So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1887: Some misunderstanding

The 1887th chapter has some misunderstandings.

However, if a woman has a lot of men, this makes people somewhat unacceptable. I can't stand it if I think about it. At least Yang Ming can't stand it. Surprisingly, Bi Hai actually agreed!

"Yang Ge, don't blame Bihai, he wanted to talk to you, but I won't let him say..." Innovation Yao was afraid that Yang Ming would be angry with Bihai, so he explained quickly.

This time, Yang Ming was even more puzzled. Originally, he thought that there was no relationship between the revolutionary Yao and Bihai. The innovation Yao was looking for other men, but from the perspective of the innovation Yao, it seems that this is not the case. ! Renovation Yao seems to like Bihai! What the **** is going on?

Generally speaking, there are many men who have a lot of heart, but a woman with a heart is rare! Most women are single-minded and will not accept other men until they change their minds. Of course, except for the promiscuous sister...

"This..." Yang Ming really didn't know what to say, but he said: "Is that little sister know?"

"The little nephew knows that it was introduced through her consent..." Innovation Yao nodded and said.

"Hey?" Yang Ming wants to faint, how is it introduced by Jing Xiaoyu? How does this Jing Xiaoyu do this kind of thing? With Yang Ming’s understanding of Jing Xiaoyu, she is not such a person?

"What happened to Yang Ge?" Seeing Yang Ming was so surprised, the revolutionary Yao also had some doubts about what happened to Yang Ming.

"Nothing..." Yang Ming shook his head. "What is his name? What do you do first in the company?"

"His name is Innovation Light, it is the child of my four uncles..." Innovation Yao quickly and carefully introduced it.

"Renovation light? Your four uncle's children?" Yang Ming's mouth is big, he finally realized that he misunderstood ... innovation Yao, innovation light, the two are relatives! It’s normal to play around! She introduced relatives to the company to work, Bihai will naturally stop, after all, people are not good to say, it seems that they are downright misunderstanding!

Thinking of this, Yang Ming could not help but be a little embarrassed! Also said that people are too crazy, but in fact, their own ideas are too complicated!

"When the soldiers came back, there was nothing at home. I introduced him to the company as a security guard... Yang Ge, I didn't go to the back door. The conditions of Shin Kong are enough for our company to recruit, but it should have gone below. The property company stood guard, Xiao Yan sister helped to arrange at the headquarters, and did the security of the headquarters, so it is not necessary to bask in the sun..." Innovation Yao said carefully: "Yang Ge, don't be angry, or else, I let He went to the property below to go to the post..."

"Nothing..." Yang Ming was embarrassed to wave his hand: "Your relatives, it is also appropriate to take care of it."

"Ah? It's okay? Then thank you Yang Ge!" The innovation Yao thought that Yang Ming was going to get angry before the frown, but this is all right? Let her feel, how is it raised high and gently put down?

"It's okay, I was thinking about something else. Did you misunderstand?" Yang Ming’s wicked man smiled.

"No, no, how can I misunderstand it!" Innovate Yao's heart was overjoyed, and suddenly he let out a sigh of relief. It turned out that Yang Ge was not dissatisfied with his relatives who came to the company to work. When he thought of it, he quickly said to his younger brother, "The new light, not yet." Thank you, Yang Ge?"

"Thank you, Yang Ge!" The innovation is a bit embarrassing, and it seems that it has just entered the society.

"Do it well, your sister's relationship is on the one hand, but you have to work hard!" Yang Ming patted the shoulders of the innovation light, and then said to the innovation Yao: "Let Xiao Xiao give him a position like a vice captain. If you can do it, if you can, then focus on training."

"Ah?" The innovation of Yao and the innovation of the light were both surprised and opened their mouths. I didn't expect to be blessed in disguise, and the innovation light was actually promoted! I took a look at the innovation, and then said: "Is not happy to thank Yang Ge?"

"Thank you Yang Ge, thank you Yang Ge..." The innovation light is also excited and blushing. I don't know how to express my emotions. I am thankful to Yang Ming.

"Well," Yang Ming waved his hand: "Thank you, don't say it. I have only helped you so much. I will go on your own way in the future! I want someone who is hard-working, not because of myself. With the relationship, I am not afraid of being arrogant and arrogant! I don’t want to hear people say that you will not put your boss in your eyes because of your relationship."

Yang Ming needs to remind the innovation light in advance, although the current innovation is not like the kind of exaggerated person, but in the future, with the changes in the environment, no one will say whether he will change! In a company, you can't use friends and relatives, but system problems. You must have a reasonable system to reasonably constrain these people, so that these people will not be forced to put their bosses in the eyes because of a little relationship. in.

"Yang Ge is relieved! I am not the kind of person. I am in the company. Others don't know the relationship between me and my sister.... Just in the elevator, I really didn't pay attention! It will definitely not be in the future! Please Yang Ge assured. "Renovation is a real person, and he said quickly.

Yang Ming smiled and didn't say anything. He just woke up. After the renovation, how would it be? It would be his own business. Yang Ming couldn't manage that much.

Nodded to the innovation Yao, Yang Ming went out of the elevator and walked to the office of Violent...


Jing Xiaoyu came to the hotel room where Liu Meimei lived, but found that Liu Mei's eyebrows were red, apparently just crying. When I saw Jing Xiaoyu came, Liu Meimei smiled aloud: "Small, you are here?"

"What's wrong, the thrush sister? Are you crying?" Jing Xiaoyu looked at Liu's thrush with amazement. I didn't expect the strong willow thrush, but actually cried! In the heart, but secretly regret, if you just cried and cried in front of Yang Ming, I am afraid that Yang Ming will not sit and ignore it, even if he does not take it.

"Nothing..." Liu thrushed and shook her head. Of course she did not admit that she was crying! Because, in front of outsiders, her willow thrush is the image of a strong woman, is a strong girl! No matter what, even if the father fell down and was unconscious in the hospital, she also played a strong role, because she knew that only in this way, her home is a home! If she also goes down, what about her mother? The whole family has no hope in an instant!

If she is as weak as her mother, then her greedy uncle will rush like a hungry wolf, not only will their mother and daughter drive out of the Liu family, but also eat all the shares in their hands! So no matter what, Liu Meimei must disguise himself as a strong person! No time, no performance, no strength, no one will be bullied! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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