So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1896: Yang Ming's past

The first thousand eight hundred and ninety-six chapters of Yang Ming's past

"What do you think of a small head? How do I know if she is?" Yang Ming said with a sigh.

"Ah? You don't have that..." Jing Xiaoyu stunned, and immediately thought of the reason why Yang Ming called himself so quickly. It turned out that Liu Meimei didn't succeed!

"Of course not!" Yang Ming said: "Is that a casual person?"

"Oh! Yes!" Jing Xiaoyan sighed.

"Yes?" Yang Ming sighed, and asked in a blank way.

"Oh...not...I mean, yeah, yeah, you are not that casual person..." Jing Xiaoyu explained with a smile.

"Khan, you scared me." Yang Ming smiled bitterly.

"It seems that I think it is too simple! If you are such a casual person, I have already gotten rid of it. How can I be so hard with you!" Jing Xiaoyan sighed: "It seems that the eyebrows should be so. Just too pitiful..."

Jing Xiaoyu wanted to describe the pity of Liu Yemei, so that Yang Ming couldn't help her, but before she finished, she was interrupted by Yang Ming.

"Oh, don't say anything, I know what you mean!" Yang Ming said: "I have promised to help her! Where are you, meet and talk!"

"Oh yeah! Husband, you promised? You are so good!" Jing Xiaoyi listened to Yang Ming, and immediately excitedly danced: "I am in the opposite room 305, you come to me!"

Yang Mingyi looked up, Room 305 was by his side, helplessly hang up the phone, just knocked on the door, the door of the room was opened, Jing Xiaoyu jumped out and hanged on Yang Ming's body: "Husband, you That's great! You are finally willing to help the thrush sister!"

"Well, let's go in and say it." Yang Ming didn't want to be intimate with Jing Xiaoyu at the door. Who knows if someone will see it later?

Jing Xiaoyu quickly let the body and Yang Ming enter the room, then closed the door of the room and said: "Husband, you can really stand it, the beautiful girl who painted the eyebrows so beautiful, you have no idea?"

"Of course, of course, but I am not an animal thinking in the lower body. Naturally, it will not be so impulsive." Yang Ming shook his head: "Now there is no fire, you can give me a fire!"

Said, Yang Ming picked up Jing Xiaoyu and threw her in the bed in the room. Jing Xiaoyu immediately shouted for help: "Well, my husband, tell me about the things you just had with the thrush sister? I want to hear!" ”

"I don't want to hear it!" Yang Ming took a look at Jing Xiaoyu: "Now I am like this, not because of you?"

"Oh... well, then it seems that I have to work harder. If I perform well, would you forgive me?" Jing Xiaoqiu asked.

"Oh, huh..." Yang Ming did not take Jing Xiaoyu, she was not really angry with her, but now it is really necessary to punish her for a moment, to smash Jing's ass...

After Jing Xiaoyu surrendered, Jiao Ming repeatedly screamed at Yang Ming: "How come you are not so powerful? Are you saying that you saw the thrush sister before?"

"Hey..." Yang Ming was a little embarrassed. Jing Xiaoyu said that it was really true. Just now, I really fantasized about Liu Yumei, but this is too embarrassing and not very open.

"Oh, I know that you are not without interest!" Jing Xiaoyi proudly said: "Now tell me, what did you say to the thrush sister?"

Yang Ming was caught by Jing Xiaoyu, and he had to tell Jing Xiaoyu what he had just thought of and Liu Yumei. Otherwise, it would not explain.

"Hey? You actually said that you don't want to? With this reason, the thrush sister was smashed past?" Jing Xiaoyu looked at Yang Ming in an incredible way. I think this reason is too weird, and the most incredible thing is that Liu Meimei actually believes. !

Yang Ming nodded. "She doesn't seem to understand anything."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Jing Xiaoyu laughed out of breath: "I really laughed at me, oh, that is, the thrush sister can be fooled, how could she believe it... hahahaha..."

Yang Ming looked at Jing Xiao's laughing flowers and trembles, some helpless, coughing two channels: "Well, since she thinks that this is my woman, it is also a good thing, at least I can accompany you later." To help you!"

"Well!" Jing Xiaolu did not think that Liu Meimei would compete with her. Instead, she felt that she had such a good girlfriend: "But what the thrush sister is doing, what are you going to do?"

"You said this, I almost forgot." Yang Ming nodded: "I will arrange it now."

"You! Really, this has been forgotten by others. The thrush sister is really unlucky. It is your woman. You are still doing this to her!" Jing Xiaoyu was uncomfortable with Liu.

"I was unlucky, there was a nominal woman, and there were still many things!" Yang Ming shook his head. "I don't want to find an arm for you. I am afraid that I will go out and you can't cope with things." Do you think that I care so much for her?"

"Then you really don't move?" Jing Xiaoyu's heart moved, and he was moved. Originally, Yang Ming did all this for himself! Jing Xiaoyu felt that she was simply happy and dead.

"Be tempted, it doesn't matter if it is not tempted, but it is also because of the normal desire for beauty, and can't talk about feelings." Yang Ming said: "If I don't perform the task, I don't mind if I have something to do with her." Nothing, but now there is no time, and I don't want to hurt her."

"Well, then let's arrange it soon, don't forget it for a while!" Jing Xiaoyu was very happy with Yang Ming's confession. At least Yang Ming would not lie to himself.

"You! The thing of Liu Thrush is so up to heart, she just grabbed a man with you!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"That is not grabbing, is it that I take the initiative to give her, or how can she have a chance?" Jing Xiaoyu naturally will not admit.

"Well, it doesn't matter." Yang Ming took out the phone and dialed the phone of Jinniu. Jinniu quickly answered the call.

"The leader!" Jinniu saw Yang Ming's phone number and received it respectfully.

"Gold housekeeper, you send someone to come over and help me create a traffic accident." Yang Ming decided to hand over this matter to the Charles family. This kind of overseas killer does not have any evidence to check, Yang Ming is also I want to save some things for Xia Bingyan.

"Okay, the leader!" Taurus did not ask anything, and did not hesitate to agree.

"I will pass the information to you later and arrange a reliable person to come over." Yang Ming sighed.

"The leader, then I am personally handed?" Jinniu asked respectfully.

"That's not necessary." Yang Ming said: "Right, the butterfly family has a Wang Kejin, the young man is good, you can let him do it, is it my contact or you contact?" (To be continued. If you like This work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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