So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1892: If two people

The first thousand eight hundred and ninety-two chapters are judged as two

However, she is afraid to go out now. She is a girl after all. She has no similar experience before, and she has never had a boyfriend. The understanding of this aspect comes entirely from novels and movies. I think about what might happen in a while, Liu Meimei The feet are a little bit out of place...

She knows that as long as she took the room, it was Yang Ming’s person. Later, maybe he was also his underground lover. When he needed it, he would come and go, and there would be no more boyfriends. There will be no more freedom of his own.

However, think about it, if the current difficulties are too late, then my future life is probably more gray, and not to mention revenge for my father! So think of it here, Liu Meimei is still taking a very firm step!

She walked out of the room, surrounded by bath towels, slowly walked to Yang Ming, listening to the TV inside commenting on the Liu family, I feel the irony that can't be said!

Ok, I am not losing money! I didn't expect that I was so valuable. Just paying my body, I can get Liu Ping and Liu Yuannan to get the punishment I deserved, and I can get back to Jiangyan Group! The price of this exchange is simply too good!

When Yang Ming heard the footsteps, he knew that Jing Xiaoyu had come out. He turned off the TV and was about to get up, but he saw it when he saw it! Because the coming person is not Jing Xiaoying, but the willow thrush that I have seen this afternoon!

The bath towel on the thrush of Liu will spread out and silently landed on the ground. The white skin is crystal clear and there is no trace of embarrassment. This is a perfect woman.

However, although Liu Meimei is very beautiful, Yang Ming has no intention to appreciate it. He whispered a little, strangely saying: "Liu thrush? How are you here? I entered the wrong room?"

When Liu Meimei saw Yang Ming’s expression, he knew that he had misunderstood. He thought that he had entered the wrong room. He did not think that he was specifically waiting for him here.

Thinking of this, Liu Lanmei was afraid that Yang Ming would go away, and did not know where the courage came from. He suddenly hugged Yang Ming, tightly, and did not have the shyness before.

It’s just that Liu’s thrush is doing this, but it’s smashing Yang Ming! What does Liuyemei mean?

"What do you want to do?" Yang Ming had already drank the wine, and his heart was agitated. He was so tempted by Liu Mei, and he did not feel that there was some physiological reaction! In particular, I can clearly feel the softness of the chest thrush, so that Yang Ming’s breathing has become a little more urgent, but it is still rational to restrain some of his own ideas.

"Yang Ming, I beg you to help me..." Liu Meimei said here, the face suddenly fell two lines of tears, I do not know because of the upcoming effort, or thought of his misery.

“Ah?” Yang Ming’s attitude and tone of Liu’s thrush made it incredible. Is this still Liu’s thrush? That afternoon, I thought I was convinced that I was winning the strong willow thrush?

How does it seem to be a change?

This is exactly the same as the Liu Meimei he saw before in the afternoon. Yang Ming even thought that it is not the fellow sister of Liu Meimei?

Seeing Yang Ming’s horror, Liu Mei’s eyebrows are ashamed, but they know that they can’t retreat at this time. If they shrink back, there is no room for saving. So I still hold Yang Ming tightly: "Yang Ming, I am wrong! In the afternoon, I should not talk to you so much, or else, you can slap me, how can you do it, as long as you are willing to help me... ..."

Until now, I heard Liu Liumei say so, Yang Ming was determined the identity of Liu Meimei! This beautiful woman is indeed Liu Meimei himself, but the transformation of personality is too big, making Yang Ming somewhat difficult to adapt.

Liu Meimei is hanging on Yang Ming's body, making Yang Ming somewhat uncomfortable. After all, Yang Ming is a normal man. This kind of sensory stimulation makes him have the urge to make mistakes. However, before things were clear, Yang Ming would not act rashly.

Although drinking alcohol, the mind is somewhat irrational, but Yang Ming is not the previous hair boy, and the self-control is still there.

"You first let go of your hands, put on your clothes, and talk to me about how it happened." Yang Ming frowned and said to Liu Mei.

"You...what are you willing to help me?" Liu Ximei’s heart was a joy. She didn’t have enough confidence to let Yang Ming change her attitude. She had already made the worst plan. Yang Ming had to eat dry and wipe her face. I don't accept the bill, so there is no way for Liu Mei.

However, Yang Ming did not ask her first, but asked her how it happened. This shows that Yang Ming really wants to help her, but to determine the complexity of the matter, can it help, this transaction Is it cost-effective...

Of course, Liu Meimei is thinking about it. Her commercial mind is not changed for a while, she always considers the issue from a commercial perspective. What Yang Ming thinks is, what is the story of Liu Yemei holding him like this? After a while, Jing Xiaoyu came in. How to explain it clearly?

I was going to leave, and there were not many opportunities for contact with Jing Xiaolu. I was still holding a willow thrush, not to make Jing Xiaoyu sad?

If it is in peacetime, Yang Ming may calmly consider the unusual things today, but today Yang Ming drank a lot of wine, but also preconceived that he had gone to the wrong room, so he did not realize so much.

He thought it was Liu Liumei who suddenly saw that he felt something! This Yang Ming can also understand that Liu Thrush failed to negotiate with the famous company. I am afraid that he will go to other partners and friends to negotiate. Obviously, her negotiating attitude and the complexity of the current Liu family should be no one can Help her!

Just when she called every day should not be called the ground, Yang Ming came in her room, and Liu Meimei would naturally change her attitude when she was overjoyed.

"Help you, but you always let me know what is going on?" Yang Ming was a little dumbfounded. He didn't want to manage the thrush of the thrush, but he made such a scene. Yang Ming said that he could not stretch. Reached out.

Yang Ming is perfunctory or sincere. As the elite of the mall, Liu Meimei is naturally clear. When Yang Ming said this, Liu Meimei can be completely determined. As long as Yang Ming can help, he will help!

However, Liu Meimei knows the complexity of the matter. Sometimes, help and help, only between the thoughts. It can be difficult to define when it can help or not. Therefore, Liu Meimei is also afraid of this situation. In order to let Yang Ming do his best, Liu Yemei is anxious, and can't control so much, and directly kiss Yang Ming!

"Hey... what are you doing?" Yang Ming looked at Liu's thrush in amazement, because she was not fortified, she was kissed by a strong one, and she didn't know what it was like. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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