So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1885: Behind the scenes boss and Yang Ming’s hatred

The first eight hundred and eighty-five chapter behind the scenes boss and Yang Ming’s hatred

"Oh? Really fake?" Huang Youcai said: "But he went to Yunnan, how do we deal with him?"

"Of course it is true. Before that, I have a partner, you don't know." The boss behind the scenes smiled and said: "He is called the right elder, a very powerful person in Miaojiang!"

The boss behind the scenes has not contacted the elders for a long time, but it does not mean that the contact has been broken! Although he gave the right elders so much money, in the end he still didn't know how to make Yang Ming, so that the boss behind the scenes was quite vocal, but the boss behind the scenes also understood through a series of recent events, Yang Ming is not so good to deal with. ! Therefore, it is no longer so resentful to the right elders, because now it seems that they and the right elders are only half a catty.

This also made the boss behind the scene deeply feel that it was a mistake to choose Yang Ming. However, who can make their public and private points unclear?

What is for yourself and what is for the center? The boss behind the scenes has found himself in life! When he first dealt with Yang Ming, it was because Yang Ming blocked his way forward! The boss behind the scenes does not want to be controlled by the center all his life. He also wants to have a life of his own from the center, and his sister Alice retreats and lives the life of ordinary people!

Doing things to the center, although it looks very beautiful, there are people in the hands, but there is always no freedom! The boss behind the scenes is convinced that Dr. Benjamin will not hesitate to give up if the center has a task that needs to be sacrificed. He is just a chess piece, and sister Alice is also.

However, the only one that can make it grow fast, and has a road that can compete with the strength of the center, was blocked by Yang Ming, can the boss behind the scenes hate it? This is why he is directed at Yang Ming everywhere!

In fact, in fact, he and Yang Ming themselves have no deep hatred! However, Yang Ming hindered his path to freedom. He was unwilling to die and he was forced to pull a back.

"Right elder? How does this name sound so weird?" Huang Youcai repeated it faintly, and some doubts looked at the boss behind the scenes: "Does this person know Yang Ming's movement?"

"Accurately, Yang Ming is going to find the right elders this time!" The boss behind the scene said that he couldn't help but laugh. "It is not bad to find him. He actually took the initiative to go to the right elder's site. Back, but no wonder others! He is looking for death, then no one can!"

"This... Are you sure that the right elder can leave Yang Ming here?" Huang Youcai did not believe in the strength of the right elder. If he had the strength to leave Yang Ming, what did he do before? Don't wait until now!

The behind-the-scenes boss saw his doubts from Huang Youcai’s face, and explained: “This right elder, who has practiced a sinful work, is now making a fuss, and in his own words, he is already invincible! Of course It may not be that great, but it should be about the same."

"Is it?" Huang Youcai had some abdominal sputum. At that time, that Jessson also said that it was invincible in the world, but in the end it was not ***? And Kevin, who has had a side since then, hasn’t it disappeared inexplicably?

Therefore, Huang Youcai is not convinced of what is invincible in the world, but now he has to avenge Wang Xifan and his son, and can only rely on the boss behind the scenes!

"Oh, you don't need this skeptical look!" The boss behind the scenes naturally knows what Huang Youcai thinks: "No matter whether he can leave Yang Ming in the end, someone will make trouble for us for Yang Ming. Why don't we be happy? What?"

"That's also true!" Huang Youcai nodded. "I can't die if Yang Ming is dead. Someone will help us enough! Even if you don't die, it will cause him trouble!"

The face of the boss behind the scenes is also a strange smile. In his view, Yang Ming is probably a fierce one this time! Yang Ming is more powerful, facing normal people, and the right elder is no longer a human being! The right elders who have cultivated evil skills can use metamorphosis to describe them, and the weapons of attack are evil. This is not a conventional weapon. The boss behind the scenes does not believe that Yang Ming can still deal with it!

It is said that even the Lan family of Miaojiang is not the opponent of the right elder. Why can Yang Ming deal with the right elder? At the beginning, I was still worried about the fear of Yang Ming and Lan Ling, which would hinder my own plan and defeat the right elder! But now it seems that the Blue family is in jeopardy, let alone help Yang Ming!

Of course, these detailed things, the boss behind the scenes do not want to explain anything with Huang Youcai, everything looks good! Yang Ming can stay there and say that nothing is necessary. Yang Ming can't stay there, and now he said it is also white.


Jing Xiaoying's office is an independent suite, divided into inner and outer rooms. Inside is the lounge, which is the same as the hotel room, with a bed and TV, and a separate washroom.

Jing Xiaoyu informed the secretary that he had to rest and rest. If something happened, let people contact Leopard or Hou Ge. Then I ran to the inner and Yang Ming to play the game. The two have been lingering until dinner time, Jing Xiaoyan has some reluctantly got up from the bed: "Husband, I went to accompany the thrush sister to eat, you find a place to eat first, I will call you at night, we go Hotel!"

Originally, Yang Ming planned to go home, but he saw the look of Jing Xiaoyu, and nodded. I spent the rest of my life with Jing Xiaoyu for the rest of my life. I simply stayed with her all day.

"Well, then go, I will eat whatever I want." Yang Ming should have come down: "But the willow thrush, I see that she is not sincere, seek our help, and also want to give us the benefit of our interests, I am very dislike."

Jing Xiaoyu was shocked and knew that Yang Ming had a great opinion on Liu Mei. Jing Xiaoyu was a little embarrassed. Her personal relationship with Liu Meimei was very good. During this time, there was no contact in private, and she learned a lot from her! It can be said that Liu Mei is her half teacher!

Therefore, from the bottom of my heart, Jing Xiaoyu does not hope that Liu Meimei will fall down this time. She wants Liu Huimei to regain her strength and get through this difficult time! She wants to help Liu thrush! But this is from a personal point of view.

From the company's point of view, Jing Xiaoyu is a rational person. Yang Ming gave her such a big career to her. She couldn't do things with her own preferences, and she couldn't be crony, privately handed over to private parties, and things that hurt the company's interests. Jing Xiaoyu was definitely not going to do it. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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