So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1893: Xiao Yan’s idea

The idea of ​​the first thousand eight hundred and ninety-three chapters

After Liu Mei’s eyebrows kissed Yang Ming, she did not know what to do next. She was completely sentimental and had no such experience at all! And Yang Ming did not take the initiative, she could only groping indiscriminately.

Think about the scenes in the TV series. Liu Meimei also relies on the gourd painting, learning the male and female protagonists in the face of Yang Ming, but it is like a god, the essence is completely different, the TV series is also a composition of the performance, So being imitated by Liu Meimei, it is even more out of shape!

Yang Ming was amused by Liu’s ugly and ignorant movements: “You want to eat me?”

"I... I just want to eat you!" Liu Meimei misunderstood Yang Ming's words. Yang Ming said that eating is the action of Liu Mei's eyebrows at the moment. It is simply to use Yang Ming as a food, and Liu Yumei But I understand the other meaning of this "eat" word, she thought that Yang Ming said this is to eat! Coupled with the tension in my heart, and not so careful to distinguish, I thought that Yang Ming likes to push back, so he nodded and admitted it!

Seeing Yang Ming’s smile, Liu Meimei thought that Yang Ming liked his own initiative and was happy, so he became more and more energetic.

Yang Ming was unlucky, and he was unable to breathe by Liu’s thrush. He didn’t know what the little girl was going to do. He couldn’t help Yang Ming’s breath, and finally couldn’t help but push the thrush to the bed, Yang Mingcai. Take a sigh of relief.

Liu Meimei sees Yang Ming pushing her to the bed. She thought that it was her own strength to pick up Yang Ming’s taste. The heart was relieved and secretly hi, and she was really self-taught. After a kiss, let Yang Ming feel emotional!

But more is nervous! After all, Liu Meimei faced this kind of thing for the first time. Although she was ready, the tension was instinct. She closed her eyes and waited for one thing that every woman would experience in her life...

However, after waiting for a long time, but I did not see Yang Ming rushing up, Liu Mei’s heart was a little puzzled. What the **** is going on? Why didn't Yang Ming come? However, she did not have the courage to open her eyes and saw that she had used up all her courage. She was ashamed and uncomfortable at the moment like ordinary girls.

Yang Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although this chick is beautiful, can't it be so sultry? Yang Ming almost didn't breathe smoothly and gave her death! When Yang Ming looked up and looked at the bed, he found that Liu Meimei was lying on the bed with his eyes closed!

Yang Ming has some doubts. What is Liu Yemei doing? Didn’t I push it too hard at the moment, and stunned her?

"Liu thrush?" Yang Ming screamed, but his eyes couldn't help but aim at the perfect body of Liu Mei, especially the towering of the proud, let Yang Ming's eyes linger.

Liu Meimei waited for a long time, and did not wait until Yang Ming rushed up. Some wonders, she heard Yang Ming calling her name, so she opened her eyes and saw Yang Ming looking at herself in color, and she was embarrassed. Some of the petty white Yang Ming glanced: "You...what do you think I am doing? Why don't you come up?"

Liu Shumei’s words are somewhat contradictory. The first half of the question is to ask Yang Ming why she looked at her. The latter part of the sentence is actually asking Yang Ming how not to go. Is this Liu thrush seduce him or question him?

Yang Ming can only smile bitterly, even if he is better at his own strength, isn’t it so seduce?

"Liu thrush, you should put on your clothes first, let me talk about your business." Yang Ming shook his head and turned his eyes away, and then he couldn't help himself.

"I... I... don't you want to help me?" Liu Meimei saw Yang Ming's attitude, and suddenly she was disappointed. In her opinion, Yang Ming refused to ask her because she was cautious, otherwise she would put this It’s not a fool, isn’t it cheap?

Only Yang Ming feels that his family's affairs are more complicated, he will hesitate, but this also shows that Yang Ming is an upright person, not the only one who knows that he is cheap.

"I don't want to help you, it's like you, how can I help you? Do you think that if you pay for your own body, you can exchange for my help?" Yang Ming frowned, not knowing how Liu Yumei Suddenly come up with such a thought!

However, when a person has no way to go, it will inevitably make some bold moves beyond common sense. Although Yang Ming is doubtful, it is not incomprehensible.

"Isn't it?" Liu Meimei also excused himself. In front of Yang Ming, he did not hide or not. Anyway, he had decided to become a woman of Yang Ming. Liu Meimei did not intend to marry again. He also gave up his shame and sat down. On the bed, let my body be exposed to Yang Ming’s eyes: "I can only pay for the body. In the afternoon, you said nothing wrong. The cooperative interests I promised are illusory. Before success. ,Nothing at all……"

"But if you do this, why don't you think that you are worthy of Jing Xiaoyu? She always wanted to help you, and still tell you good things in front of me?" Yang Ming said: "You'd better put on your clothes now, or you will come in a little while." I am afraid she will not let me help you."

"It turns out that you are worried about Xiaoyan... You are more conscience than other men..." Liu Meimei listened to Yang Ming’s words, but could not help but laugh: "But don't worry, Xiaoxu taught me to do this... ..."

"What? Xiaoxu teaches you?" Yang Ming suddenly widened his eyes, and at this moment he suddenly remembered that he had just come to see the room of Jing Xiaoyu! I thought I was wrong in the room, but now I think about it. I used the room card of Jing Xiaoying’s room. How could I open someone else’s room?

All this was originally arranged by Jing Xiaoyu! No wonder she specially arranged for Li Secretary to wait downstairs and gave herself a room card to let herself enter the room. The original person in the room was Liu Meimei instead of Jing Xiaoyu!

However, after Yang Ming knew the truth, he did not blame Jing Xiaoxi. He just thought that she was a little bit troublesome, but her practice still only had to be appreciated. She could make such sacrifices for her friends, and certainly paid a great psychological price.

Liu Tsou nodded. "Now you are relieved? Otherwise how can I be in Otaru's room? Come on!"

When Yang Ming listened to Liu’s thrush, he suddenly laughed and laughed! "come on"? Will you let me come? If you change your mental quality is relatively poor, you may actually rush to the top, but Yang Ming is also psychologically competent, naturally not so impulsive. He is not the first boy who was just bloody, and he has matured a lot in the past year! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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