So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1922: Yang Ming cares about people

The first thousand nine hundred and twenty-two chapters Yang Ming cares about

After the meal, Yang Ming and the three women should also be ready to leave, but Liu Weishan said: "Da Ming, after you send them back to the nightmare, come back here at night?"

"This..." Yang Mingyi, I did not expect Liu Weishan to ask himself to live here.

However, Chen Mengxi did not feel anything. In this way, she even felt that Yang Ming had already told Liu Weishan that he was going to perform the task, and Liu Weishan naturally knew that Yang Ming might not return for a long time. So I asked him to stay and accompany them to the two old people!

After all, Liu Weishan has been in his 60s this year. If Yang Ming does not come back in ten or twenty years, then Liu Weishan can't see Yang Ming.

Therefore, although Chen Mengxi had some disappointment in his heart, he also wanted to be close to Yang Ming at night, but he thought that he was only 19 years old, and Liu Weishan was more than 60 years old. Even if Yang Ming did not come back in 20 years, he was only thirty-nine. Years old, and it’s not good to say that it’s hard to say whether Liu Weishan can live to such a big age!

"Yang Ming, we just drive back and go, just opposite the school, very close, you don't have to send us!" After thinking about this, Chen Mengxi said with a smile to Yang Ming: "You are still here. Let's do it!"

"This... okay!" Yang Ming looked up at Liu Weishan and saw the smile in his eyes. Suddenly his heart moved... Could it be that Xiaoqing was for Xiao Qing to let himself stay?

Thinking of this possibility, Yang Ming is more heart-warming...

"That's it, I will go back with Yun Yun and Jia Jia, see you tomorrow?" Chen Mengyu was afraid that Yang Ming would repent, and he couldn't help but say that Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia went out and went downstairs...

"Then you be careful, call me at home." Yang Ming said.

"Do not worry, very close..." Chen Mengyu said that the fact is that the family area of ​​the school has 24 hours of security, and there will be no problem at all. On the other side of the Chinese business community, it is facing the school. At the door, driving is only five minutes away, and there are security monitoring in the community, there will be no problem.

After Chen Mengyu, Lin Yuyun and Zhou Jiajia left, Yang Ming was about to speak. Liu Weishan first spoke up: "Da Ming, do you live with Qingqing, or go to Qingqing's apartment?"

"Ah?" Although Liu Weishan had already told him and Xiao Qing about it before, but at the moment, in the face of Chu Huifang and Xiao Qing, let Yang Ming be embarrassed!

Xiao Qing, who is also wide-eyed, is shocked to say nothing, incredulously looking at Liu Weishan, half a sigh: "Dad... What do you say?"

Before Xiao Qing did not believe what Yang Ming said, she thought that Yang Ming was just a joke, and did not take it seriously, but at the moment I heard Liu Weishan really said it, Xiao Qing knew that Yang Ming did not lie to her before, but Liu Weishan really knows about her and Yang Ming!

Chu Huifang obviously already knew this thing, and there was not much surprise at this time.

"Da Ming has something to say to you, let him tell you about it!" Liu Weishan waved his hand, did not explain so much, but said: "I also have something to say to your godmother, we will go back first. Room, if you live here or go out, decide for yourself."

Said, Liu Weishan took Chu Huifang to go to the bedroom, leaving only Yang Ming and Xiao Qing in the living room!

"Dad really knows?" Xiao Qing hated Yang Ming, but his face was like a big apple.

"Yeah, it may be estimated when we were not careful, what was the clue that he saw!" Yang Ming said with a smile: "But Qingqing, don't be embarrassed, cognac means to agree with us, he Is an enlightened person!"

"Of course I know! If he doesn't agree, he won't say that too!" Xiao Qing was so angry that she was like a little girl who was caught by her parents. "But I am embarrassed? A little psychology." I haven't prepared yet! It's really killed by you. Why don't you remind me in advance?"

"I have reminded you in advance! Just when you changed clothes, but you didn't take it seriously, don't you blame me?" Yang Ming shrugged and said.

"You..." Xiao Qing is even more annoyed. Yang Ming did tell her, but who knows what he said is true?

"Oh, why didn't you go back to the room? He may be afraid that we will be embarrassed, and deliberately leave us some space!" Yang Ming said: "Let's go sunny, I really have something to tell you, don't Said it in the living room!"

"Where to go?" Xiao Qing is also somewhat helpless. The matter has been here, and I can only recognize it. Fortunately, Liu Weishan did not blame them. Instead, he held the attitude of approval, so that Xiao Qing’s heart is more comfortable.

"Go to your apartment, some words are inconvenient here!" Yang Ming lowered his voice and whispered Xiao Xiao.

"What? It's not convenient? Hey!" Xiao Qing's face suddenly became red, apparently misunderstanding Yang Ming's meaning. She thought that Yang Ming said that the sound of two people's good times is naturally not very interesting.

"When I go, I know..." Yang Ming saw Xiao Qing's appearance and knew that she was misunderstood, but she did not explain it. Because she did not understand it here, it is better to go to Xiao Qing and slowly say !

After all, Yang Ming is prepared to talk with Xiao Qing, what is said here, if it is not heard by Chu Huifang, Liu Weishan must go to tell her another version.

Xiao Qing half-pushed, Yang Ming launched the door, went downstairs, went to Xiao Qing's own small apartment.

Back to Xiao Qing's small apartment, the two people didn't need too much words, they hugged together. Before Xiao Qing went upstairs, he was still half-pushing and reluctant, but once the door was closed, the warm flame was instantly lit. !

Liu Weishan's approval makes Xiaoqing's heart no longer have any burden. As for whether it can be recognized by Chen Mengyu, Xiao Qing does not think it is important. There is nothing wrong with Yang Ming's lover, but if Liu Weishan does not recognize it, Xiao Qing will have some It’s hard!

Because for Xiao Qing, there are four most important people in this life!

The first two are her cognac Liu Weishan and her mother Chu Huifang. Xiao Qing cares very much about the feelings of both of them. I can't bear to let them be sad and disappointed!

The third person is Yang Ming, which can be said to be the love of Xiao Qing.

The fourth person is her good friend Sun Jie. Sun Jie is going to be with her with Yang Ming, and there is no burden on Xiao Qing’s heart!

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