So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1884: Don't talk

Don't talk about the first thousand eight hundred and eighty-four chapters.

The Jiangyan Group, which has changed its head at the helm, will certainly have some turmoil. When it comes time to win over them, these partners are too late. How can they harm each other’s interests?

So the result of this shot is not the same, these partners will not be stupid, jump out and fill the head!

Liu Thrush doesn't have to temper, because Liu Biannan and Liu Bianqi have already tried it before. These partners have said that they will maintain a neutral position and don't help each other!

In this way, the only hope of Liu Meimei is Jing Xiaoyu, and the famous group behind Jing Xiaoyu also has the strength to turn things around! Liu Meimei thinks that with her personal relationship with Jing Xiaolu, coupled with the promise of true, false, false and real interests, Jing Xiaoyu will definitely shoot, but I did not expect Yang Ming to insert a bar here!

However, as already said here, Liu Yemei is here again to be self-deprecating! Liu Thrush can't pull his face and say some reversal of soft words. He can only stand up in an angry and depressed position. He said to Jing Xiaoyu: "Small sister, since the group does not have the meaning of cooperation, then I will leave!"

"Emei sister, we can't buy and sell in the righteousness, privately, you are still my sister!" Jing Xiaoyu said apologetically, but she really can't help!

"Well, I invite you to dinner at night!" Liu thrush naturally does not give up, want to ease the relationship between each other through dinner at night, want Jing Xiaoying to see if you can circulate again...

However, naturally it is impossible to say anything.

"Tonight's evening..." Jing Xiaoyu had an appointment with Yang Ming this evening. She was not willing to leave, but she saw the poor look of Liu Meimei and nodded softly; "I don't have much time at night, but I have a meal." There is still time, so see you at night!"

"Okay!" Liu thrushed a sigh of relief, she was really afraid that Jing Xiaoyu would not agree!

Liu Zhangmei is now in the situation of Liujia, not bad, but very bad! She is the latest one to enter the Jiangyan Group, so no matter whether it is a shackle or a crone, there are no more than a few folds, and even their father Liu Tzu is the general manager of the group, and the cronies are more!

Whether it is Liu Yan Nan or Liu Yan, the Liu will support, but she can't do it!

Before Liu Liumei was able to stand in the group, it was entirely because of Liu Jiang’s sake along the old man. Now the heart of the father’s heart is bursting. In the hospital, even the dangerous period has not been spent. The Liu family has already been messed up! Where else will people support Liu Meimei?

Moreover, Liu Jiang’s remains were not left before, which made Liu Yannan shake up. His control over the group is a must!

Therefore, Liu Meimei is the most vulnerable party. The only backer is now hospitalized. She has to seek foreign aid! In this case, if the Mingyang Group does not support her, then she really has to be defeated!

Willow thrush is not reconciled! In particular, when she was under house arrest these days, she knew a truth... a big secret! She wants revenge, which is why she has to control Jiangyan Group!

Only after taking control of Jiangyan Group, she has the opportunity to carry out the next step!

Before, Liu Meimei was not very concerned about whether he could control the group. She held a fair heart and wanted the group to develop well. It would be enough to live up to the grandfather's efforts!

However, an accident changed her mind and made her full of hatred for Liu Liu! She wants to die! I want to die all the family! Even so, it is difficult to calm the anger in her heart!

Thinking of lying in the hospital, still the father of the vegetative, Liu thrush clenched his fist...

Taking a deep breath, Liu Thrush left Jing Xiaoyu’s office. It’s a little impatient. It’s not good. At night, I will cut some benefits to Jing Xiaoyu! In any case, you have to take revenge!

Grandpa, I am sorry, in order to avenge my father, I have to sever part of the Jiangyan Group... but it is worse than the one who is not as good as the pig and dog.

Looking at Liu Xiaomei's figure, some of the lonely figure walked out of the office. Jing Xiaoyan sighed and said: "In fact, there is nothing wrong with the thrush sister... She is also a means of negotiation. I have learned a lot with her..."

"She really is not wrong, but I don't like her style." Yang Ming said faintly: "She is not my loved one, nor my woman, I am not obligated to help her, so how about her love."

"Oh..." Jing Xiaoyu nodded and didn't refute. What she thought was, how can I persuade Liu's thrush at night and give her a clear road? But now it seems that Liu Meimei has annoyed Yang Ming, let her go to soft, and should not impress Yang Ming...

It’s really a headache. How is this thrush sister so confused? Jing Xiaoyan sighed and shook his head, not thinking about these things for the time being...

She is now enjoying a good time with Yang Ming!

Inside an old-fashioned beach house in Songjiang City, the boss behind the scene looked gloomy on the computer screen, and chat with Dr. Benjamin...

Jetson was hanged by Yang Ming, and this Kevin also died inexplicably?

The boss behind the scenes did not detail your own eyes. I asked a few times and got a positive answer. Kevin is indeed dead!

I told Huang Youcai that this regrettable news, Huang Youcai was also shocked and inexplicable, but then he showed an extremely angry look: "Boss, Dr. Benjamin is cheating us? What super soldier is simply rubbish! Yang Minggan died, and one is inexplicably dead. If it is so powerful and invincible, how can it die casually?"

The boss behind the scenes is also somewhat suspicious of the kind of super-powerful fighters that Dr. Benjamin said. Is there any use? How come out one dead one? This ordinary person is not dead, the super soldier is dead faster than anything, not a pothole!

"The doctor said that we will not send Super Heroes to assist us for the time being, because the Super Heroes are not energy-produced, and the two most successful people in the Ph.D. have been killed. The remaining few have such defects and cannot be carried out. Long-distance action!" said the boss behind the scenes.

"Boss, then how do we each other Yang Ming!" Huang Youcai said very uncomfortably: "Yang Ming that kid is very happy!"

"I won't be happy for too long! I have already inquired that Yang Ming is going to perform a mission in Yunnan. It is said to be a special task. Although I have not learned the specific content of the mission, this is a good opportunity. If used properly, Hey!" The boss behind the scenes sneered.

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