So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1907: go home together

The first nine hundred and seventy-seven chapters go home together

"Oh, good!" Yang Ming nodded. "Since we have no differences of opinion, then pack up and get ready to go back."

Yang Ming was originally prepared to take the three people back home at night, and then confess his own affairs with his parents, and let the three know.

However, because Chen Mengxi heard his own phone and made some accidents, he told the three women in advance, but it also saved some trouble. When the parents and the parents confessed at night, there were three people to help, which should make it easier for parents. Accepted!

The reason why Yang Ming has never said anything to his parents is that he is afraid that parents will know too early and will worry! The people Yang Ming can't put up, except their own women, are their parents!

Parents are also older. If they really have three long and two short, they will probably be heartbroken in the future. However, the right elder does not remove, it is always a scourge. Although Yang Ming is not a hero, but also a responsible person, even if there is no hatred with the right elder, as long as the country needs Yang Ming, Yang Ming is also obligatory.

Even the inexplicable center, Yang Ming is not going to let it go! After all, what can match it, at present, only Yang Ming himself! If Yang Ming does not shoot, no one can change the center!

Seeing what murderer, what robbers and the like, Yang Ming can not care, this is not that he is not kind, but he is only a person, not a superman, these things have their own police to deal with!

But the right elders, even the center, can only let them do whatever they want if they don't do it, so in this case, Yang Ming must stand up. This is what a man of the sky wants to do!

Although Yang Ming seems to be bargaining with Xia Bingyu before he left, in fact, even if Xia Bingyan does not agree with Yang Ming's conditions, Yang Ming will still shoot. Because Yang Ming knows a word very clearly, that is, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

The conditions that Yang Ming strives for are basically for their family and women. After Yang Ming did not want to go away, they were harassed by the enemy, so Yang Ming sometimes did too much, but I thought Xia Bingyan also understood. .

Yang Ming decided to tell his parents about the truth of the matter tonight. There is also a reason. Because Xia Bingyan came to the phone, Yang Ming is about to embark on the journey three days later, so that I don’t know when I can come back, and I can’t come back. A question, so Yang Ming also wants to give parents an account.

In the evening, Yang Ming carried Chen Mengyu, Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia back to the community of Songjiang Bus Factory, and has now changed its name to the famous community.

Carrying the gift, the pace went upstairs a little, but the mood of going home with the heavy pace of a year ago was completely different. When I was a heavy step a year ago, it was because of the disaster. Go home and be afraid of being jealous of my parents.

Today, I am no longer afraid of being embarrassed by my parents, but I am afraid that my parents will be sad.

Yang Mu is very unexpected. How did my son come back today? For Chen Mengqi, Zhou Jiajia, and Lin Yuyun, the two old men are familiar with each other. They have been wondering how Yang Ming handled the relationship of the three people in the end. The three are now as good as the sisters, and they are not arguing. Chen Mengyu also has the look of a big sister. No one of the two sisters will be jealous.

"Da Ming, how come you came back today? My dad and I still want to go out to eat at night, and I didn't prepare dinner." Yang mother opened the door and looked at her son strangely.

"Mom, I want you and Dad, come back and see!" Yang Ming put the gift in his hand on the ground and said to his mother.

"Hey? You are a big Ming, what gift do you bring home? Are you not so unfamiliar for so long? Which one is you getting?" Yangmu looked at the gifts that Yang Ming brought, some Asked in surprise.

"Oh, I am not leading the wife to go home, how can I go without a gift?" Yang Ming said, blinking at Chen Meng and saying: "The gift is what they sent, I just acted as a force."

Chen Mengxi immediately met and nodded and said, "Yes, aunt, this is a little care of the three of us! If you don't accept it, how can we dare to come to the door?"

"Well, well, since it was bought by my daughter-in-law, then I have to collect it!" One was prepared by Chen Mengyu, and Yang was overjoyed, happy to collect it, and then shouted to the study: "Old Yang, Daming came to see us with her daughter-in-law, and hurry up!"

Yang Dahai also heard the sound of opening the door, but did not care, but thought it was a friend of the neighbors. Yang’s work was leisurely, and it was the manager of the property company downstairs, so usually and several in the building. The relationship between the aunt and the aunt is also very good. It is also common to talk to each other at night. Yang Hai naturally does not care!

At this time, I heard that my son came back with his daughter-in-law. He quickly put down his work and walked out of the study. When he saw Yang Ming, he couldn’t help but smile: "Da Ming is back, nightmare, Jia Jia, Yun Yun, sit down!" Come here is the same as your own home, no restrictions!"

Yang Dahai is also happy to find three beautiful daughter-in-law for her son. At the very least, there is no need to worry about the next generation not being settled! Now there are many Dinks, many young couples don't want children, but this has ruined the old people, and Yang Dahai is not worried about this problem. Anyway, one does not want to be born, there are two others, and no three people like it. Let's have a baby?

"Uncle is good!" Chen Mengqi three saw Yang Dahai coming out, and they all politely said hello to Yang Dahai.

"Okay, good!" Yang Dao nodded, then asked Yang Mudao: "Is it ready for dinner at night?"

"No, I am going to wait for you to finish, and we will go downstairs to eat. Who knows that Daming is coming back, so suddenly, I am not prepared!" Yang Mu did not complain about her son: "Next back If you don't call, I won't open the door!"

Originally, Yang Mu was a joke. Yang Ming’s expression was a stagnation, and the expressions of Chen Mengyu, Zhou Jiajia and Lin Yuyun were somewhat unnatural! Because all four people have thought of a problem at the same time, the next time they go to the door again, I don’t know when it will be!

Yang Mu saw that his son and daughter-in-law were all this expression, and suddenly they wouldn’t be misunderstood. You are just a joke, don't you take it seriously? So I quickly explained: "Mom and you are making a joke, how can you still take it seriously? Daming, what is your expression?"

Yang Ming looked at her mother and couldn't help but sigh. I wanted to wait a little while to talk about my own things, but since my mother has already brought the topic here... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come *** (***.***) Vote for referrals, ***, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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