So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1895: Very simple thing

The first thousand eighty-five chapters are a very simple thing

"Don't make enough to trust you," Yang Ming said faintly: "Other things are trivial."

“Ah?” Liu’s thrush, she did not expect Yang Ming to frown because she could not trust herself enough, not because things were difficult! Listen to what he meant, it’s okay to kill the willow, just can't believe it! Liu Mei’s eyebrows were a little anxious: "How can you believe me?"

"Your identity is different from that of Xiaoyan, she will not sell me, but I do not guarantee that you will leak the wind afterwards." Yang Ming said very realistically.

"I... How is it different? I am also your woman! Just signed and stamped, you touch my chest, can't change it!" Liu thrushed to defend.

Yang Mingyi, only to think of it, Liu Yemei had indeed vowed to say that she was her own woman, and could not help but shake her head.

"Are you sure, what you said is true?" Yang Ming hesitated and asked.

"Of course! I am not pure, I am lying on a bed with you, I can't marry someone else, I can only follow you!" Liu Meimei said of course: "I will be your woman, my Everything is yours, and the shares of Jiangyan Group can be written in your name!"

"That's not necessary, since you said so, then there is no problem." Yang Ming nodded and finally settled down.

Yang Ming considered it again and again, but he agreed to it, because Yang Ming did not actually say anything substantive with Liu Meimei. Liu died, and it can be an accident. Don’t say that Yang Ming is hands-on, even if it is Wang Xiaoyu. There is no evidence to check the hands of the men.

Moreover, Liu Zhangmei, a kind of gluten person, I am afraid that she is really the identity of her Yangming woman, and she will not change it in the future, so she is very unlikely to leak the news! The most important point is the identity of Yang Ming!

Liu Meimei is a woman of Yang Ming. Although it is nominal, it is enough! Before Yang Ming performs the task, always handle the family affairs? Only when the enemy at home is leveled, Yang Ming can go to Yunnan with peace of mind!

Therefore, Yang Ming only needs to seize this reason, then Xia Bingyan can only help him deal with these problems, not to mention Liu’s father who has harmed Liu’s thrush, but also has a plot for Liu’s thrush, which is even more sinful. Yang Ming’s hands are also There is a cause for it, and Xia Bingzhen’s name is justified.

"You, have you agreed?" Liu Meimei is idiotic in terms of feelings, but other aspects are not idiotic. The previous idiots and idiots did not know how to please Yang Ming’s chaos. At this moment, he heard Yang Mingquan agree. Now, I feel a little unbelievable!

how is this possible? In my own opinion, such a complicated matter, Yang Ming actually wants to help her solve such an understatement? Are these troubles in his view, not too troublesome?

In Yang Ming’s opinion, although he is a killer, killing is a trail. It is not a way to solve all problems. He can’t touch an enemy and kill him directly. So Yang Ming is not a big hatred. It is rarely solved in this way. questionable.

However, the contradiction between Liu Hua and Liu Mei is not an ordinary way to solve it! Liu draws the father of Liu Meimei into a vegetative person. This contradiction cannot be reconciled. Therefore, in Yang Ming’s view, only Liu can be killed.

However, this is the simplest problem. Liu's family is dead and upset. The company's other problems are minor problems. Liu Mei's eyebrows don't need to worry about Liu Liu and Liu Yuannan and she fight for power.

"A very simple thing, you don't go back these two days, wait for news in the hotel." Yang Ming stood up from the bed and said: "I am leaving."

" are leaving now? Don't you stay with me for a while?" Liu Tsou doesn't know what the two people can do together, but they also want Yang Ming to stay. She can't talk about Yang Ming. What kind of feelings, from the beginning, there is nothing to feel that a bit of worship now, can only be said to be a good feeling, to say that falling in love with Yang Ming, it is not yet.

However, since she has already identified herself as a woman of Yang Ming, it doesn't matter if she loves or not. In Liu Qing's eyebrows, it takes a long time to grow up. When two people are together for a long time, she will definitely fall in love with Yang Ming. .

So Yang Ming is going to go, she is a bit reluctant, although I don't know what two people can do, but what I see on TV is also that women try their best to let men stay overnight. If not, it is not enough charm.

Liu Tsao has no shortage of pursuers, but at the beginning she did not have the heart to think about these things. Now I want to think about it, but I have no experience at all! Jing Xiaoyu taught her the pattern she didn't use at all! Yang Ming didn't want to ask her, so she didn't have any moves.

Therefore, she just longed for Yang Ming to stay and stay with her for a while.

"Well, I am leaving first." Yang Ming glanced at Liu's thrush: "I will play with Xiaoxi in the future, you support each other."

"Ah...oh, okay!" Liu Meimei nodded and should have come down. She misunderstood the meaning of Yang Ming. Liu Meimei thought that Yang Ming was educating her. As a woman of Yang Ming, we must fight for it, and we must live in harmony! This is not a problem for Liu Meimei. She was originally grateful to Jing Xiaoyu. How could she still compete with her?

Yang Ming’s meaning is to help her to help Jing Xiaoyu when Jing Xiaoyu has difficulty. However, when she looks at Liu’s expression, Yang Ming knows that she misunderstood, and she did not explain anything more. She shook her head and turned out of the room.

In the corridor of the hotel, Yang Ming made a phone call to Jing Xiaoyu. Yang Ming knows that Jing Xiaoyu is still in this hotel, because when he came, Yang Ming saw Jing Xiaoyu’s BMW car parked in the hotel’s downstairs parking lot.

When the phone rang a few times, it was connected. There was a voice of Jing Xiaoyu who was a little surprised to say to himself: "So soon, it will end? Will it be drained by me in the afternoon?"

Jing Xiaoyu thought that Yang Ming couldn't hear it, because it was a small voice when picking up the phone, but I thought that the room was very quiet, and the corridor in Yang Ming was very quiet, so Yang Ming heard Jing Xiaoyu's self-talking. Clearly clear!

Yang Ming couldn’t help but feel a little funny. What did Jing Xiao’s head think?

"Cough..." Yang Ming coughed twice: "Small, what good things are you doing?"

"Hey... Hey, husband, don't be angry, I don't want to help the eyebrows sister! How about, she is still ***?" Jing Xiaoyan asked with a smile. Among these women, Yang Xiaojing is very familiar with Yang Ming, so she knows that Yang Ming was not really angry at this time, and asked half a joke. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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