is with other women. It is also how great Yang Ming is! I will never fall in the face of Yang Ming!

But this willow thrush, but everywhere with Yang Ming play with the heart, hiding machine front, Yang Ming can help her strange things! In this way, it is almost impossible for her to seek the help of the famous group!

Yang Ming does not agree, Jing Xiaoyu naturally will not be good at making claims!

"Mr. Yang, you said that you don't want to cooperate with us at all?" Liu Meimei looked at Yang Ming with some unwillingness. She felt that Yang Ming was swindling herself, so since he is swindling himself, he can't deceive him. What about it? So Liu Meimei directly asked the final result of the matter, Yang Ming just want to say and want to do it!

If Yang Ming was only a temptation before, then Yang Ming would not be able to say this to death, because no matter how the results of the temptation are based on intentional cooperation!

So Liu Meimei is pushing the palace, she wants Yang Ming to say it directly, is it still necessary to cooperate!

This kind of negotiating method is not advisable. Although it is effective, it may offend the other side. However, Liu Ye’s eyebrows are no longer a solution, and they are under anger. Therefore, they directly asked this sentence.

"Cooperation? Was it a cooperation?" Yang Ming said with a doubt: "I always thought that you came to us! Cooperation is not, we are not interested!"

"You..." Liu Mei couldn't breathe. She stared at Yang Ming: "Mr. Yang, then we will have a period of time! Your attitude makes it difficult for us to cooperate again! I am not your name." A partner of Yang Group, I have other partners, since you have this attitude, then we will not talk about it!"

"Oh, good, goodbye." Yang Ming waved his hand impatiently.

In fact, Liu Meimei can now think of partners who can cooperate and have the strength to reverse the situation. It’s really only the Mingyang Group. Other groups don’t have the size of the Jiangyan Group. At this time, I’m afraid of being careless. Not only can you not get any benefits, but it is difficult to get back all over the body, so you won’t mix it at all!

For most of the Jiangyan Group's partners, they are maintaining a wait-and-see attitude! Because no matter who Liu Jia is at the helm, the relationship between each other will not change!

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