So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1961: you're so smart

The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-one chapters are really smart.

"" The short robbers glared at Yang Ming, and some of them couldn’t speak! Handcuffs, grabbed the dagger? This is a lot of speed, how can you not feel it?

"I, I, I." Yang Ming said: "What happened to me? Do you recognize me?"

Yang Ming’s words, let the two robbers sneak, what made you recognize me? Is there any identity of Yang Ming?

"You... are you a policeman?" A horrified thought came out in the hearts of the tall robbers! Do not blame him for thinking so much, Yang Ming is so powerful, and still not afraid of them robbers, is this ordinary people? And Yang Ming also asked them to recognize that I am coming, then he is afraid that the police are no doubt!

The brothers also know that although some of the victims did not dare to report the case, there are still some people who will report the case, so the police still got some clues, and also carried out several blitz operations, dressed as a couple strolling around here, but These two people are very alert. They can also be distinguished from those who are dressed up by the police. If they are not right, they will stop committing crimes for a while, but they have not been caught by the police.

Now Yang Ming said that they naturally regard Yang Ming as the police to catch them.

"No." Yang Ming shook his head and denied their guess.

“Ah?” Yang Ming’s answer was to make the two robbers high and low, and he was not a policeman. Why isn’t the police asking this question? Also ask what "Do you recognize me coming"?

Of course, they never thought that Yang Ming would lie to them. It was obviously the police and said no, because in this case, the two of them were arrested on the way to the robbery. It is impossible to deny it, so Yang Ming is the police. If that, it will definitely recognize it directly, and then bring the two to justice!

As long as Yang Mingyi fired a gun, even if they were both powerful, they would not dare to resist! After all, although they both asked themselves well, they are not gun opponents!

Since Yang Ming said that he is not a policeman, the two of them have decided to make a big decision, and they have also initiated a swearing. As long as they kill Yang Ming, there is nothing wrong with it!

Then he said: "What do you mean by asking this? You are not a policeman, but also ask us if we don't know you? Are you a big man?"

In this case, he is also testing the background of Yang Ming. In case Yang Ming is a more famous person, is a rich second generation or a second generation official, then if he kills Yang Ming, Yang Ming is missing, I am afraid It still makes a lot of trouble, and he can't get away with it.

"You didn't recognize me?" Yang Ming was disappointed. "But I recognize you coming."

"Do you recognize us? What do you mean?" The tall robbers looked at Yang Ming inexplicably: "Do you know us?"

"A few years ago, on the edge of this beach, you robbed me, you forgot? At that time, it was about the same as now." Yang Ming reminded.

"Oh? We also robbed you a few years ago? Is it almost the same?" The short robber took a sigh and said, "You said, your girlfriend was played by us before? That's right, play again. Once again, you have nothing to lose! What are you doing here to push the three obstacles, do you really want to die?"

Yang Ming’s words made it easier for a lover to rob a robber. In his opinion, Yang Ming’s girlfriend looks so beautiful. If he robbed it a few years ago, it’s definitely not let go. Have been played by their brothers!

In this way, he is even more determined in his heart, not afraid of what Yang Ming will play.

"I haven’t played." Yang Ming shook his head, and some sympathetically looked at the short robber and said: "Your memory seems to be really not good!"

"Don't play? How is this possible? With her appearance, I can't let it go?" The short robbers had a clear glimpse, and some couldn't figure it out, but he suddenly exclaimed: "Yes, I I know, your previous girlfriend was not her! Before that, we were played by us, so you were jealous, you changed a new one! I guess right? Hahahaha!"

The short robbers figured this out and suddenly arrived for their IQ! I am too genius, and such complicated reasoning can be solved at once!

"It seems not quite right." Yang Ming shook his head and said.

"No? No?" The short robbers looked at Yang Ming with some doubts: "Oh, I know!"

"Do you know?" Yang Ming was a little surprised.

"I know, that is, you have two wives!" The short robber wanted to say.

"Wow, you are so smart! It's just too smart!" Yang Ming was even more surprised: "But I don't just have two wives, I have a lot of wives!"

"Hey? So your kid is quite rich, is it a rich second generation?" The short robbers thought of Yang Ming's identity, suddenly awkward, it seems that killing Yang Ming is not alright? This kid has a lot of wives, and at first glance, it is the richest son who has so many girls.

"No." Yang Ming shook his head: "I am a little bit small, but not much."

So, the short robbers are puzzled, a little bit small, not much? So, is this kid a little white face? Thinking of this, the short robber said: "Are you a little white face?"

"Do you think I am so dark, white?" Yang Ming is a little dumbfounding.

"What the **** are you? Is it a ball?" The short robbers are going crazy.

"The last time you saw her was her, not everyone else, but we ran. I also raised your face with sand. Have you forgotten?" Yang Ming played almost, so he told the short man to rob. Making the truth: "You have failed to do this robber, and you have forgotten the shame and shame..."

"My grass! It's your little rabbit!" The short robber was reminded by Yang Ming that he finally remembered who was in front of him: "Brother, this kid! I remembered, that was the little bastard. Raised us with sand, your pink eye is like this!"

The tall robber also recognized Yang Minglai, and suddenly he was three feet high: "Yes, I remembered it! Kid, we were looking for you for a month, you have never been to the beach, you have to mention it, We really forgot about this, but since you said it, let’s count the new accounts together! Today, don’t even think about leaving!”

"The same tricks are ineffective for Saint Seiya. It is also ineffective for our brothers! Don't expect to use the previous tricks to deal with us!" The short robber also said: "Kid, you give I am waiting to die! I can run away without thinking!"

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