So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1962: Injury, accidental injury

The first thousand nine hundred and sixty-two chapters were accidentally injured and injured.

"I didn't even think about running away. I want to run long before I ran. Will I talk to you nonsense here?" Yang Ming smiled and looked at the short robber, full of ridicule.

"Hey, you can't run without running!" The short robber sneered a sneer: "Brother, let's kill him today!"

"Okay," the tall robber also nodded, and the eyes crossed a sizzling color, and then the two men forced Yang Ming together.

"Fortunately, my buddy, I am prepared. Don't think that you can change your magic to take my dagger to the cow. Force the Quartet, let you see the way of the brother!" The tall robber took out a battery from his pocket. When the stick comes, the push button is pressed, and the spark of the infiltration is ejected. It is scary.

"Let you taste the taste of electric roasting people!" The short robbers also took out an electric baton. The dagger is just a scary thing. To deal with the average person, they only have to take out the dagger and the other party has already gone, but To deal with some of the **** who are a little bit of a skill, they still have a post-attack, otherwise they have been crossing the beach for many years, how can they succeed for the second time? I have to meet some talents, isn’t it awkward? Of course, the embarrassment is small. If you leave it to the police after you finish it, then they will be miserable!

So they also have a trick, to deal with such people, they use electric batons! Of course, they have been doing business for so many years, and they can buy them if they want to buy black guns. But after all, if the guns are used, it is easy to make big mistakes and hurt people with guns. Even if the parties do not report to the police, go to the hospital. The hospital will also report to the police. At that time, the police investigated and I am afraid that they have no choice but to run.

However, there is nothing wrong with electric shocks on electric batons. The victims go to hospital for treatment, and the hospital will not report to the police. Most of the victims will be able to go unpunished if they think they are unlucky.

So they like to use electric batons, they are very lethal, and there is not much danger.

The tall robber and the short robbers smiled and then raised the electric baton like Yang Ming!

Yang Ming’s mouth is a sneer, and this means, threatening people?

After the height of the robbers and the short robbers approached, Yang Ming suddenly flew up and kicked directly on the acupuncture points of the tall robbers. The tall robbers’ hands were abrupt. Suddenly, the direction was changed uncontrollably, and the electric baton was directly thrown onto the short robber!

The short robbers suddenly made a scream of "squeaky", then began to tremble and jumped up the disco.

"You, he. What do you want to do, you want to kill me!" The short robber screamed. The voltage control of this electric baton is just right. It can make people's electricity very painful, but it won't faint. This is also the reason why the tall and short robbers are afraid of making people's lives and deliberately adjusting the voltage threshold, but today they are used for their first time.

The tall robber was shocked and quickly released the button that was held down. Somesteriously looked at the love robber: "I didn't mean it, this kid kicked me and kicked my arm. Crooked……"

The short robbers were trembled by the electric, and some of the stations were unstable. He glanced at Yang Ming and grinned. "You don't have to be a kid, wait for me to die, you will know the taste." It!"

Although, the short robbers think that Yang Ming's skills are good, but he thinks that he has an electric baton in hand, as long as he is brave, if he is a little bit, he should be able to die Yang Ming.

As a result, the short robbers launched a second round of attack on Yang Ming. He waved the electric baton and rushed to Yang Ming, and the tall robbers did the same. He also learned to be smart this time, not to robbery with the short man. Make a side by side, so as not to be accidentally injured by Yang Ming.

However, this kind of skill of the two people is simply a cloud for Yang Ming. They can't even call their opponents. The reason why Yang Ming played with them is because he remembered the past and Suya's past, and felt some excitement. So I left them to the present, otherwise Yang Ming had already kicked them into the sea.

Looking at the two people's anger, Suya also felt almost the same, so to Yang Mingdao: "Well, don't make trouble with them, we have to go somewhere else?"

Yang Ming nodded after listening to Su Ya’s words, then he squatted on the lower abdomen of the tall robber, and suddenly the tall robber was thrown out, then plopped and fell heavily. In the sea, half a mile can't climb.

Yang Ming’s hand is not idle here. When the short robber is close, he kicks it out and hits the short robber’s hand. He only listens to “咔嚓” and directly puts his The arm was broken.

"Your IQ is really too low. I have been robbed by you once. I dare to stand here and talk to you without running away. Do you not realize anything?" Yang Ming ignored the mourning of the short robber. , the homeopathic point on him a few times, he can not move.

The short robber was a little surprised. When Yang Ming came over, he wanted to run away. However, Yang Ming casually touched it a few times. His hands and feet seemed to be uncomfortable. If it wasn’t for the broken arm, he even gave pain. I must think that my hands and feet are not his own!

"What happened to me? What happened to me? What did you do to me? Why can't my hands and feet move? What the **** is going on?" The short robber yelled in horror.

Yang Ming did not pay attention to him, sealed his acupuncture point, and stepped up to the tall robbers to go over!

The tall robber, when I saw that the situation was a little wrong, I wanted to run, and I couldn’t care if the clothes were wet. I jumped up from the sea and glanced at the short robber who was not moving on the ground. Hesitated, this Time is not a time to ask for brotherhood, if you don't run again, I am afraid I can't run away!

So, he yelled: "Brother, it’s not a brother who cares about you, he is self-sufficient! I ran first, you have to hold on!"

When the short robbers were told that they had been abandoned, they suddenly felt sad, but he knew it until now. The words of the tall robbers were also true. The kid was too surprised, and the hard work was over. The problem is that he casually put a few points on him, so that he can't move. What is the trick? How have you never seen it before?

With a few clicks, you can't move.

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