So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1894: Amazing language

The first thousand eight hundred and ninety-four chapters speak amazingly

It’s just that Liu’s thrush is a headache, and Yang Ming has some headaches. It seems that she doesn’t want her, she doesn’t help her.

"Well, let me remember, wait until things are resolved, then say." Yang Ming said.

"Ah? Then... are you willing to help me all?" Liu Meimei listened to Yang Ming’s words, and hesitated. She was not sure if Yang Ming was sincere or perfunctory: "Or, you still want me first, I It’s your woman, you won’t leave me alone!”

Because Yang Ming said that when things are resolved, it is somewhat true, but when I say it, it is somewhat perfunctory.

"Yes! Help you all!" Yang Ming was helpless by Liu's thrush. He could only explain: "I don't think about it today. Do you understand this reason?"

"Don't want to?" Liu squinted, she really did not consider this problem! She has not much knowledge of this aspect, just learned a little from the TV series! However, there are still some unwilling questions: "Why don't you want to?"

"Because I have just been with Xiaoxi in the understand this? So I don't want it now!" Yang Ming lied to her.

"Oh, this way! Then next time!" Liu Meimei also lied, this is an idiot, so Yang Ming said so, I believe it! In fact, Yang Ming has already had a physiological reaction, and the knowledge will not understand.

"Yes, next time!" Yang Ming nodded. "You can put on your clothes now."

Although Yang Ming has some disappointment, he still knows that it is not good to look at Liu Meimei.

"Since it must be your woman, you don't have to wear it!" Liu Meimei always wants to confirm the relationship with Yang Ming, so that Yang Ming can help her.

"This..." Yang Ming sighed: "That line, you first ***, cover the quilt, the weather at night is still very cold!"

"Oh..." Liu thrush suddenly stood up, picked up Yang Ming's right hand, and placed it on his chest.

"Hey?" Yang Ming was shocked. The soft feeling on his hand made him feel like he was getting an electric shock. Some incredulously looked at Liu Meimei: "What are you doing? I didn't say that I don't want to... now? ?"

"Well, you touched me now, then I am also your woman, and I can't marry someone else. I am not pure, you can't want me!" After Liu Mei finished this thing, Suddenly, I opened my eyes and smiled.

"..." Yang Ming is speechless, this Liu thrush is really amazing! Before seeing her shopping malls, she felt that she was a strong girl. She did not expect her IQ in emotions to be completely zero. There was no experience at all, but it was a bit silly!

Yang Ming secretly said that everyone has weaknesses, not everything is good at it.

After finishing all these Liu Meimei, I went to bed happily and covered the quilt: "Husband, you come too... I call your husband, can you?"

Liu Meimei wants to be closer to Yang Ming, so he also determines the relationship from the title, but after finishing, he is afraid that Yang Ming is not happy, and he does not know where Yang Ming is positioning himself, is a lover, or a girlfriend. It is still a plaything.

"Let's do it with you..." Yang Ming is a little too lazy to talk to her about these innocuous problems. What do you want to call?

To be honest, Yang Ming is a soft-hearted person, but not anyone asks for it, he will help! Isn't that a living Buddha? Don't have to do anything else in the day. He can promise to help Liu thrush, one is Jing Xiaoyan's pleading, and the other is Liu Tsao's own attitude. Of course, the most important thing is that Yang Ming helped Liu Mei, and Jing Xiaoyi has a good friend and a strong arm!

Yang Ming does not guarantee that after the company has left, will the company encounter unsolvable troubles, and whether Jing Xiaozhen can handle it! However, with the help and support of Liu Meimei, I am afraid that I will get through the storm.

It’s just that the progress of the matter is somewhat unexpected. Liu Meimei regards herself as her man, which makes Yang Ming somewhat embarrassed! If Yang Ming is not going to perform tasks in Yunnan, he does not mind that it is a bit of a beauty with Liu Meimei, but now it is not necessary to return after he left. What debts are still owed? Is it not harmful to others?

But seeing Liu Mei, a glutinous woman with a zero IQ of love, Yang Ming is also speechless. Who knows if this chick can change her mind? Look at her meaning, is ready to sell.

"Oh, husband, you will definitely help me, I will be yours in the future, you will not look at me being bullied, right?" Liu thrush has already been out, but although she is a shopping mall, she does not know How to please a man, so at this moment is like a small bag of angry, I am afraid that Yang Ming will ignore her!

Yang Ming sighed and unloaded the disguised willow thrush. It was just an ordinary woman. This is what Jing Xiaoyu said is not wrong. Seeing her so pitiful, she could not help but nod. "Talk about your business, can help, I Will help."

"Ah, that can't help..." Liu Meimei listened to Yang Ming's words, and cried, and it was still treated differently! If Jing Xiaoyu had something out, Yang Ming would definitely try every means to help her solve it, just like the last time! But when it is my turn, it becomes a help.

"Can't help... I also want to help." Yang Ming did not recruit, and had to say.

"Well, you know that you won't treat it differently!" Liu thrush sighed: "Then I said it!"

Therefore, Liu Meimei said some of the words that he had previously said with Jing Xiaoyu until she said that she wanted to make a family plan.

Liu’s request for thrush was to make Yang Ming frown. The things that Liu Yemei said before, it is not difficult for Yang Ming to see the control of Jiangyan Group. This is not difficult! As long as the violent Sanli brings people in the past, both hard and soft, and at a sufficient cost, those shareholders will give up the shares or support Liu Meimei as the chairman.

However, to get rid of Liu Liu, it is a bit embarrassing for Yang Ming! He can't do it, but the value is not worth it! If Liu Yemei is her own wife, then there is nothing, she will not talk about it, but the key is not!

Although I have a special identity, can't I kill a few people for no reason? Isn't that asking Xia Bingyan for trouble? It would be okay to kill the Liuzhou family in the dark. The key is whether Liu will not leak news.

Looking at Yang Ming’s frown, Liu’s thrush is in her heart. She also knows that her request is too difficult to achieve. It’s so easy to get rid of Liu Liu. Liu Meimei also thought about asking for a professional killer, but she never touched the industry at all. Where can I find a professional killer? It’s completely black, no one knows! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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