So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1888: Life is very similar

The first thousand eighty-eighth chapters are very similar in life.

In fact, Jing Xiaoyu said it was quite right before. Liu Meimei is just a disguise. In fact, like Jing Xiaoyu, she is a weak woman.

When I was in the hotel, Liu Meimei made a phone call to several good friends who had a good relationship before, and once again expressed the intention of cooperation. However, those who were very familiar and enthusiastic, at this moment, are like evasive gods, and are categorically Refused to cooperate with Liu Meimei! This caused the mood of Liu Mei's eyebrows to fall to the bottom again.

Originally thought that those partners are not normal for the sake of profit, but these good friends, how can they turn their faces and not recognize people? Liu Thrush wants to cry, she hasn't cried for a long time! In the hotel, a person, she finally couldn't help it, crying a lot!

This time, she is really finished. Without any Austrian aid, she is a dead end. In the big situation of Liujia, power is concentrated on Liu Hua and his two sons. Liu Mei is destined to be a weak side, no Help, back to the sky!

Moreover, Liu Meimei is also very clear, even if she helps, she may not turn things around.

Therefore, Liu Tsao cried, and now she has some regrets. She should not talk to Yang Ming too stiffly. Now there is no room for recovery. In this way, the Liu family fell in the hands of Liu Huan and Liu Biannan and Liu Bianqi, basically finished!

Of course, this is not the most important thing. What is important is that, unintentionally, she heard an elder of the board of directors telling the truth about his father’s car accident! All of this is planned by Liu Hua and Liu Yuannan! The purpose is to seize power!

Liu Meimei wanted Liu to die, and the hatred of her hatred made her unable to bear it anymore, so she cried, but she cried, but there was no way! Although crying is the performance of the weak, in this case, she can only be a weak!

She wants to have someone who can talk, but when I look back, I find that there is no one around me who can be called a confidant, and there is no girlfriend!

In her opinion, Jing Xiaoyu will definitely not come to see her today. At that time, Jing Xiaoyu said that she was invited to dinner at night, but it was perfunctory. Now, I have already passed the meal. Jing Xiaoying has not come yet, Liu Meiyan guesses, Jing Xiaoyu Also gave up her.

So Liu Meimei didn't pay attention to the image anymore. After crying, she didn't make up her makeup. The tear marks on her face were too lazy to wipe away. She just wanted to sleep, wake up and return to the carefree childhood. After school, sit at the dinner table and wait for my father to come back from work with my mother...

But she knew that this was impossible. My father was lying in bed and his life and death were unknown. The enemy was still unwilling to deceive others. However, Liu Thrush can't change it all.

That warm scene can only appear in a dream. The only thing that Liu Yemei is looking forward to now is to make a good dream, and at this time, the doorbell rang.

Liu Meimei thought it was a waiter serving the meal, because she had just asked for a set meal, but she opened the door but did not expect to see Jing Xiaoyu.

"Drawing sister, you don't lie, you have tears on your face..." Jing Xiaoyu looked at Liu's eyebrows, and he was worried. He sighed deeply: "Emei sister, if you have any grievances, Just talk to me?"

"Small, you are coming... I thought you wouldn't come..." Liu painted a bitter smile, knowing what he is now, no matter how he denied it, since Jing Xiaoyu saw it, she also There is no need to deny it. I blinked my eyes and some sad words: "Now I know that I have no friends..."

"Yes!" Jing Xiaoyu saw Liu's thrush look, his heart soft, said: "I am not your friend?"

In fact, Jing Xiaoying and Liu Meimei can only be regarded as private friends, but to say that they are good friends, it is absolutely impossible to talk about, because the two of them are mostly about company affairs, but private things are rarely said.

"Yeah, Xiao Yan, you are my friend..." Liu Meimei finally couldn't help her inner feelings, hugged Jing Xiaoyu, and the tears stayed again: "At this time, you can still think about me, I am very happy. I am really happy... Xiao Xiao, thank you!"

"Emei sister, what are you talking about? I am coming to see you, that is, when you are a good friend..." Jing Xiaoyu wanted to promise something, but there was no promise, and it was a bit embarrassing.

I saw the embarrassment of Jing Xiaoyan, Liu Qingmei smiled a bit: "I know your heart, but Yang obviously does not want to help me, I know that it is not your business! In fact, I also understand that this time involved in our Liu family In the end, I am afraid that there is a possibility that there is more than half of the money, and the investment has been squandered! My other friends are also unwilling to take the shot. After all, friends are friends, but can't damage their company's interests? So, Yang Ming The approach is right, he is a rational person..."

"Yang Ming... reasonful?" Jing Xiaoyu smiled a bit, heart, eyebrows sister, you really misunderstood, Yang Ming is not a very rational person, on the contrary, Yang Ming is a person who is easily influenced by feelings! If you cry out and ask him at the beginning, he will definitely agree with him, but now... this situation is caused, I am afraid it is very difficult to recover.

"Is it not?" Liu thrush asked.

"No!" Jing Xiaoyu shook his head. "You don't know Yang Ming. He is a soft-hearted person. His heart is actually very kind!"

"Good heart?" Liu painted a brow.

"Emei sister, I don't dare to guarantee 100%, but I can make it 80%. If you are in the company, crying for him, maybe he will shoot it... even if there is nothing to make him tempted!" Jing Xiaoyu shook his head and explained: "He will help a person because of his soft heart. There is no reason for him. The friends around him are like this, including my original me... I tell you the story of me and Yang Ming? ”

"Well, okay!" Aside from the strong side, Liu Meimei is actually a very gossip girl. Now she has disguised her in front of Jing Xiaoying, so she doesn't have to hide it. It reveals the original. face.

Jing Xiaoying actually wants to share some of his own secrets. Some things can't be said with the innovation Yao, and they can't talk to Chen Mengxi and Lin Yuyun. They are still uncomfortable in their hearts, just to talk to Liu Mei, who has nothing to do with.

So, Jing Xiaoyu started talking with Yang Ming in the cafeteria for the first time... Then he said that he liked Yang Ming and started to change for Yang Ming. He moved to Yang Ming from the change of a small waiter and let him I made a phone call to arrange for myself to go to the current Mingyang Group... (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, you The support is my biggest motivation.)

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