So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1889: Hatred of Thrush

The hatred of the first thousand eight hundred and eighty-nine chapters

Liu Meimei listened to Jing Xiaoying’s narrative and couldn’t help but widen his eyes! She really did not expect that the previous Jing Xiaoyu would have such a side! Moreover, the story between her and Yang Ming is too legendary, right? Such Jing Xiaoyan, Yang Ming can accept?

"Oh, is it very strange? But the fact is that, I am very lucky!" Jing Xiaoyu said that there is some smugness here: "I used to be like you, always like to pretend that you can only let yourself not be People bully! You can protect yourself! But now, I don't need it, because I found a man who can protect me and solve all troubles for me... If I have something like you, I don't have to worry because my husband I will help me solve it... oh... Sorry, I am not showing off your eyebrows..."

Speaking of this, Jing Xiaoyu suddenly realized that she said a little more! She really is not showing off, is immersed in happiness, unconsciously said the words before, but Liu Meimei sounds, I am afraid there is the meaning of showing off.

But Liu Thrush shook his head: "I know, you are not showing off, I envy you, if you really said, you found a good man..."

"So, eyebrows sister, I advise you to end the singles earlier, it is good to have someone to help you share, you don't have to work so hard!" Jing Xiaoyu saw Liu Meimei understand, nodded and put down his heart.

"Oh, where is this so good to find? Most people who chase me, not coveting my family property is coveting my beauty, how can I really care for me? I am afraid there is better, or when I have nothing, They are the first to let go? What kind of sons chasing me, I know very well!" Liu said with a smile: "Do you think everyone is so lucky like you? There are too many people like us. ......"

"Emei sister, you also tell me about your business? See if I can help you..." Jing Xiaoyu still has the heart to help Liu thrush, after all, everyone is a woman, and from a certain perspective, They are all women who have suffered hardships. Jing Xiaoying could not help but have the feeling of being connected with the same life.

"Help me... forget it, blame me. I used to have a lower posture and crying a nose. Your family Yang Ming may have helped me with a sympathy!" Liu Meimei also regretted some of it. Let's take a look at Yang Ming's character, or you can't do anything about it: "It's too late to say anything! But I always want to talk to someone..."

Therefore, Liu Meimei started to tell Jing Xiaoyu from the source of the crisis, and talked about her beautiful childhood until her father’s car accident changed everything. Then she tried to support this home and wanted to have a seat in Jiangyan Group. The position, until the killer who killed the father, Liu Hua and Liu Biannan, Liu Meimei did not even hide the anger in her heart: "I can't wait to kill Liu and Liu Yannan immediately, revenge for my father! I really want to kill them!"

For **** violence, Jing Xiaoying is not excluded at all, but is very excited: "Then kill them! This kind of scum should not be kept!"

"But I can't do anything. If I can do the same, I won't hesitate..." For the support of Jing Xiaoyu, Liu Meimei was a little surprised, but when she thought of Jing Xiaoyi's life, she was relieved. Xiao Taimei's life was full. Violence: "But I think, the last thing that must die is me! They can murder my father and can use the same method to deal with me. Xiao Yan, I regard you as the best sister, and I will tell you this! One... This time I really have nothing, don’t you ignore me?”

"Of course not!" Jing Xiaoyan shook his head and sighed, and finally could not help but said: "The thrush sister... In fact, what you said, in my opinion, is a small matter... mainly to see his husband, he is willing I don’t want to help you, if he is willing to take it, what is the Liu Liu, and the jump clown..."

"Ah? Yang Ming... So powerful?" Some of Liu’s thrush did not believe in Jing Xiaoying’s words. In her opinion, girls always like to exaggerate the strength of her man, but Liu Mei’s thrush does not think that Liu Hua and Liu Yuan Nan are so unbearable. one strike.

"You don't know him, but I understand." Jing Xiao said: "Emei sister, what I said, I said it... Believe it or not, it’s up to you."

Liu Meimei just seriously considered the words of Jing Xiaoyu. It is reasonable to say that Jing Xiaoyu’s identity is no longer a small Taimei. If she used to, it would be possible for her to brag about it, but now her identity is the director of Mingyang Group. Long, how can you talk freely? She said so, it must be a must!

Thinking of this, Liu Meimei seems to have caught the last straw. Huo Ran straightened his body: "Small, you told me, you told me what to do, even if it is Jiangyan Group, I don't want it, as long as Let Liu draw a family not to die, I will be willing to pay anything! Even if it is confidential afterwards, you can kill me by suicide, as long as Liu Liu and Liu Duanan die..."

Liu Meimei is really too revengeful, killing the father and the enemy is not dead, she will not be at ease in her life. Money, there is nothing in her opinion, nothing is more than family, and the family is gone, then nothing is gone.

"This..." Jing Xiaoyu looked at Liu's thrush, and he tried to stop it. The way is, but she is not sure if it works. I am not sure if Liu will do it.

"Small, what are your conditions, even though you open your mouth!" Since she was out of the thrush, she naturally didn't care, and couldn't wait to achieve her goal.

"Emei sister, what conditions can I have? I certainly hope that you are good..." Jing Xiaoyu smiled and said: "I am just not sure, this method has no effect..."

"You let me beg for him, if it works, I have to try it..." Liu thrushed.

"That... I said it..." Jing Xiaoyu’s heart was slightly sour, and the ear whispered a few words on the side of Liu’s thrush.

After the thrush, she suddenly turned a red face, but hesitated slightly, but nodded. In her eyes, she looked at Jing Xiaoyu with gratitude: "Small sister... thank you... I don't know what to say..."

"Emei sister, you said, we are good friends..." Jing Xiaoyu sighed in his heart, but he was happy on the face: "Then we will become a girlfriend in the future..."

"I hope to be a girlfriend with you..." Liu Meimei sighed with some self-satisfaction: "I don't have such a high expectation, just exchange, he may not be serious..." (To be continued. If you like this For your work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the referral, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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