So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1890: Statement

The 1890th chapter states

"You still don't know Yang Ming. Later, you will slowly understand him..." Jing Xiaoyu said: "Let's go, let's go eat something, you will have strength when you are full..."

"That doesn't have to be too full... The little belly will bulge..." Liu Tsao at the moment, but like a little woman, she was somewhat worried.

"Oh, I just teach you some precautions... I am cheaper tonight, it was me!" Jing Xiaoyu said here, some little jealous.

"Ah..." Liu Meier suddenly felt embarrassed, and looked at Jing Xiaoyu: "That... or... you are with me?"

"Hey?" This round of Jing Xiaozhen was surprised, the thrush sister will not be so bold, right? The first time I have to play double flight?

Although Liu Yumei has no experience, but she does not understand anything. When she sees Jing Xiaoying’s expression, she knows that she misunderstood, but she didn’t have that meaning, but it seems to be the meaning, and it’s the meaning. ...this is really hard to explain!

In fact, she really hopes that Jing Xiaoying will not leave, otherwise she does not know what to do.

"No...nothing, I was a little scared..." Liu thrush shook his head.

"Oh, nothing, don't worry, I will arrange it for you at that time." Jing Xiaoyu said: "For you, I not only gave up my own opportunity, but also worried about being embarrassed by my husband, thrushing sister, you should cherish Ah, let him help you, or I will sacrifice in vain..."

"Well..." Liu Meimei nodded shyly, and said, if he did not help, not only did you sacrifice in vain, but I also sacrificed in vain...

Yang Ming’s dinner was eaten together with the violent Sanli and Hou Zhenduo. The three people had few opportunities to eat together, and it was hard to get, so they cherish each other.

"Yang Ge, my leopard said nothing, I will serve you in this life! Even his Hou Zhenyao will not work!" Storm three raised his hand in the wine glass: "I am violently followed by Yang Ge, you are always yours Younger brother, no matter if you come back this time or not, it will be the same! I will protect your family with my heart. When I am in the underworld, I will continue to be your younger brother! Well, I am a rough person, I don’t know how to speak. I have done this glass of wine, everything is in the air!"

"Oh..." Yang Ming was very pleased, and also drank a glass of wine with the violent Sanli.

And Hou Zhenduo, listening to the violent San Li, is not angry, because he also has the same mind, so smiled: "Leopard you do not obey me, I still do not accept you! I also serve Yang Ge! If not Yang Ge rescue I, let me not say so much now, can you cure the old mother's illness, will it be because of robbery and jail, it is hard to say!"

"Yeah, our destiny is because Yang Ge changed! Otherwise, they are all small people. Maybe they are in prison. Maybe they are chased by the enemy. How can they have the present scenery?"

"So Yang Ge, you don't have to worry, we will keep the rear for you, you can do it with confidence, don't worry about it!" Hou Zhenyu said: "If there is any disagreement, I must die to kill him!" ”

"Grass! How do you say it? You have a disagreement! I still want to kill you!" The violent San Li did not want to, and Teng suddenly stood up and stared at Hou Zhentao: "If I dare to make sorry, Yang Ge The thing is coming, I will commit suicide directly, I will not need you!"

"You still kill me? Just your skill..." Hou Zhenduo also drank a little more, and some did not want to.

"Okay, you two, I haven't left yet, I feel guilty. When I left, did everyone take a group of people to fight?" Yang Ming made a stunned look at the two people, and took a table to drink. Scolded.

"This... Yang Ge, we are making trouble, I am sorry..." The violent Sanli was also embarrassed, and lowered his head, and Hou Zhenyu was also like this, and he sat down.

"Oh, I know your loyalty, but the loyalty is made, not to say it. I will see your performance in the future." Yang Ming nodded and said faintly.

After the two men made a poisonous oath, Hou Zhenyu suddenly asked: "Yang Ge, I heard that there is a kind of embarrassment, is a loyalty to a person, Zhang Zhang seems to have mentioned it?"

The story of Hou Zhenyu mentioned by him, has been with Hou Zhenyu and others recently, because the right elders have gone back, Zhang’s natural body is of no use, but Lan Ling’s grandmother did not look for him to go back, he naturally stayed in Stand by here.

There was a lot of talk, and Hou Zhenduo knew about the sorcerer's technique. At this time, he suddenly mentioned this matter, and his mind was self-evident.

"Faithful anti-drug?" Yang Ming gave a slight glimpse, but then he understood the meaning of Hou Zhenduo. However, Yang Ming did not agree.

"Leopard, why don't you talk? Are you afraid?" Hou Zhenyu sneered and asked.

"How can I not dare? I don't wait for Yang Ge to speak?" The storm rushed: "Are you not looking at me? You said what is going on, Yang Ge let me die now." With a wink, don’t say anything about poison! I don’t want to be a little self-aware, I want to accompany Yang Ge to perform the task!”

"I will discuss this matter again." Yang Ming hesitated for a moment, and waved his hand and did not immediately agree. After all, this thing is not a matter of Yang Ming alone. If you have something to do, don’t you stick to your family for a lifetime?

"No need to discuss, tomorrow we will go to find Zhang!" Storm San Lisheng is afraid that this time will be preempted by Hou Zhenyu, and quickly said.

"That will be said tomorrow." Yang Ming nodded faintly: "Don't mention this today, the time we know is not short, chat, and study the future direction of our company after I left. ”

Both the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu nodded and began to make suggestions. In fact, the two people have also studied the direction before. Yang Ming is not there. They can't slack off their development. Anyway, the central idea of ​​the two people is to help Jing Xiaoyu to do well-known group...

"Don't be too desperate. If I can come back, all of us will withdraw and go to X Island to live in seclusion. The business here is released." Yang Ming has already thought about the future retreat.

"Oh, that's also to make money, to live in seclusion, isn't it more profitable?" violently laughed and said: "I also count on earning more money to support the elderly! This time, we must work harder!"

The three people ate for more than two hours, and they were very happy. Yang Ming’s phone also rang at this time.

Yang Ming glanced at the caller ID, which was called by Jing Xiaoyu, so he said to the two people, "Tai Sanli and Hou Zhenduo: "Come here today! The phone call from Xiaoyan called me to go back." (To be continued.) If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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