So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1897: so funny

The 1889th chapter is so funny.

Yang Ming suddenly remembered that Wang Kejin came here, so he suggested one sentence.

"Then I will take him with him." Taurus directly responded. At present, the Charles family has cooperated fully with the butterfly family, and the killer resources are also shared.

After arranging this matter, Yang Ming was relieved. If the Taurus is a professional killer who still can't make a trip to the family, it doesn't have to be mixed up in the international killer list.

When Yang Ming called to arrange these things, he did not carry Jing Xiaoyu, but also should be trusting Jing Xiaoyu, and before Yang Ming left, he would definitely introduce the Jinniu line to Jing Xiaoyu and other women in case of emergency! After all, the power of the Taurus is not small.

"Husband, who are you calling? Are you looking for someone to kill them?" Jing Xiaoyu asked excitedly.

"The killer organization in foreign countries is also my men." Yang Ming felt that there was no need to take Jing Xiaoyu at this time, and he immediately took the opportunity to tell her this thing: "He is currently the second largest killer organization in the world. The person in charge, called Jinniu, is my men, absolutely loyal to people, after I leave, you can find him something!"

Originally, Jing Xiaoyu had already been happy when she called Yang Ming. When she heard Yang Ming telling her such secret things, she was even more surprised. She looked at Yang Ming and said no. Speaking.

After a while, Jing Xiaoyu returned from the shock and said: "No? Hus, you are so powerful!"

Yang Ming nodded. "My resources, after I left, I have to tell you that this Taurus is one of them!"

"This is still one!" Jing Xiaoyu was shocked: "Husband, how are you so powerful? I can't accept it anymore!"

"Oh, but these things, for the time being, don't talk to Liu Mei, I can't trust her." Yang Ming said.

"I know, I am not stupid, then sisters, can't say this, when will you wait for you to really take her and say it." Jing Xiaoyu nodded, but his expression was still very excited: "Yang Ming, you said the world The second biggest killer organization is yours, what tasks are you carrying out, with a group of killers in the past, what is wrong!"

"Khan, this task is quite special, not many people can!" Yang Ming suddenly sweated: "If there are many people, I can carry a team of special forces in the past is not more powerful? This time more complicated!"

"Oh, hey, I am actually a woman in the killer group. I am so happy. I have a day of Jing Xiaoxuan!" Jing Xiaoying smirked and thought it was happy!

"Okay, don't laugh, don't go to sleep, it's all time!" Yang Ming pointed to the wall clock on the bed.

"How much is it, not too late, husband, you talk to me about your business?" How can Jing Xiaoyu feel asleep?

"Well, then what do you want to know?" Yang Ming has no way. Since Jing Xiaoyu wants to talk, let's talk about it. I don't know if there is any chance to speak like this in the future.

"The world's second-biggest killer organization is yours. Who is the world's largest killer organization? Who is the most powerful killer?" Jing Xiaoyi asked in a breath, as she seems to be interested in the killer industry. .

"The first killer organization is the butterfly family, and it can be regarded as my men, because the only daughter of the butterfly family is also my woman." Yang Ming thinks that Jing Xiaoying should be able to get along well with Wang Xiaoying. Wang Xiaoying is not afraid of Jing Xiaoying. A vanity girl should be hostile.

"Ah? Really? No, it's so powerful? Who is your woman?" Jing Xiaoyu asked in surprise, she did not think that the world's number one killer organization is also Yang Ming!

"Wang Xiaoying, you may have heard of it, is Zhao Ying's friend. I introduced it to you these days." Yang Ming said.

"Okay, okay!" Jing Xiaoyi nodded happily. "That's great, right. You haven't said who is the most powerful killer?"

"This..." Yang Ming hesitated. This is his secret. Only Wang Xiaoyu knows, should you tell Jing Xiaoyu at this time? Undoubtedly, although the days with Jing Xiaoyu are not long, she has become one of the most trusted people, and she is about to leave soon, so Yang Ming is only slightly indulged, and she has said her own things. "He is my master, the king of the killer, this secret, don't say it."

"Ah, ah, ah, ah!" Jing Xiaoyu exclaimed with excitement and jumped high. He exclaimed: "Is my husband not the most powerful killer? Ah, ah, ah, ah, I Fortunately, if anyone bullies me in the future, he will kill him directly!"

After Yang Ming listened to Jing Xiaoxuan’s words, he suddenly had a black line in his head. Is this Jing Xiaoyan too poisonous? If I bully her, I will kill it directly?

"Small, don't be fooled!" Yang Ming gave her a look and learned.

"Hey, isn't this just a mouthful of addiction? I just talked about it!" Jing Xiaoyu said with some embarrassment: "Husband, I won't, you can rest assured!"

"This is almost the same!" Yang Ming sighed with relief. If Jing Xiaoyu was upset, it would be horrible, but fortunately he would just talk about it.

"Husband, then you tell me, how did you become a killer, I want to hear! I want to know all your things!" Jing Xiaoyu entangled Yang Ming.

Yang Ming simply does not sleep, since Jing Xiaoyu wants to listen, then he will talk about it, so Yang Ming came from the first time he entered the detention center to meet Fang Tian, ​​and then followed the teacher's things to say ...

Jing Xiaoyu was so intoxicated that it was until dawn... When two people woke up, it was already noon!

Jing Xiaoyu repeatedly called the morning meeting and did not participate, and died! Quickly packed up and dressed up, and Yang Ming said a few, rushed to the company.

Yang Ming did not think that Jing Xiaoyu was so happy with his career. He was also relieved and shook his head. In fact, she did not have to be so desperate. Yang Ming did not have anything at the moment, but went out of the room and came to the opposite room 302, opening the door with a room card.

Liu thrush has gotten up, sitting in bed in a daze, the notebook in front of it is open, but has entered the state of automatic standby, do not know what is thinking.

When I heard that the door was opened, Liu Thrush slowly came over from the scorpion god, looked up and saw Yang Ming, some shy smiled: "You...what do you think?"

"Hey..." Yang Ming almost had a good time, this Liu thrush is too funny, right? When you enter the house yourself, ask yourself about this? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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