So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1898: To expel Yang Ming

The first chapter of the eight hundred and eighty-eighth chapter to expel Yang Ming

"You...what's wrong? What are you laughing at?" Liu asked, looking at it.

"Nothing, I don't want to do it for the time being." Yang Ming and Ren Jun shook his head and shook his head: "Give me the information of Liu Liu and Liu Yan Nan and Liu Yan."

"Oh, okay!" Liu Meimei heard Yang Ming talking about the right thing, and put away the previously listless expression, and resumed the usual skill: "Do you want to start?"

"As a woman of mine, you only need to stay here, don't ask so much!" Yang Ming had to take a shelf, otherwise this will be restored to the appearance of a strong woman, and it is impossible to go to heaven.

Surely, Liu’s thrush frowned, but she quickly spread out and knew her current identity, so she whispered: “I’m sorry, my husband, I won’t ask in the future.”

"Hurry to give me information." Yang Ming did not pick up.

"Well, it's all here, husband, look at it, this is the information I collected..." Liu Meimei put away the gesture of a strong woman, like a little wife.

Yang Ming looked at it. The information collected by Liu Meimei is really complete. From the living habits of Liu Hua to the time of commuting, the entertainment places usually go, and the residence of lovers, etc., everything is very detailed, Liu Yunan’s So, this is to let Yang Ming save a lot of investigation time!

It seems that Liu Meimei has already planned to kill Liu Liu, but he has no choice but to start.

"You have long wanted to kill them?" Yang Ming asked.

"Well...but I have no chance, no channel, I am a weak woman, I really don't know how to do it." Liu Meimei did not deny: "These are the investigations I asked private investigators, but after the investigation, I can't use it, because private detectives can't help me kill."

"Yes, the information is very useful." Yang Ming packaged the information and sent it to a mailbox. This is the private mailbox of Taurus.

After half a minute, Yang Ming’s phone rang, and the voice of Jinniu came from the opposite side: “The leader, the information has been received, very detailed, saving the investigation time!”

"Well, when is it done?" Yang Ming asked.

"Today or tomorrow." Jinniu said: "The latest is no more than the day after tomorrow! We only stayed here for three days and have already booked the itinerary!"

"Okay, contact me after the completion." Yang Ming nodded and hung up.

Liu Meimei looked at Yang Ming with some surprise. She originally thought that Yang Ming had to go through a long planning cycle even if she helped. However, looking at Yang Ming’s appearance, it seems that the matter was arranged immediately! The tone of the speech is also general to the subordinates. It is not like asking someone to do things!

The most important thing is that the room is very quiet, Liu Meimei heard the name of Yang Niu to Yang Ming, that is the "head"! This word, but the subordinates will be called for the superior, what is Yang Ming? How strong is he? These are the questions of Liu Thrush!

However, Liu Meimei knows that she is not qualified to ask now, she is also smart and did not ask! Only she is more curious and admired by Yang Ming! Liu Meimei has been forcing herself to fall in love with Yang Ming in her heart, so Yang Ming’s performance is very powerful, and the more she is easy to accept Yang Ming.

"Well, wait for the news." Yang Ming was very casual to put away the phone: "Liu Zhi family died, no one will fight with you, Jiangyan Group is yours."

This problem is not a problem at all in Yang Ming's view, and it is very easy to solve.

"Well...thank you..." Liu Meimei doesn't know why. Suddenly, the inexplicable trust of Yang Minglai may also force him to like Yang Ming. In short, Liu Meimei thinks this is very reliable.

Yang Ming did not say anything, he turned and left, he is going to meet Wang Xiaoyu, introduce her to Jing Xiaoyu, and then take a look at Zhao Ying, after all, she has confirmed the relationship, always go and see.

Out of the room where Liu thrushed, Yang Ming was about to call Wang Xiaoyan, but the phone first rang.

Yang Ming took it out and saw it, it was Xiao Qing’s number, so he quickly picked it up: “Xiao Qingjie, miss me?”

"Yang Ming, where are you?" Xiao Qing did not talk to Yang Ming, but asked in a hurry.

"I am at the hotel, what happened to Xiao Qingjie? What happened?" Yang Ming was surprised and asked quickly.

"If you have nothing, just go to the school and the school will expel you!" Xiao Qing said.

"Expelled me? What happened? You are the head of the department, and the father is not the vice president? Who is so courageous, dare to expel me?" Yang Ming felt incredible: "More, I am not asking for leave?" ?"

“It’s another vice-president of the school!” Xiao Qing sighed and explained: “The principal of the school is about to retire soon, and Cognac and another vice-president are the hot candidates to take over! The vice-president of Xu’s name I don’t know how to know your business. Suddenly I’m going to expel you at the principal’s office! Although I am doing this, but Vice President Xu wants to make a fuss about this matter, if you want to protect you, then it’s the right to seek personal gains. , you can't compete with the principal, it can be described as sinister!"

Yang Ming frowned. He is not a person who likes to cause trouble, but he does not like others to find trouble in the back, and does not like others to make their own articles!

"I am going now!" Yang Ming sneered aloud, want to make a fuss, you must have that skill! Although I had taken time off, I also had reasonable reasons. I also wrote a leave of absence and got approval from the leader. He said that if you expel yourself, you would expel yourself and be too dictatorial.

Although the university is nothing for Yang Ming, it doesn't matter if it goes up, and Yang Ming went to Yunnan to perform the task. I don't know if I can come back. Even if I can come back, I have to live in X Island, but Yang Ming is unhappy. For his own benefit, take the practice of himself!

Yang Ming called Xiao Wang. Xiao Wang had already got up. He watched TV in the room and waited for Yang Ming. When he received a call from Yang Ming, he went downstairs to get ready to drive. After Yang Ming got on the bus, he told Xiao Wang to go to the direction of the school...

In the office of the vice president of Songgong City, Cheng Jin University, Fan Jinzhe sat on the sofa proudly, chatting with a bald middle-aged man: "Four watches, you said that this time you can expel Yang Ming?"

"There should be no problem!" The four appearances are Vice President Xu. He sneered aloud: "It is best not to expel, so Liu Weishan can't fight with me. This principal is mine!"

"That's a good thing, but it's cheaper than Yang Ming's kid!" Fan Jinzhe thinks that the four watches are a good thing for the principal, but Yang Ming is also so reluctant. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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