So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1906: I wait for you

I am waiting for you in the first thousand nine hundred and sixty-six chapters.

"Right elder!" Chen Mengyu exclaimed, apparently she knew something about the right elders before: "I was the one who came to Songjiang before, Chen Afu is his disciple?"

"Well, that's it!" Yang Ming said: "The last time I was in Songjiang, he has already hated me, so this time I will deal with him. I naturally want to go! Moreover, he is also the enemy of Lan Ling, I will After he defeated, Lan Ling will be back!"

"It turned out to be Blue Ling!" Chen Mengyu was a bit jealous, but after listening to Yang Ming's explanation, it was not so strong against Yang Ming to perform this task! After all, although she is a true girlfriend in the name of Yang Ming, but in order to be with Yang Ming, Lin Shuyun is the first, and Lan Ling is the second, she is only a latecomer!

"Oh, let's say that!" Yang Ming nodded. "She is my woman, so I have to bring her back!"

"Hey, your woman..." Chen Mengyu listened to Yang Ming's words, and some were not very comfortable.

"Oh, nightmare, not only Blue Ling, if you have anything, I will not ignore it. No matter how dangerous, I have to rush!" Yang Ming said very seriously: "It’s like Zhou Jiajia. My father is obliged to do something! This is my duty, it is the same for each of you!"

"That... you have to be there, be careful, please contact us!" Chen Mengxi heard that Yang Ming’s opponent is the right elder, but he also put down some worry! After all, the last time the elders were in Songjiang, they were beaten by Yang Ming. With such a foresight, in the eyes of Chen Mengxi, the level of this right elder should be not very good, just a little embarrassing, since Yang Ming can play Run him once and run him for the second time!

The reason why Yang Ming said that he has to go so long may be because the right elders are running fast, and it is not easy to touch the traces, so it is necessary to fight a long-term battle.

"Be careful is sure, but the contact will not work! There is no cell phone signal in the mountains, and the opponent is very embarrassed, we can not let him intercept the news of our contact with the outside world!" Yang Ming said a little sorry.

However, he saw that Chen Mengyu had misunderstood his opponent's right elder is not a very powerful opponent, but he also let go of his heart, did not explain more! This is better, and they will be scared when they are a few times!

"This way!" Chen Mengxi nodded reluctantly, but she is not an unreasonable person, but also understands the discipline during the execution of the task, can not open the phone, can not contact the outside world!

My father used to participate in the task force frequently. At the longest time, he did not contact the family for a few months. Because it was strictly confidential, Chen Mengxi could understand it. It’s just that my father is like this, and the lover is the same, so that Chen Mengxi feels that it is unfair, so why is his family like this!

"Yeah, but you can rest assured that tomorrow night, I will introduce a person to you. He is also a person inside our system. My message and whereabouts can be determined directly from him!" Yang Ming said that this person is a fat man. He is going to introduce the fat man to Chen Mengqi and others. He also let Chen Fei know in advance, so that if he has something to do in his own home, he can go directly to the fat man to solve it.

"That's okay!" Chen Mengyan listened to Yang Ming's resoluteness and knew that Yang Ming could not destroy discipline because he was alone. It was impossible. So I will not stick to it.

"Oh... I know, my little dreams are the most sensible!" Yang Ming said with a smile and screamed at Chen Mengyu's delicate face.

"Oh, what are you doing!" Chen Mengxi was a bit ashamed by Yang Ming's move.

"Oh, I’m finished with you now, go home with me at night, and talk to my parents. They are old, I’m afraid they can’t accept it for a while, and the three of you have to help!” Yang Ming Chen Mengyu, Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia said.

When Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia want to ask, Chen Mengyu said to them, in fact, their love for Yang Ming is the same, so the words they want to say are similar. At this time, Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu have explained it, which is equivalent to giving them Explain it again.

"Well..." Chen Mengyu nodded. "However, if you walk for ten years, how can we live! At that time, when you come back, are we not old?"

"Ha!" Yang Ming listened to Chen Mengxi's words and couldn't help but laugh: "Dream, you are only twenty years old now, even if you are ten years old, it is only thirty. How can you be old and yellow? You see Xiao Qingjie, all thirty. One, isn't it similar to you? Can't you see how big it is?"

"That is, but Xiao Qing sister is well maintained, we can not say it ..." Chen Mengyu said that Xiao Qing sister came, could not help but envy.

"Oh, then you have time to ask Xiao Qing sister to see how she cares." Yang Ming is happy to go after the women, these women can get along with each other, I believe that after a period of running-in, they will accept each other.

"Hey, think about it, it’s terrible, ten years, how do you let us go?" Chen Mengyi thought of the long wait, it was a little reluctant.

"If you can't wait, you can also remarriage!" Yang Ming smiled and said.

"Death Yang Ming! What do you say!" Chen Meng anxious: "I am so easy to change my mind? I am dying you!"

Said, Chen Mengxi went to the soft meat of Yang Ming.

"Hey..." Yang Ming quickly escaped, but his expression was serious: "I am telling the truth, Yun Yun, Jia Jia, if you meet the right person, don't grieve yourself, look for it as soon as possible. Your own happiness!"

Lin Yiyun quickly shook his head and waved his hand. Some words were incoherent: "I won't... I will wait for you!"

Zhou Jiajia also said firmly: "I have died for you, how can I change my heart? If I can change my mind, I have already changed! Nothing, so for many years, I can wait, I will continue to wait now!" ”

Zhou Jiajia's persistence has made Chen Mengxi feel moved. Yes, Zhou Jiajia has waited for so many years to get Yang Ming's love. Moreover, she can still wait until now, so why can't she?

Thinking of this, Chen Mengyu has no complaints! To love someone is to pay for him! Chen Mengyu also feels that at the moment, ten years is not too long! If the two emotions are long, why are you squatting in the dynasty?

"Yang Ming, I am waiting for you! I am waiting for you to come back! I am still waiting for you to honor your promise, you want to marry me!" Chen Mengyan raised his head, tenderly and firmly looked at Yang Ming. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to *** (***.***) to vote for the recommended ticket, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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