So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1905: Talk about things

The first thousand nine hundred and five chapters explain the aftermath

"Yes, in fact, my hidden identity is a national agent!" Yang Ming said, took out the two documents that Xu Vice President Xu saw today, and placed them in front of Chen Mengyu, Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun. .

"This... this is..." The three people quickly opened the two documents and looked up. I saw Yang Ming's photo. The three finally believed in Yang Ming's words. Yang Ming was really a Special agent!

Of course, they would not think that Yang Ming would make two fake documents to deceive three people, because Yang Ming could not be bored to that extent! And because of the unconditional trust in Yang Ming, they will not think so.

"Oh... this thing was originally confidential, but in a few days I am going to perform a task!" Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said: "So, even if the nightmare didn't find me calling, I also want Tell you."

"Is this mission very dangerous?" Chen Mengyu suddenly understood the meaning of the phone before Yang Ming! Her heart said how it feels so depressed, it turned out that Yang Ming... Yang Ming is actually arranging things!

"Oh... is there any danger in the mission?" Yang Ming smiled faintly: "I have performed many dangerous tasks before, but you should trust your husband's skills! The task is dangerous again, for me, that It’s also a cloud!”

"That... this time..." Chen Mengyu gave a slight glimpse. She did not expect Yang Ming to have performed many dangerous tasks before.

"Sometimes, I told you that I have to go out to do things, in fact, I am going to perform the task!" Yang Ming smiled bitterly and said: "The last time I went to Las Vegas, I actually performed a very dangerous task. Of course, the danger is the equivalent of others. For my husband, it is all slag!"

Yang Ming deliberately said it is very easy, but also let the three people rest assured! If it is said that it is very dangerous, it may be fatal. It is estimated that the three people will not be able to accept it. It is better to tell them in a step-by-step manner and let them accept it little by little.

"You haven't said that this time is different..." Although Chen Mengyu listened to Yang Ming's explanation, it seems that this task is nothing, but the heart is still faint and somewhat uneasy. I feel that this time it is not as simple as before. .

"It's really different to say differently!" Yang Ming deliberately sighed: "Dream, you just heard my call just now? In your opinion, I seem to arrange the aftermath, right?"

"Well... you... are you really arranging the aftermath?" Huo Meng, who was screaming by Chen Mengyan, stood up and looked at Yang Ming in horror.

"Oh, it's a post-arrangement, but this aftermath is not to say that the dead thing!" Yang Ming smiled and explained: "Dream, don't be excited, listen to me!"

"What is the aftermath, everything is going on, is there any difference?" Chen Mengxi was still very excited. Suddenly, he took the two documents on the table in a very childish manner: "I have confiscated your documents." I am not allowed to go! I will hide it for you and see how you will go!"

Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun were also worried about Yang Ming, but they did not ask. After all, the two people are mainly based on Chen Mengyu. Since Chen Mengqi asked, they just need to listen to the results of Yang Ming, and they don’t have to ask in person.

Yang Ming looked at Chen Mengxi’s move and couldn’t help but laugh and cry. Is this Chen Mengyu too childish? Actually thought of the idea of ​​a Tibetan document! However, it is useless to hide the documents!

Who doesn't know Yang Ming? Xia Bingzhen estimates that Yang Ming’s documents will not be checked at all. Yang Ming’s absence of documents is the same.

"Dream, don't worry, you listen to me!" Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "For example, if you want to go abroad to go to school, you can also say that you have to arrange the aftermath before you go. This aftermath refers to you going. After studying abroad, things at home! So, after the death, there are two meanings!"

"That... then you said, what is the difference between this and the past?" Chen Mengyu listened to Yang Ming's explanation, but he was relieved.

"This time, I am afraid that the time to go is a bit long! It is three months short, and one year or even five years is possible!" Yang Ming said.

"What! Five years and ten years!?" Chen Mengyan's eyes widened and looked at Yang Ming. The tears in his eyes couldn't help but fall down: "Yang Ming, you didn't lie to me? You have to go so long?"

"Well, I didn't lie to you! So, before I leave, I must arrange for a affair, huh, huh." Yang Ming laughed.

"You... how do you go so long! No, you can't go, I won't let you go!" Chen Meng was anxious, and there was no appearance of a big sister. He suddenly hugged Yang Ming, and he did not loosen his life.

"Dream, good nightmare, don't cry." Yang Ming patted Chen Mengyu's back and carefully appeased: "Dream, everyone, has everyone's social responsibility! Since I am in this position, I Just do what I need to do!"

"But how can you go so long? Then what can we do?" Chen Meng anxious: "No, you let others go, you can't go anyway!"

"Let others go..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "Dream, you are not a child, how can you say this? Others have no girlfriends? Others have no relatives, no children?"

"That... that... I don't care, you can't go anyway!" Chen Meng was anxious, hugged Yang Ming, not letting go.

"Dream, haven't you heard a song?" Yang Ming quietly sang a familiar lyric: "You don't shoot, I don't shoot, who will defend the motherland to defend the home?"

"This..." Chen Mengyu naturally heard this song, and the children born in the military and police family naturally have more songs in this category.

"Dream, you think about it, when you catch the bad guys, can your father not go? Can he hide at home with you and your mother?" Yang Ming explained: "At that time, your mother was also wrapped around. Chen Shu, don't let him go?"

"But...but when I was a child, every time my dad performed a task, my mother and I stayed up all night, and I was scared at home! I don't want to feel like this anymore, I don't want you to be like this too!" Chen Mengyu remembered when he was a child. Things, crying is even more sad.

"Dream, this thing, publicity, I am going to go, and only me, can be qualified for this task." Yang Ming continued.

“Yu Gong is private?” Chen Mengxi said: “What does this have to do with private ownership?”

"Yu Gong, I am already a special agent, I use my place, I naturally want to stand up!" Yang Ming explained: "In private... This time the enemy is also my old opponent, right Elder!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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