So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1923: Is there me?

Is there any me in the first chapter of the nine hundred and twenty-three?

Now, both Cognac and Ganma agree, Xiao Qing is particularly happy, this day, can be said to be one of the happiest days of her life, so Xiao Qing is also very excited! With Yang Ming, I have taken the initiative once!

When the two were completely quiet, Xiao Qing said something strange: "You said, how did Dad discover our relationship?"

"This... I don't know too much," Yang Ming shook his head and said: "But it's sunny, let's talk first?"

"Speak?" Xiao Qing was a slight glimpse. Before Yang Ming said that she had something to say to her, going to her apartment, it was not convenient to say at Liu Weishan's house. Xiao Qing thought that Yang Ming was referring to what two people had just done. However, Yang Ming raised it again, but it made Xiao Qing somewhat confused: "What do you say? Do you really have something to say?"

"Qing Qing, I naturally have something to say to you, or why are you?" Yang Ming looked at Xiao Qing with a smile.

"I...what can I do?" Xiao Qing suddenly felt that in front of Yang Ming, she became more and more like a little girl. It was not as natural as before. It seems that Yang Ming is a brother, she is Same as my sister.

"Your thoughts are not pure. Where do I know why you are?" Yang Ming made a joke.

"I didn't... I didn't say this. You said that you have something to tell me?" Xiao Qing transferred a topic, not like continuing to entangle on this topic, because this topic is very embarrassing, Xiao Qing thinks Some faces are hot.

"Well, there is something to say!" Yang Ming nodded, but also restored a look of positive color: "Qing Qing, I am in school today, and Xu Vice President said, you have heard it? I want to say That's it..."

"You mean that you are a military person?" Xiao Qing said here, did not breathe a sigh, said: "You still glaring at me, why didn't you tell me before?"

"Xiao Qingjie, this thing was previously confidential, because I am not a general military personnel, but a real identity is a special agent." Yang Ming said with a sigh of relief: "My first military document is just an identity. The cover is used to show it to outsiders, and the document of the Mystery Bureau is my true identity!"

"Ah! That is the ID of the agent?" Xiao Qing surprised her eyes wide. She didn't think that Yang Ming was actually a special agent. So, in this case, Yang Ming used to conceal his identity, which is also reasonable. Because the identity of the agent is not easy to show people, after all, it involves some secret things, Xiao Qing also understands: "If this is the case, then why do you want to take this document out today? Do you just use it? Shocking Xu Vice-President? You know, if you shocked him, is a military document enough? You don’t need such a big battle!"

"Even if I don't take it out, my superiors will say hello to the school!" Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "Because this time, I have to say, after three days, I will embark on a journey and go to Yunnan to perform a special task……"

"You have not performed a mission before?" Xiao Qing gave a slight glimpse.

"Executed... but this time is different..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "So before I leave, I will tell me all these things..."

"What do you mean, this time the mission is very dangerous?" Xiao Qing widened his eyes and thought of a terrible possibility!

"Oh, there are some dangers than before, but it is not very dangerous..." Yang Ming shrugged and said with a smile.

"Yang Ming, you lied to me!" Xiao Qing shook his head: "You have never lied to me before, even your special ability, told me, how can I learn to deceive now?" Xiao Qing squats Yang Ming Said one word at a time.

"Qingqing..." Yang Ming was somewhat embarrassed by Xiao Qing: "Okay... I admit, it is very dangerous!"

“How dangerous is it?” Xiao Qing asked with a serious expression.

"This, I can't say it well, because I don't know the specifics. I don't even have the direction and execution of the task. I need to explore!" Yang Ming said: "Only the unknown is the most terrible!"

"Yeah... Unknown things are the most terrible, but I don't understand. Why do you have to go? Can someone else go? You know, you are a freshman, your leader. What do you think? How can you send you to perform such a task?" Xiao Qing frowned. "Is it for you to practice?"

"I led the team..." After listening to Xiao Qing's words, Yang Ming could not help but smile and explained: "It is because of my special ability that I have become the trump card of our special service group! And my skill is also considered to be Top, so I will choose to perform this task!"

Xiao Qingyi looked at Yang Ming and suddenly found out that he did not know him. Is this the Yang Ming that he once knew very well? How do you seem to know him? He still has so many things, he doesn't know?

When did he become a special agent? When did you start to perform some dangerous tasks?

"Yang Ming, you have changed a lot for a while... I don't know you anymore?" Xiao Qing sighed and looked at Yang Ming.

"Qing Qing, how can I change, my feelings for you are still true, but these things, I did not say it before, on the one hand, it is confidential, on the other hand, I am afraid that you are worried about me! Because of the previous tasks, I All can handle it, and all have the confidence to complete it successfully!” Yang Ming said: “Only this time, I have no confidence, so I am honest with you... I can also make an account before I leave.”

"Well, Yang Ming, I believe what you said is true..." Xiao Qing nodded. "This time, I also know that since you decided to say it, you are not sure that you can come back. You are saying goodbye to us." Ok?"

"Qing Qing, how can you not believe me? Although the task is very dangerous, but I am also very good, good luck? Super good luck!" Yang Ming said: "If this is placed in the online novel, that is the protagonist! There is a The famous online writer also contacted me a while ago. I want to write my experience as a novel. If I can’t come back, what else does he write?”

Xiao Qingxi’s laughter came out: “You still be the protagonist? Write a novel? Does that also give you ten or eight wives?”

"How can ten or eight? I have said it to the writer, at least fifteen!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Is there any me and Xiao Jie?" Xiao Qing glanced at Yang Ming and asked without hesitation.

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