So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1924: Go to the door

The first nine hundred and twenty-four chapters go to the door

"Of course there will be! How can you without you?" Yang Ming said: "Not only you, but also to write you a big wife!"

"You will play with me." Xiao Qing naturally would not believe: "But this thing, you told Chen Mengxi them?"

"No, I only told Cognac, Chen Mengyu over there, I just said that I have to perform a more complicated task. It will be a year and a half, and it will be possible for 10 or 20 years! They don't know this task. There is danger, just that this task is a protracted battle!" Yang Ming shook his head and said: "They are too small, unable to withstand, I am afraid to tell them, it will harm them!"

"What is said, if so, what can they do in the future? Certainly living in fear and fear every day, even if you don't worry about you, you will be depressed." Xiao Qing nodded and said: "The most important thing is, I am afraid you said After that, they will leave you at all costs and will not let you go!"

“There is nothing wrong,” Yang Ming said. “But these things will be told sooner or later, and it’s a little earlier!”

"Does this thing Xiaojie and Zhao Ying know?" Xiao Qing suddenly asked.

"Ying Ying knows, Xiaojie hasn't said to her yet... I am going to tell her tomorrow." Yang Ming said.

"Don't be tomorrow, just tonight!" Xiao Qing shook his head. "Xiao Jie has a class tomorrow. I will return to Songjiang City tonight. I will call her and let her come!"

"That... also!" Yang Ming thought, Xiao Qing and Sun Jie's relationship is very close, called Sun Jielai, but it does not affect himself and Xiao Qing linger, and tomorrow does not know there is nothing else, so Yang Ming also agreed.

After Xiao Qing got Yang Ming’s approval, he gave Sun Jie a call.

As Xiao Qing guessed, Sun Jie was indeed in Songjiang City, but now she has slept, and she received a phone call from Xiao Qing. Some complained vaguely: "Qing Qing, what are you doing? Call me so late." phone?"

"You have already slept? Can you come to me?" Xiao Qing did not expect Sun Jie to sleep so early, but looked at the time on the phone, but could not help but smile, before forgetting the time with Yang Ming lingering, When I came back from Liu Weishan, it was only 9 o'clock in the evening, but now it is already a little over one in the morning! Sun Jie has naturally fallen asleep, but nothing is strange.

"Go to you? What?" Sun Jie asked with some doubts.

"Yang Ming is here with me, there is something to find you!" Xiao Qing said.

"Yang Ming? Where are you?" Sun Jie gave a slight glimpse, but in a moment he thought of a possibility: "He is there, what are you looking for? I will not go, too tired, traffic jam on the highway today. I have to be scattered, I can't stand the toss!"

“Hey!?” Xiao Qing listened to Sun Jie’s words and suddenly blushes! It seems that Sun Jie misunderstood what she meant. She thought she was calling her to do something with Yang Ming... It seems that Sun Jie and her original ideas are the same, they are misunderstandings!

"Okay, I am going to sleep, I am sleepy! Thank you for your kindness. Call me next time. It is really impossible today... I can't drive the car!" Sun Jie said with some exhaustion: " I hang up the phone!"

"Wait! Don't hang up..." Xiao Qing was anxious, and said quickly.

"Drip..." However, Xiao Qing’s phone had a few calls that interrupted the call, and Sun Jie apparently hanged up!

Xiao Qing had no choice but to dial the past again, but after two rings, she was cut off by Sun Jie! Xiao Qing had to call the past again, but this time it came with a shutdown tone...

"This Sun Jie!" Xiao Qing shook his head with some helplessness: "I actually hang up the phone directly, not waiting for me to finish!"

"What should I do?" Yang Ming also asked with a smile. After all, as Xiao Qing said, there is not necessarily anything else tomorrow. Yang Ming does not know if there is any chance to meet Sun Jie.

"Let's go?" Xiao Qing has no way: "Let's go to her apartment to find her?"

"It’s just like this!" Yang Ming nodded. "But my car was driven back by the nightmare. Do you have a car?"

"I am driving my dad's car, but it is too late today, I can't go back and pick up the keys!" Xiao Qing shook his head.

"I called the driver to come over." Although Yang Ming did not want to trouble Xiao Wang, but now the family area of ​​the school is still a long distance away from the school gate, where you can stop the taxi, there is no taxi here. Passed.

After Xiao Wang received the phone call from Yang Ming, he was very happy to respond. This made Yang Ming feel relieved. Yang Ming did not want his own men to become complaining, but now it seems that Xiao Wang is still willing to serve himself. of.

It is not far from the place where Xiao Wang lives, because for the convenience of Yang Ming, the famous entertainment group has provided a house to Xiao Wang in this neighborhood. Although the property of the house is still company, it is small after decoration. Wang and his girlfriend lived free of charge, which means that he would not move out of the house as long as he was a driver of Yang Ming.

In fact, Yang Ming used Xiao Wang very well and did not quit his meaning. Even if he left, after going to Yunnan, Yang Ming did not intend to quit Xiao Wang. At that time, Xiao Wang could also give Jing Xiaoyu and his father. Drive.

Yang Ming and Xiao Qing got on the bus together. Xiao Wang knew Xiao Qing and knew that Xiao Qing was Yang Ming’s dry sister, but even if he didn’t know, he wouldn’t say anything. Xiao Wang is not a multi-word person, for Yang. Ming's private life, Xiao Wang is not to hear.

This is also the reason why Yang Ming likes to use Xiao Wang, because Yang Ming will not do some extraordinary things in the face of Xiao Wang, but he will also take a different girl to ride. Xiao Wang obviously pretends not to pretend. I saw that even the expression of surprise was not there.

Yang Ming told Xiao Jie the address of the apartment on the side of Sun Jie. Xiao Wang nodded and started the car and quickly drove to Sun Jie's apartment.

When he came to the door of Sun Jie's apartment, Yang Ming called Xiao Wang to leave. After all, Sun Jie also had a car, and more than one, I wouldn't need Xiao Wang's car tomorrow morning.

However, Xiao Wang asked before he left: "Yang Ge, when do I need to pick you up?"

"No, I will drive back tomorrow." Yang Ming waved his hand: "If you need to, I will contact you again."

"That's OK, I always turn on, you can call at any time!" Xiao Wang nodded.

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